Andrei Illarionov, the former chief economic adviser to Russian President Vladimir Putin, tells CNN's Jim Sciutto that he thinks imposing a "smart embargo" on Russia, where money accumulated by countries dependent on Russian gas and oil is not given back to Putin, could end the war in Ukraine quickly. #CNN #News
Ex-Putin adviser proposes ‘smart embargo’ on Russia to end war

Just goes to show, some Russians can tell the truth and have very good ideas to stopping the Russian war machine.
@Lemberg Native so many active at present. Uncle V might have to sell a few assets to pay the trolling bills!! Last I heard he’d outsourced to Nigeria.
@allabout perspective some of the names are quite flat footed but occasionally there’s a witty one.
@Lemberg Native I’ve reported him for spam and misinformation.
@Djoker Dominator The difference is, he has a soul. It’s no coincidence, the entire civilized world thinks Putin is a butcher.
This tactical approach is a very good solution to the puzzle. Nobody needs the regime. The Russian public has been manipulated. It is next to impossible to reverse the spiral.
Go to Russia and see if they agree with you. Lol
@Win Big with Lena & Mike and get arrested for holding up a blank piece of paper, no thanks.
The best advice any man could ever speak about this conflict in the 21st century….by far.
This is a great solution, for as long as Russia is willing to go along with it.
Speaking as someone who has never received money from Putin, I suggest total sanctions immediately.
Explain that to roughly 100-150 million Europeans who depend in one way or another on oil and gas from Russia until other supplies have been established. Not gonna happen, because you cant. Not to mention that the fallout of this would have a profound economic impact on these countries, which would ripple into world economics as well.
Lets not forget how the US turns a blind eye to a lot what happens in OPEC states because of the economic ramifications. Its a very similar situation for Europe. But at least they scramble to disconnect themselves from the dependency on Russian fossil fuels, but it takes time…
@Ganiscol I’ve been telling this for around a decade now and no-one listened – we must have an alternative source of energy (e.g. nuclear, LNG), as something like this was inevitable at some point. They’re more expensive, yes, but under our control.
I’ve never received money or goods from Putin either. I’m not going to go into the economic impact because that’s been well covered by Ganiscol. But even if the economic impact would only be minor, they still couldn’t cut off Russian gas immediately or thousands will freeze to death next winter, or die from food poisoning from being unable to cook their food. You can’t just say oh well bad luck to that. They must have a suitable replacement ready first.
Think about the chaos when the Texas electric grid went down last year. That lasted 17 days and killed up to 700 people. Now imagine that lasting 3 months, or longer if it’s a very cold winter, in densely populated cities. Lots of them. Tens of thousands would die.
This smart embargo idea could work. I hope someone who works on these things sees this.
The only thing i agree with him is that we have to start thinking of reparations and relief aid, all the survivors have to go back to leveled apartments and even the ones that are standing need to be demolished for safety precautions, they can’t just renovate the shelled apartments after the war is over, that and there are a lot of injured. Not to mention infrastructure.
Ukraine doesn’t deserve to have to sift through rubble to get a meal after this war, just like some survivors in the occupied territories, they deserve to be seen and heard even after the war ends, whenever that is.
The world should listen to this man. He knows. This is how it should be done. Brilliant advice.
@SirPanic12 If you didn’t know such basic business information I’m not going to spend my time to provide proof. And sure you will not get that (or anything of value) from CNN ever. Btw Government is not buying anything ever. Companies do. I know this answer doesn’t do any favour to anything. I do not mean to be condescending but it’s impossible not to. I pray that you all ” happily good people” just stop being cowards. My apologies I strayed under this channel.
@p If it’s so basic why can’t you say where you got it? Maybe because it isn’t true?
@p And yes I’m aware companies do the buying, but like I said, Russian oil imports are banned. Companies cannot legally import Russian oil. That’s why I said government, because maybe you were referring to something else.
@SirPanic12 It’s simply because I’m not storying that particular links on the computer, where I’m is around midnight now and I will not bother go surfing and looking for it. It was pretty main US outlet.Plus I just don’t trust that someone I found under the CNN will be worth that effort. You see, you can ask that “gimme a proof” anyone, It’d be never ending story. I suggest you start asking such question SOURCES YOU visit.
