Alyssa Farah Griffin, Trump's former White House director of strategic communications, discusses how Cassidy Hutchinson is doing following her bombshell testimony to the Jan. 6 committee. #CNN #News
Ex-Trump official describes conversation with Hutchinson after bombshell testimony

Don’t be distracted by claims of ‘hearsay’. That goes to whether evidence can be admitted in court, not Congress. The key is that Hutchinson testified under oath. If she was lying, she faces felony charges. The same can’t be said for those trying to discredit her testimony.
@becky doesit you would have preferred Trump had?
@Nathanael Culver It means what it says. I know Americans have trouble with English, but REALLY!
@Nathanael Culver some people are capable of making precise, accurate statements without lawyers. The fact that you can’t is telling.
@Andrew Jenkinson Very true ! Most Americans cannot speak nor read the English language correctly..
Testify in front of Congress under oath… Do your duty Secret Service. The president is not above the law.
@Arlene Johnson thats like when u said he colluded with russia and it didnt happen lol
Committee won’t call them to testify, it will destroy the narrative of this clown show.
Last fight
Cool discussion. Definitely out of the ordinary.
@Cropper Copper I feel better now
@Cropper Copper the other stuff she testified about first hand weren’t even remotely interesting…like omg Trump has a temper
Three liars or one liar with lots to lose trying to CYA?
It’s definitely most likely that Ornato talked about what he shouldn’t have and now is CYA.
You got it.
Macho dude trying to impress the attractive Assistant of a Big Shot.
I mean really, this is Textbook stuff we all see everyday at work.
Exactly how did these lawyers get paid and are they representing the staffers or the Former Guy.
Both questions I hope the committee will get answers to.
Last fight
El Chapollini must testify fully, and explain what He meant with, ” if we march to the Capitol, we will be charged with every crime inmagible ” what crimes?
@raidermaxx23 *…half a brain knows
@raidermaxx23 Why don’t you name the crime then instead of using caps lock?
@James Madison – bs. They both testified already! Now they need to testify again to answer the questions about what happened in the “beast”. How much you wanna bet they’ll refuse, because they know they’ll have to perjure themselves to stick by the story that nothing happened?
“We know they are lying.
They know they are lying.
They know that we know they are lying.
We know that they know that we know that they are lying.
And still they continue to lie.”
– Alexander Solzhenitsyn
tasak 3
@IMY123 SPAM. This is spam DO DON CLICK ON IT. It is a video of a person playing a shooter game and they are not even good. SPAM.
If there is a national security threat and a homeland security threat, why can’t the 1/6 Committee have more time to show the country the whole body of evidence?
Why do guilt people always invoke the 5th????
Because there is none. It’s all a distraction to keep you from asking where the 800billion went.
Executive Privilege needs to be legally defined by the law as specifically as possible. Since the White House Counsel does not work for the “president” and is NOT his personal attorney but works for the governmental office of the White House no executive privilege should be claimed. Technically it cannot be used on several issues as Trump is no longer in office and only a current president can claim this and possible crimes being investigated override the use of EP.
@jaime patena so when do hunter and Joe take the stand on the Ukrainian/Russian money accusals/scandals?
You regurgitate word soup like most everyone else,
What is your favorite flavor of koolaid cherry or fruit punch ?
Even though he’s WH counsel, his conversations with a president is protected under Executive Privilege. The reason is that the POTUS has to feel comfortable in talking to those he works with — however, only the sitting president has EP
@H K S With respect, I believe that the argument made by the panel stated that Mr. Cippolone functioned as the White House Counsel. Thus, his responsibility adhered to the office (an abstract) and not to the occupant of said office (a specific individual). Cippolone served neither as Trump’s lawyer nor as the president’s lawyer, but as a legal guardian/protector of the (exalted) office.
Cippalone needs to tell everything. The future of our democracy is on the line. There is no executive privilege when crimes are involved. Besides, Cippalone was attorney representing the White House for the people, and not Donald Trump.
@Cid Sapient of course our federal government is a democracy. The senate and house are both elected by direct democratic voters, and in fact the house is set up to represent people directly in terms of population. The president is elected by the electoral college, and in all but 2 states. Electoral voters vote in keeping with the majority in that state. 2 states, Maine is one and I forget the other, apportion their electoral votes to be in keeping with the percentages of the popular votes.
@kpokpojiji the federal govt is not a democracy
“The senate and house are both elected by direct democratic voters”
that is not a democracy… that is a republic as in u are voting for representatives…
a direct democracy means everyone votes on laws…
He should be disbarred if he refuses to testify.
@kpokpojiji seriously it really shows that english is not ur first language…
obviously laws in california and new york are no good for other parts of the country, they have the most crime in the country
and to insinuate they are based on their economies is disingenuous to put it politely
Note: If you’re testifying about crimes, don’t use a lawyer paid by the criminals.
That’s what Elie Honig basically said. He also said, he was a lawyer in mob cases. 45 even said the MOB uses the 5th when the truth will get them in trouble!
tasak 3
U r right that is why she has her own personal lawyer.
9:57 I’m guessing the trolls didn’t watch to the end – Elie Honig nailed it. Olivia Troye said the same about Ornato.
@spinupallmissiles Where did you get your law degree? BTW, you should occasionally read some of The Code of Laws of the United States. You’ll find your answers there on whether any laws were broken. But you seem to be one of those people who feel more secure with your head stuck in the sand.
@spinupallmissiles There’s a correlation between emotional intelligence and one’s ability to detect a narcissist.
@Aegis “emotional intelligence”?
Uhh……. alrighty then…. moving on…..
Stormi Daniel’s had the same threats posed to her regarding her affair with Trump.
“And a guy walked up on me and said to me, ‘Leave Trump alone. Forget the story.’ And then he leaned around and looked at my daughter and said, ‘That’s a beautiful little girl. It’d be a shame if something happened to her mom.’
The pattern of behavior is blatant.
@Utah Getmetwo what’s a woman?
@Proper nah he won easy lol
It’s a real sorry fact that there will be those who will try and tear down her testimony and character comes with the territory. A real sorry fact..facts are not important, alternative facts are acceptable. I truly hope she has some security after all this.There are those extremists that will go through any lengths to change the end game.
Griffin’s interview is as explosive as the Jan 6th hearing. Wow.
What legitimate privilege can exist when the questions being asked involve a criminal matter? The rules of legal privilege explicitly rule out asserting privilege when criminality is involved.
all these people who are saying that she is lying, but then when its time to testify under oath, they refuse or cant do it. THey try to put that seed of doubt in the truth teller by the public, and thats all they need to do.
This roundtable talk is one of the best discussions of its kind I have ever witnessed. It was sensible. Statements were qualified when necessary. There were no guests talking over the the statements of others. The hosts kept control, but ensured all points were made the panelists. This was, indeed, well done.
Last fight
tasak 3
It’s nice to listen to people who are sane, isn’t it.
How does an attorney for the us have executive privilege when he’s not the president’s personal counsel
Why would she lie when she is literally puts her own life and safety in jeopardy by testifying?
A book deal, truck loads of money, fame and everyone talking about her. Sounds like a classic narc to me.
@Dem Cheeks get better at liking comments that agree with you