Ex-special counsel predicts most likely outcome of Pence’s subpoena

Former Vice President Mike Pence has been subpoenaed by the special counsel investigating former President Donald Trump's role on January 6th. Former special counsel at Dept. of Defense Ryan Goodman joins CNN's Erin Burnett to discuss.
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  1. If Pence is so loyal to the Constitution, why wouldn’t he simply comply with the subpoena?🤔 Seems like an easy way to prove one’s loyalty.

    1. @Dr. Phil Try an APOLOGY to U.S. tRUMP left the economy WORST than he found it! As did the last TWO g.o.p. administration’s TOO! Plus tRUMP increased the national debt 25% in 4 years! Then there’s tRUMPs family separation plan! Ended up being tRUMPs KIDNAPPING CHILDREN plan! Talk about putting lipstick on a pig!!! And let U.S. not forget! tRUMP told Bob Woodward on tape covid is DEADLY! Then tRUMP turns around and tRUMP tells U.S. “covid was just a bad case of the flue”! + tRUMP literally hawked FAKE CURES for covid! Then 400,000 Americans DIED! A COUP! And heck Biden and Pence told U.S. and gave it back! tRUMP DENIED it and tried to HIDE it! Heard about the difference between Apples and Oranges. This is More like Apples and MORE of the BS! Sorry pal ALOT of SERIOUS stuff here! Just trying to help RAISE the old HUE AND CRY! After all I am a herold. Only a town cryer. But I’v heard of the herold angels. And I’m thinking their not too happy either.

    2. @leonardo ramirez Um…Hillary complied and answered questions for over 8 hours. But hey, why let facts get in the way???😆

  2. Pence’s oath to the Constitution didn’t prevent him from being a co-conspirator or at best intentionally ignorant to Trump’s 30,000 lies. I hope the folks at CNN do not really believe this is “Important”. Pence will defer to his faith and forgive Trump as he has already so stated. We thought Robert Mueller would bring the Trump train wreck to a halt. Don’t hold your breath Erin.

    1. Exactly why anyone would think somehow pence is different than the rest of the traitors is downright crazy.

    1. I don’t know enough about mother to say one way or another. As a true christian, she might encourage him to testify. If there ever was a time to do so, it is now.

    1. How about prior knowledge?
      Pence was aware of Trumps plan in advance and he sought legal opinion on whether there was anything legal about the demands being made from him.
      When he was informed the plan was not legal, his sworn oath to the Constitution should have seen him go directly to the authorities, to inform them of everything he knew.
      But Pence didn’t do this.
      Pence only did what was expedient for him to do.

    2. @Victor S if that’s the case, whch i believe that to be true as well.
      I believe they’ll probably offer him immunity if he speaks, and it just so happns to be self-incriminating.
      Whch I think he deserves, not only to hopefully secure a conviction, but also because HE DIDN’T COMMIT THE CRIME TRUMP WANTED HIM TO!! Imagine if he would have done what Trump askd?

    3. @Victor S True. But don’t forget, 45 had them all swear loyalty to his person, and not to the constitution. And he also had collected their skeletons-in-the-closet to lord over them. They all were and are afraid of him.

    1. I don’t think he will try to get out if it nor should he. It’s the DOJ, not some political circus like the one six committee.

  3. I am disgusted by so many claiming Executive Privilege. Executive Privilege is to protect conversations between top officials that protect our country from our foreign adversaries, not some individual wrongdoing. There may be some other reasons for Executive Privilege but not so broad as all of them are trying to take it. You can’t use it to hide behind criminal activity.

  4. If this had been any other ex President, I might have been surprised. As it is, when it comes to Former President Trump…nothing surprises me any more. 😐

  5. Pence should have cooperated without a subpoena. He shouldn’t have to be forced to do what’s right and his duty.

    1. Specially if he really believes in morality and doing right by God. A moral, God fearing person would cooperate without a subpoena. Anything else would be hypocrisy and immorality.

    2. @PTA Weston a moral, God fearing person would have stayed loyal to president Trump, been obedient and would not give out information that could be used against the president. Let us not forget that Trump is the one chosen by God to lead the American nation.

      The way it looks, Pence backstabbed Trump and is now likely to turn the knife. What a Judas he is. Pence is likely to burn in Hell for his disobedience.

    3. @Annabella dragonlady Ignoring congress is easy because they have to rely on the Justice Department to enforce the subpoena.
      Ignoring the Justice Department directly is a whole other matter.

  6. If anyone is trusting Pence to testify honestly or truthfully, I expect you to be deeply disappointed. Pence has only one concern which is trying to angle himself for getting that big chair in the WH.

    1. Always a huge challenge, is to try and pin down a Gemini. Both Pence and Trump are Gemini’s and Marjorie Taylor Greene.

  7. Sad that a former VP who professes to be loyal to the United States, would need to be compelled to testify. He worked for us and we deserve to know the truth.

    1. Yeah, well, the potus was supposedly also working for us, wasn’t he? The crook in chief picked Pence for his looks, and for holding his tongue. Where do you suppose that gallows meant for Pence was coming from? tRump would have loved to see Pence dangling for speaking the truth. That was the only reason he wanted to march with the people he detests.

    2. How do you suppose he testify? Should he walk in to his local police station and give a speech? You do understand how DOJ investigations and the law in general works right?

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