Ex-Trump economic adviser lays out what reopening the economy could look like

Christiane Amanpour speaks to Gary Cohn, former economic adviser to President Donald Trump about how to reopen the economy following the coronavirus pandemic.


    1. @Chug-A-Lug Doug Actually it’s a known FACT that Democrats support LGBTQ 😳
      tinyurl.com/v2r8dgt 👀

  1. May 1st? yeah, right. It’s way too soon for most businesses. And corporate cubicles won’t be filled anytime soon.

    1. Maybe Trump can fill those cubicles with crash test dummies take pictures and then say he successfully restarted the economy.

    1. @Mr. Greatness Where did I say anything about relying on China for anything dumbass ??? I mentioned trumputin praising China you as it pertains to the virus fucktard…… please try to keep up

    2. @Mr. Greatness still doesn’t apply..damn are you ignorant and I don’t have time for YOUR ignorance

    3. No it’s an economic disaster right now it’s just a month… Corona will be the last thing on your mind with 30% of America out of work and looking for a buck

    4. @brian gardner and how far away is your hospital? How many beds? How many icu beds? Once you have a problem, what is your capacity ?

  2. Don Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest yesterday looking for a place to land and take a nap he’s been flying over it pretty often here lately

    1. @Jamtommy1 OMG Conald Drumpf just added his 23 sexual victims to his fake administration. Finally some people that tell the truth in this joke of a WH.

  3. At whose risk Sir? Pppllllleeeaaassseee?ok let this people be a bait for this virus , easy for you to say , you’re not gonna be out there, it’s the people?

  4. He is saying if one group of workforce gets sick they dont cross contaminate? Wow if you get virus too bad for you

    1. @conference Justice I saw all this coming in 07, I flipped a couple houses took the proceeds and invested in Costa Rican real estate. Now I’m sitting pretty, retired after 20 years of psych work.

      You probably flipped a couple of cardboard boxes and sold them to a bunch of homeless people that Obama had took away.

  5. Trump: “My authority is total, right up until the moment it’s time to take responsibility, and then my name’s Bennett, and I ain’t in it.”

    1. @Dusty Rains That is not what Trump said. He *_explijcitly_* said in that clip _”They let you do it”_ which is the same as saying they concent.
      So… Do you now want to explain why when it is republicans then child molester democrats believe all women, but when it is a pedophile democrat, then the women is a liar? What about kiddie fiddler rapist Bill Clinton? You didn’t believe all women there either, even there was actual evidence?

    2. @Dusty Rains Let me ask you something.
      *_Do you believe that all white people are born racists? YES or NO_*
      This is a claim very much used by child molester pedophile fascist democrats.
      I want to know whether you agree to it.

    3. @LOOK UP: 21 Quotes by Margaret Sanger I don’t think you are arguing in good faith. I cannot imagine how much you were abused as a child. I am so sorry.

  6. Open up so fools like him can keep making money on our backs no thank you! Those wages and healthcare isn’t enough to cover the COVID cost to our lives

    1. Don’t open up and have no food, it will run out at some point.
      It doesn’t get from the farm to your plate without processing, storage and transportation.

  7. If the economy is opened too early, disease and death will follow shortly after
    What’s the point in having an economy if no one is alive to feed it?

    1. @Sylvester Woodest That’s an interesting analogy. Not sure what it has to do with this. I’m proposing he is going to have to make the call eventually. As he said, it will be the biggest decision of his life. Right now you have probably have a >1% mortality rate from the corona. You get into a depression and now you can add to the problem (as horrible as it is) window jumpers, runaway suicides, food lines, no work, no jobs, no homes, no money. You’re going to increase that morality rate to 10% to 20% with no end in sight. Take your pick.

    2. Telecastvids. Trump doesn’t care, our Prime Minister caught Coronavirus which was good, now he knows how it feels. How the mighty nearly popped his clogs for 10 days in St Thomas’s Hospital. Pray one of Trumps men catch Coronavirus maybe they will learn

    3. So this virus has 100% mortality rate. Am I missing something.. Hospitals are empty it’s only people like willing to collapse the American economy

    4. David Guelette either way we can’t keep closed… China is not a consumer society we are… Americans are broke, that’s why they sent everyone a a grand

  8. Trump : ” There are only 15 cases and within couple of days it will go down to zero” .
    Now it’s 23000 deaths and half million cases.

    Moral : Do not Elect a Bullshitter as President.

    1. @DAVID GOERTZ Go to a Trump rally. Give high fives & fist bumps, all around. Maybe, let him grab your girl by the… It will all be “perfect,” right?

  9. So we’re just going to open the economy back up no cure for this virus or anything, just carry on as usual 🤦🏾‍♀️


    2. No, you can stay home if you want to. Stay home forever and watch the fake news get owned by this president.

    3. Yep it’s called having a pair we gotta eat if you can get by without it by all means do that but I have worked every day of this and I’m fine I got no money as usual but I’m fed and I got part of a roof

  10. The most important thing about re-starting the economy; Testing, Testing, and TESTING! And, I don’t think this Administration can do that by May 1st, and probably not even June 1st! I would be very happy to be proven wrong! I don’t think that happen based on the POTUS” track record!

    1. @Catherine Wacker
      🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 TRUMP 2020

    1. @Metal Michael lol. Trumpputinpuppets enthusiasm. Lol. Trump endorsed another this time Wisconsin. The democrat won. The republiCON died. Under Trump everything dies

  11. Living in New York, i want to get back out just like anyone that’s been cooped up, but I am nervous about it. I don’t want to catch this virus !


    2. @DAVID GOERTZ Trump got the first inkling in November in December he was warned again in January he was warned again in February he was warned again Trump a fuk up pure and simple

    1. @Howard I saw that bit of video. A reporter asked King Chump if he took responsibility for the lack of testing capability in the US. He said, “I take absolutely no responsibility”. Do you really think that is not going to be the epitaph for his presidency. Trust me. It will be. No context needed. For someone as media savvy as King Chump is supposed to be, his own words are going to get Biden elected. His presidency is effectively over. Blue state governors are getting together as a group on the West Coast and East Coast and doing what they think is best, and that is enraging the orange turd. King Chump sees this as “mutiny”. He is completely out of touch with reality. Only a complete idiot would use the term “mutiny”.

    2. He shouldn’t. He’s wanted to close borders for how long now? But he’d be called the all powerful word of “racist”. Why don’t you let these incoming “doctors and engineers” into your house?

    3. @Tom Dower Closed borders = no more WalMart. No more Target. No more Amazon. No more lettuce. No more meat. No more apples, pears, cherries. No more tomatoes, no more almonds, or tree nuts of any kind. No more anything grown in the ground. Maybe your kids would want to replace those people out in the fields, doing stoop labor for less than minimum wages? Check with them on that then get back to us.

    4. Dusty Rains commercial fights. Not trading Trading is essential to the economy. We both agree it cannot collapse because society will go with it

    5. @Tom Dower No more commercial flights? Seriously? Have you thought this out? Even now there are commercial flights. Close down intercontinental commercial flights, you close down the world economy. And bankrupt dozens of airlines. And bankrupt many US based companies with overseas operations.

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