Ex-Russian PM analyzes Putin’s Victory Day speech

Former Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov, who now supports Ukraine, explains to CNN's Zain Asher why Russian President Vladimir Putin can't declare victory in Ukraine. #CNN #News


  1. I am sure for family’s of dead Russian soldiers it didn’t feel like much of a victory day

  2. “The world is in more peril from those who tolerate evil or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it.” -Dr. Albert Einstein, March 1953

  3. Real strength doesn’t feel the need to so flagrantly flaunt its strength. Only narcissistic bullies feel the need to rule by fear.

    1. @The Momaw
      Explain what you know about the build up to this War since 1990 ?
      I will answer every comment and reply .

  4. “Every empire tells itself and the world that it is unlike all other empires, that its mission is not to plunder and control but to educate and liberate.”
    ― Edward W. Said

  5. I thought Putin looked very ill at ease. Gone was his swagger and instead he looked very uncomfortable and vulnerable. Such a contrast with that rally in the sports stadium some time ago. Well done the Ukraine (and the countries helping it)) for wiping that smug look off his face.

  6. В 1959 году хороший советский поэт Василий Симоненко написал отличное стихотворение, адресованное украинским националистам; так получилось, что не только современным ему, но вообще всем. В том числе и сегодняшним. И не только тем, у кого вольфсангель на шевроне, но и тем, кто в угаре профессионального патриотизма назначает героями “азовцев”. Опубликуем это стихотворение сегодня, чтобы наших профпатриотичных подписчиков немножко покорежило, и чтобы остальные знали, что на украинском языке написано немало отличных произведений.

    Ні, не вмерла Україна!

    Я зустрічався з вами в дні суворі,
    Коли вогнів червоні язики
    Сягали від землі під самі зорі
    І роздирали небо літаки.

    Тоді вас люди називали псами,
    Бо ви лизали німцям постоли,
    Кричали “хайль” охриплими басами
    І “Ще не вмерла…” голосно ревли.

    Де ви ішли — там пустка і руїна,
    І трупи не вміщалися до ям, —
    Плювала кров’ю “ненька Україна”
    У морди вам і вашим хазяям.

    Ви пропили б уже її, небогу,
    Розпродали б і нас по всій землі,
    Коли б тоді Вкраїні на підмогу
    Зі сходу не вернулись “москалі”.

    Тепер ви знов, позв’язувавши кості,
    Торгуєте і оптом, і вроздріб,
    Нових катів припрошуєте в гості
    На українське сало і на хліб.

    Ви будете тинятись по чужинах,
    Аж доки дідько всіх не забере,
    Бо знайте — ще не вмерла Україна
    І не умре!

    (перевод на русский язык В. Куллэ)

    Я встретил вас в годину лютой боли,
    Когда пожаров языки взвились
    До звёзд, и люди глохли поневоле
    От самолётов, вспарывавших высь.

    Тогда-то вас и окрестили псами:
    За страсть лизать хозяевам сапог,
    За «Ще не вмерла…» хриплыми басами,
    За «хайль» и взлёт руки наискосок.

    Там, где прошли вы, громоздились трупы,
    Но харкали в мурло из страшных ям
    Украйны окровавленные губы
    Фашистам и их верным холуям.

    Вы б пропили, распродали, ей Богу,
    Остатки нашей горестной земли,
    Когда бы Украине на подмогу
    С востока не вернулись «москали».

    Теперь вы вновь, стряхнув земли покровы,
    Торгуете ей. Каждый вороват.
    Вы новых палачей призвать готовы
    На украинский хлеб и сала шмат.

    Вам слаще не отечество — чужбина,
    Где чёрт придёт по душу в свой черёд.
    Так знайте — ще не вмерла Украина,
    И не умрёт!

    1. @Mike Borrelli Thank you for pointing that out. An unimaginable ugly ground war that helped preserve the free and not so free world.

    2. @Ukrainian Patriot Exactly. This is the big tragedy of WWII. Only one dictator was defeated; the other was strengthened.

    3. @Nataliia am I talking about Biden or the people in the background, related to the post I commented on!?

    1. Or like someone aspiring to go to the 4th grade but finds the 3rd grade really difficult.

  7. he didn’t declare war cause that would prove himself wrong and show it’s not just a “special military operation”

  8. Wow, Linda Thomas-Greenfield was fabulous. So composed, so warm and concerned about what was happening to Ukraine. And I loved that outfit she was wearing. That’s two women in two days I’ve seen representing us with pride. When I saw Jill Biden inside Ukraine on Mother’s Day it was woman to woman, we feel your pain and we are there for you. I remember when I was a kid back in the ’50s there was only 1 woman in politics, Margaret Chase Smith. So this is really heartening to see women have made such strides in the last 70 years. Women can show people how to be compassionate and are capable of remarkable feats in wartime. They bring the light touch.😀

  9. New Ukrainian joke: Putin asked Zelensky to lend him couple of tanks for the Red Square parade.

    1. yes, for sure, apart from stupid jokes, the former “ukraine” has no other achievements.

  10. All generals behind him with wooden faces they r standing like someone needs toilet but can’t go. 😅 GO UKRAINE WE ALL WITH U🇺🇦❤🌹

  11. For a completely military analysis, no drama, no histronics, I recommend looking at Anders Puck Nielsen channel. He is Finnish and military. His look at how the Ukraines took out the Russian flagship is fascinating. Also his video on why the Russians failed to take Kyiv and his “vision of victory” video, for both Russia and Ukraine, also fascinating.

  12. Me using Russian logic: I walk up to a guy minding his business, I punch him 3 times in the face and exclaim” hey, why you hit me!!!!!!!”

  13. I wondered how he was going to spin this whole thing. Of course, Nazis have been the Russian boogeyman since 1941, so painting Ukraine as a bunch of Nazis must have seemed like the natural way to go. As serious as the situation is, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a former actor and comedian, must see some humor in this, particularly as he is Jewish.

    1. If more Russians knew that Zelenskyy is Jewish, they might not support Putin so blindly.

  14. Kas’anov is one of the best Russian economists. I’ve watched his interview with Maxim Katz and he is rea;;y a man who created the whole Russian economy before Putin came to power and destroyed it.

  15. Had Putin declared war on Ukraine, this would have amounted to recognising Ukraine as a sovereign country and a nation separate from Russia while he had previously denied that.

  16. Let’s continue to pray for peace. Lord will guide all of us with wisdom, then stop the war and resume the peace. Amen.

  17. It’s nice to see a russian person speaking plainly about this whole situation and providing a more realistic internal view of what russia is doing here. Of course the average person in russia knows the truth. This whole operation was totally useless for their country regardless of the what Putin thought would be gained. Look how much has been lost for everyone involved. So sad.

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