David Schoen, Donald Trump's former impeachment trial lawyer, talks with CNN's John Berman about the New York Times report suggesting that Trump knew what documents he had and didn't want to return them, telling his advisers "It's not theirs, it's mine." #cnn #News
Ex-Trump lawyer defends Trump against NYT report

“Representing Steve Bannon…” THAT will assure you a place in Hell.
You could never scrub off the smell
Bannon is always defendable from reductionism. That is this guy’s “skill set”. I can only be glad that I took the time to waste these guys when it was still possible in first and second year university arts classes (while the majority left arts for economics, lol. Not that they could think outside ent box of corporate, but anyway). I am sure that they continue to fart in my general direction and forget they lost every argument, but still, I remember. It means that I can continue to be a bitchy old woman with glee.

Anything to make a buck….It would be smarter to stand on a street with a tin cup.
This lawyer – you’re better off knowing what’s in the affidavit at this stage so you can test it. Sure, if you’re the defendant. There’s a reason there is a well known long standing policy not to comment on ongoing investigations. Trump’s a citizen now, let him wait for his day in court like any of us would.
Edit: Well, apparently YT is now a cesspit of bots…
Thank you your comment is 10000% on point. This lawyer is a moron if he think it’s okay with releasing the details of a ongoing and active criminal investigation.
Report the bots for hate speech, spam or graphic violence
@My Name his strategy appears to be to let trump do what trump does to shout lie s and scream persecution, because with any luck that public trashing of the facts will make a real trial almost impossible.
This Lawyer specializes in defending Russia’s working crew in the US and he still won’t defend Trump.
Going from a civil rights lawyer representing the ACLU to calling it an honor to rep Trump and Bannon is a very weird bag
I don’t believe “Insinuate yourself into the conversation” is a thing. Am I wrong?
That’s one helluva “bag,” I’ll say myself. Dude must have sniffed trump’s undies, for way to long. Good grief!
@Ernie Burns

“Ex”- Trump lawyer still defending him ! I can not believe how they stick with him !
yeah! what’s up with that!!!
U been fed by the wrong news media, I once didn’t have a side before, I thought it everything was perfect during 2016 and until pandemic hits everything flushed down the toilet in America. politics wasn’t my thing, but even I myself attracts very easy to trump then the Democrats, Trump speaks mean according from different perspectives but at least he’s being himself rather than control by the government.
Ask him if the stable genius paid him in full for his legal work?
Or at all
@You’re Gonna Hate This Why do you care? Trump made America great again. Just say thank you!
@Elizabeth Stanley i trust news outlets that have publishing license not ones liscensed as entertainment . check small print on even news max magazine what u will find raises eyebrows if u look
@Kevin Hoffman Kevin, if you have common sense, it’s not hard to figure out what is fake news and what isn’t. It’s very easy to detect!
What a sad lawyer that must be for him to consider it a great honor to represent Donald Trump hahahahah
he is a president, not a dishwasher ok,
A great honor to represent the least honorable person in history…
Great honor to represent Trump? That tells me everything I need to know about this man, and isn’t good.
Yup if people don’t hate who you hate then you hate them as well.
“He didn’t believe he was doing anything wrong by refusing to turn over these documents ”
Who in their right mind would want such a weak minded person that refuses to listen to advisors as president

@RazedinAz1107 Yeah.. it quickly is summed up as “he refused to believe he was doing anything wrong.” Which is not an excuse.
@gacj2010 wtf are you talking about?
The f#*k he didn’t.
In Germany we have a saying:
“Unwissenheit schützt vor Strafe nicht.”
Which roughly translates to:
“Ignorance doesn’t protect you from punishment”
Nobody here would come up with the argument “well he just didn’t know it was not allowed” because everyone would laugh at this person immediately and people know that so they would just stfu about that part
We have the same rule/law here that ignorance of the law is *not* an excuse!
Joining a legal team whose defense has already been established as “the FBI planted evidence” and “I declassified everyone one of those documents” just doesn’t sound enticing.
In Trump world, that’s enough to skate on just about anything as demonstrated throughout his privileged life.
a lawyer calls that ‘arguing in the alternative’ and it’s a much used tactic in court.
If you are trying to transition from reality, to trump cult fame, it does.
Well, “I delcassified every one of those documents” won’t be used as a defense for two reasons: 1) If the documents are marked classified, they must be treated and stored as classified even if the information has been declassified. 2) None of the three laws mentioned in the search warrant has anything to do with whether or not the documents are classified.
This is the kind of lawyer who would have been greatly honored to represent Benedict Arnold.
I didnt know he wanted to represent Lynn Cheney..????….
@David Cat …Yes! And, how about Trump’s 2 male oldest offspring? They are emotional wreaks! On video, on TV, no less. Jr is crying about the poor Americans who are victims, every day it happens – victims of search and seizures-some are guilty, some are innocent.
Profession that attracts the most Sociopaths – Lawyers. Most politicians are Lawyers too. Double whammy.
When we don’t have answers to “was he naive?” asked of a former president, it is not normal. The question that the reporter should ask: Should a former president be held to a higher standard of understanding the laws of the land?
Trump definitely has a higher standard for laws…
As they apply to OTHERS.
Holding someone at least as accountable as the average American seems a no-brainer. None of the interviewers note that Presidents have lawyers for everything they deal with: Constitutional law, the different branches of government, Environmental, foreign and domestic laws, treaties, etc., so they should actually be held to a higher standard but the opposite seems to be true.
Like Obama ?
Two questions: 1) To this lawyer, what is honor? 2) What is it about Donald Trump that makes is it an honor to represent him?
@Ape Like Thinking like signing a two page peace treaty with the taliban, effectively giving Afghanistan back to the taliban? and then having that rejected, he sweetened the deal by releasing 5000 imprisoned taliban fighters? then left no evacuation plan? like that? can you tell me why trump supporters know so little about trump? or anything else?
@Ape Like Thinking His Bigotry was crystal Clear!
He’s the kind of lawyer that responds to flattery. Like Trump.
I cannot believe this former “civil rights” lawyer just spouted right-wing rhetoric! WTF?!?
1 Sassy Nana Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
It’s a sickness
*This is what actually happened. This video is not for children, it’s shocking* ALLTIME.ML
Mr. Dunn – respect to you.
@Accutronitis The 2nd

@BJ Smith Well said!
@Lesco Brandon I’m hoping to be trumps cell mate. I’m certain he will be inmate of the month. He will win cutest smile. And most likely to succeed. My nickname is ceed
2:42 “ He’s ( Trump) been incredibly gracious”
Of course he has , he wants something. I’m sure every individual that has ever invested in any of Trump’s failed business schemes would say that he was incredibly gracious,initially. When he wanted something out of them that is. I’m sure he’s not so nice when asking for their money back. This is how people like Trump get what they want. We have all seen how ungracious he becomes when people stand up to him.
Rewatched that part a couple of times because it sounded to me like he said “uncredibly gracious” which seems like an incredibly accurate Freudian slip.
Sure he’s “gracious” when he wants something…
“Gimme a break..”
“The country depends on information.” .. while Team Trump is constantly spewing out misinformation.
Attorney double-talk. He knows what information should be released, and what should not.
@Ron K Exactly. Very likely: he’s never advocated for disclosure in any prior federal investigation where unwarranted and a violation of a client’s civil rights.
He absolutely knew what he had in his possession, since just years earlier he had accused his running opponent of mishandling classified material.
1 Benjamin Chavez Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
It still amazes me how adult professionals continue to make excuses for the former POTUS -let alone, an adult who behaves more like a bad child than a Leader of the Free World.
1 Jonathan Friar Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer