Ex-Trump aides recount ‘messy’ handling of classified information in Trump White House

Olivia Troye, a former adviser to Vice President Mike Pence, and Stephanie Grisham, former White House press secretary, discuss times when they experienced classified information being mishandled during Donald Trump’s presidency. #CNN #News


  1. Next Trump will claim that antifa snuck into the White House and stole the boxes of classified documents, and then they broke into Mar-a-Lago and planted the documents on the property.

    Trump supporters: “Sounds legit.”

  2. Notice that they have shifted to suggest that he did not know what he was pilfering. It is obvious to anyone who has simply observed his behavior that he is motivated by his insatiable greed. He took items that he could monetize to a mark that would want sensitive documents. He is a traitor.

    1. @Poe Lemic He could never risk appearing before the Judiciary. He’s incapable of understanding his vulnerability. He takes things for money.

    1. @swagedelic Most definitely. There should be ample evidence and a trail of paperwork to show exactly when, where, and to whom that money has moved to.

      Not to mention when those two were “senior advisors” they made MILLIONS. That could not have been on the up and up.

  3. Wow! At what point do Republicans realize that supporting the former President is anti-American and what America 🇺🇸 stands for? These are scary times for the security of our country

    1. @Dave Ruckert Liz knew this could cost her the seat. She’s a Cheney; she isn’t out of the game. While I disagree with her policy positions, I cheered for her on the J6 commission.

    2. It’s astounding that someone of that quality of competence, character, and discretion actually got elected to the highest office. Says a lot about the American constituency.

    1. It’s time to pick a side. This isn’t about right vs left, conservative v liberal. We have the same goal-to survive. Don’t fall for the Hegelian dialectic. Open your eyes. Your lens is fogged up by deceit. Please consider this:👇

  4. You can give someone a fine because of sloppiness, but holding the documents because they are cool and taking them with you once out of the office is not a mistake. The last act was intentional and criminal, and they were begging him to get away with it and he gave them the middle finger. Maybe you get a plea deal with him but it has to be a felony, and I suspect he will give them the middle finger. I think the leaking was the secret service detail, probably a house guard, if they see a crime they report it and they become a mole once that happens for that active crime.

    1. It’s time to pick a side. This isn’t about right vs left, conservative v liberal. We have the same goal-to survive. Don’t fall for the Hegelian dialectic. Open your eyes. Your lens is fogged up by deceit. Please consider this:👇

  5. How could we ever allow someone so wreck-less and so criminal to ever have access to our state secrets again?

  6. MY QUESTION is: how many documents has Trump already SOLD to other countries like Russia, North Korea, China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc.?

  7. Donnie after FBI search: I will co-operate with all relevant Government Agencies.
    Donnie next day: The FBI planted the evidences.
    Donnie a few days later: I declassified all TS-SCI documents.
    Donnie under Oath: I take the fifth…440+ times.

  8. Jim, answering your question “he kept those documents because he saw that he could make lots of money selling them. That’s all!

    1. @Bruce Bridges Oh, not me! Just have been watching from afar with growing horror and dismay from across the pond. Like a horror show that never ends.

    2. @K K same…it is like watching a car crash in slow motion… horrifying and fascinating in equal measure

    3. It’s time to pick a side. This isn’t about right vs left, conservative v liberal. We have the same goal-to survive. Don’t fall for the Hegelian dialectic. Open your eyes. Your lens is fogged up by deceit. Please consider this:👇

  9. This is what happens when you elect people who have zero qualifications for the job
    This man spent his whole life blaming others everytime he failed at something
    It’s disgusting to me that Americans are so ill informed and so badly educated that they can be convinced by a snake oil salesman about any damned thing in this day and age

    1. @Taj HadawayHe was lucky not the get the worst of the supply chain disruption and the repercussions of the Russian war in Ukraine. Don’t you know what the hell is going on in the whole world? He wouldn’t have fared any better if he were the current president.

    2. I have heard that a lot of Trumpsters signed up to vote when they got their drivers license renewed but never voted until Trump came along.When Clinton proposed “motor voter” , I thought “Why does he want to register people to vote that are so disinterested in politics that they wouldn’t have walked across the street from getting their drivers license to register at the registrar’s office?” Now we know the consequences of this liberal folly.

  10. There’s a big difference between reading security briefings and knowing which documents will make a profit.

    1. That’s why he took so many documents. He’d have his pal Putin appraise them later. A guy who never demonstrated he could read beyond a first-grade level and demanded his security briefs be given in cartoon form, is hardly someone that would start taking complex security documents home to study. Sell sure, study no way.

    2. COME ON… does ANYONE believe he actually even read these things? He keeps it because its “cool” to have presidential stuff. And because it might be worth something to someone at some point. Saudis or Russians. Whichever.

    3. @Captain_Context he did it to court controversy and to bolster his failing relevance. Hes just a naughty child he doent care what sort of attention he gets as long as its attention. You want to punish him ignore him.

    4. He didn’t read any briefings like other presidents. They cut briefings down to 3 a day, & bc he couldn’t his attention span was 10-15 mins tops. He was always tweeting, on phone asking Hannity what he should do, or watching news most of the night.

    1. @Jack Hunt I found it funny that you showed wokeness is a disease. That you proved to him what he already knows. That he knows nothing. LOL

  11. My husband had the highest security clearance and he is in shock that Trump could have taken especially thenSCI documents. He said those documents are to be looked at in a room and never removed from that room. Why did Trump have those? How did he get them? If they were declassified they would have been marked as such. Incredible indeed.

  12. “These are two year old documents that are in the presidents office”
    Well they weren’t two years old when he stole them.

    1. @Cathy Gutkowska He was still President when he took them. There are many reasons why Presidents take documents home with them. Every one of the last 5 has done it apparently.

    2. @Cathy Gutkowska In many cases the documents are essentially “their work” and in some cases they can declassify stuff just for the sake of working on it out of the office.

  13. This man has lived a life of entitlement without any consequences. Blaming others for his wrongdoing, his constant misuse of the law shows what a criminal he is.

    1. Yet how many patriotic Americans voted for him. They are supporting him to this day KNOWING what a crook and thorough disgusting individual he is. It’s mind blowing. Any psychology students out there ready to tell us WHY?

    2. It’s time to pick a side. This isn’t about right vs left, conservative v liberal. We have the same goal-to survive. Don’t fall for the Hegelian dialectic. Open your eyes. Your lens is fogged up by deceit. Please consider this:👇

  14. They need to ask Donald 3 questions, 1) why did you take these documents to your home? 2) do you understand the significance of classified material and 3) why didn’t you return the items the first time or the second time when you were asked? He literally had 18 months to address this BEFORE they got to the subpoena, warrant, search phase of all this.

    1. It’s time to pick a side. This isn’t about right vs left, conservative v liberal. We have the same goal-to survive. Don’t fall for the Hegelian dialectic. Open your eyes. Your lens is fogged up by deceit. Please consider this:👇

  15. As a person who had a high level clearance it’s not always the information that is in the document but how that intel may have been obtained. You could be putting security assets at risk for leaking the information. Dangerous and irresponsible.

    1. @Christina jones there is no hard evidence at all it’s all hear say I’m afraid once there is solid evidence then let’s all jump on trump agree

  16. I’m really proud of Stephanie Grisham and Ms. Troy for continuing to come forward with the truth about the Trump administration and Trump world. Why is it so many former Trump women are courageous yet older men in congress/senate are spineless kiss-assers?

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