Jason Van Tatenhove, a former spokesperson for the far-right militia group the Oath Keepers, says that the Republican party is radicalizing and warns about future political violence in the US. #CNN #News
Ex-spokesperson for extremist group issues warning about the GOP

We all need to be paying attention, and luckily many are watching the hearings and they heard this man’s testimony.
They just laughed it off like everything else in this charade.
You don’t beat fascism by being weak and silent.
@renideo I haven’t made fun of anyone’s appearance. You certainly don’t beat fascism by getting swastika neck tattoos.
@wade stanton
I guess you’ve never heard the phrase “don’t judge a book by its cover”. I know plenty of people with tattoos and not once did I judge their character because of their appearance. Sounds more like a YOU problem to me.
@dozzer009 The skin is the cover, the tattoo is what is illustrated
Can this really be happening in the open? What is wrong with the legal system here, it seems to only apply to lower classes.
Thank You Very Much and wish will hear soon from you
@millenniumman75 He already tried to do it, darling.
Accountability is the key.
Let’s be Honest We knew it
Let’s be Honest We knew it
We are currently living in a world that’s eerily similar to 1933 Weimar Germany. Things are about to get very, very bad…
@Jessica Landman I don’t care what you hope I’m saying. Only a fool wants to go back to 1776
@Laura Walker You misspelled democrats.
The Southern Poverty Law Center needs to list the Republican party as a “Hate Group”.
You want the opposition political party made illegal….think about what you are implying.
Well, he didn’t have to get all dressed up to be on national tv.
Take a person take away common sense and accountability you are left with the GOP.
@Ragnad Rabinowitz Said by no sane person.
Thank You Very Much and wish will hear soon from you
“I’ve been helping democracy for many years, behind the scenes….”
Thank You Very Much and wish will hear soon from you
Everybody needs to vote, in every single possible election around you. Pta to congressman/woman, every single elected position!! The only way to ensure that the morphed gop doesn’t disappear any more settled law, or reverse any previous decisions that don’t resemble the handmaiden’s tale…

The GOP has its strongholds ,like it or not.
@Pietro Jenkins yea vote republican make america flow with red.
The media needs to use the phrase “Right wing fascism” regularly, bc that is what Trumpism and today’s GOP are.
@Matt Jackson No, but this time it is.
This guy said exactly what I’ve been wanting to say! Thank you so much for saying “Snake Oil” because that is exactly what Trump is. He is simply a snake oil salesman! You said it for the world to hear! Thank you man
Thank You Very Much and wish will hear soon from you
“..some countries wouldn’t be allowed to hold these hearings.”
And many, many more countries would never need to hold these hearings. So there’s that…
Vote Republican in November and the US will no longer be allowed to have such hearings, either.
Thank You Very Much and wish will hear soon from you
He did seem to be truthful. Hope there are more people like him coming forward too.
@Tele Bubba he’s now gonna be a target for being a sellout.
@Which god of thousands means nothing He was complicit, make no mistake about it!! #Holdthemaccountable
I want to ask why no historian mentions a certain proximity of June 6th (and all preps before) to Hitlers push in Germany towards political power as from the mid-twenties in the last century. Democracy wasn´t very established that days in Germany, neither have been the institutions accepted seriously enough by a majority within the German public. Hopefully the institutions in the USA will show a stronger resistance against very similar dangers and attacks, even an established democracy can easily and nearly out of a sudden find itself in – but obviously a majority within the Republican party seems not to realize that it might be one minute after midnight very soon …
1 Michael Schano Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Above link is click bait.
This country needs too be restructured and all the congressmen and lawyers involved in 1/6 need to go to jail. Yes even the former PRESIDENT.
All career politicians should also leave yesterday
Thank You Very Much and wish will hear soon from you
I salute the courage of this guy. He is a brave soul.
@double q exactly……I hope for his safety

Nothing like making yourself a target
Thank You Very Much and wish will hear soon from you
Get off the couch , get out of the house and go to the polls on TUESDAY NOVEMBER 8TH AND VOTE DEMOCRAT AMERICA

1 Francyne Lane Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
He meant to say vote Republican not idiot in November
When someone like Jason Van Tatenhove tells you to be worried, you’d better be worried. He saw firsthand how crazy & dangerous these groups are. I don’t agree with him and his political/personal views, but again he gave some insights that we need to take as credible and pay attention to.
Make sure you buy his book
We must remember this guy used to be one of them and still has the means to their mindset. Has he really chosen a new life or is he gathering Intel?