Wow. I know Russians will see this man as a traitor but I see a man trying to save its people. Very brave sir. True patriot
@Paul Gerlach very unlikely now
@Fanfeck That beside, some things are just pretty clear: To be trained academic sitting in the US, voicing his opinions on TV is not an act of heroism. I often listened to that man a decade ago on Ukrainian channels in Russian language in 3 hours long debates. I suppose you know him either from yesterday or today, isn’t that so?
@Brightday Afro because saving his people somehow makes him a “traitor” 🙄
@alex silent and you are a trolololol…
This man is very smart. I think he is “intimatly informed” as to Putins thinking, but also the regime as a whole.🤔 I think this man gave great insight & knowledge on a “completely tangible way” to not only defund putins war machine. But the Russian Regime behind putin, as well. Also, I feel he has thought of a great way to bring the negativity surrounding the putin regime down, in that way. He’s also raised the positivity factor, by identifying a way of REBUILDING, renormalizing and BETTERING the lives of the Ukrainian people! And so, I think this is a great way to go about the situation.
@Hungry Ghost good question
@Hungry Ghost He might do that but at the same time they still need that huge source of income even if it is delayed. Either way, it will force Russia to react in one form or another.
A great proposal. Let’s see some action on this by the European nations now.
@Mr. B You don’t have the option. 🤣😁😂
@Damien Dehorn Not 100% true. The Baltic states stand a good chance of becoming independent, UK takes very little from Russia
@Job and Knock The Baltic states are independent, but tiny. What about Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Spain, central European countries? If they had a alternative they would have taken it already.
Even if they had, price of fuel, will sky rocket. Free market economics, live with the truth.
@Blana 👍👋👋👋
What this “Smart Embargo” that this man speaks about. And the international security within this World needs to be absolutely Considered.
May these words reach the right ears! We need to ‘fast’ from our addiction to Russian oil and gas and be prepared to be self sacrificing in unity with what is ongoing in Ukraine! At the end of the day no one is immune!! 😞
Yeh. What gas/oil companies purchases Russian fossil fuels? Boycott them? Till the quit buying from Russia. But who else has these fossil fuels to supply the world? Aren’t they also authoritarian countries as well?
Brilliant! I like the idea that Russia should pay for rebuilding Ukraine, if they want oil payments and lifting sanctions.
Agree. War criminals have been made liable to compensate their damages in occasions earlier, too. Take out fascist putler, and Russia can benefit “Marshall plan” or similar, for innocent citizens’ profit.
wise words from a Russian political strategist. Should be heard by the western countries.
AMEN to everything that man said. It’s a beautiful thing to hear when a Russian tells the truth and stands for what is right.
The truth ? Who is be said the truth so far ?
@Victor Bukowsky I’m pretty sure,that this might be!But that makes that idea not even a tiny bit more realistic!Let Putin receive 1 billon/day-as long as he spends 20 billon/day on the war!
A true Russian gentleman, knowledgeable, intelligent and peaceful in nature. Also many young people in st. Petersburg are like that. Who would not like such a president. 👍
I SAY, what is he waiting for? Also a few more countries need leaders like him.
Bet you thought Biden would be a good President too. Lol
So true, it is crazy Russian media isn’t reporting about him!!!!
Greetings to Santa and the Tooth Fairy!—-Yeah sure.Anybody who worked with Putin is”peaceful in nature”!🤣😂🤣
This guy is brilliant not a showman but on the money literally
At least this guy is speaking the point blank truth some of his own people are going to call him a traitor though🤔
he lives in Washington dc
Illarionov, for president in Russia!!!
The sanctions are a lot stronger but stopping purchasing his oil would be more effective. This man is smart! Great ideas. They must help the destroyed families.
Then save fuel by turning down oil consumption and driving slower to save fuel!
We definitely need more Russians like him. Smart, rational. He’s a problem solver and a realist.
Actually, do we need any Russians?
No one said the solution so clearly than this man I think. A stitch’s a better than nine for whole Europe has been so complacent.
It must be so heartbreaking for a noble Russian patriot like this man to talk about his country in such a dire way. I can’t imagine how conflicted he must feel even as he shares the truth about these matters.