CNN senior legal analyst Elie Honig reacts to the statements made by Emily Kohrs, the foreperson of the Atlanta-based grand jury that investigated former President Donald Trump's attempts to overturn the 2020 election. #CNN #News
Ex-prosecutor reacts to Trump grand jury foreperson’s remarks

She did nothing wrong and it won’t make any difference
“what difference, at this point, does it make?”
She helped President Trump.
@M Hall
. Explain? Did you watch her interview? So if so I bet you saw she was a very serious intelligent woman that just forgot to brush her teeth for 3 years. Come on man!!

Since when did Trump need an excuse to file frivolous lawsuits? He’ll do it whether people speak or not especially if indicted. His MO is delay his court cases.
@Randy Watson
. That would be potato salad head biden with the dementia. BDS. Biden Dementia Syndrome
Nicole, Exactly.
Maybe the missing documents in empty folders are now in a computer
Hey FBI agent
I’m so old I remember when journalists’ questions were shorter than the answers
@Mike Graham Do you smoke crack stu[pid ha ha
@SteaminTrump Stains you like your own comment, pathetic, your only one month old, reply back when you are at least two months old.
@SteaminTrump Stains
@Horrifying Apocalypse LOL If you think the media isn’t being used by powerful people, you are sadly naive, at best.
@johnson ebong The U.S. has never been the “greatest country on earth.” Trump could not have succeeded if it was. “Greatest country on earth” and “the world’s police force” (although I haven’t heard that one in a while) are things almost exclusively said by Americans. Neither is a generally accepted view on the world stage.
“Judgment comes from experience and great judgment comes from bad experience.”
–Bob Packwood
Here is a recommended clip that says it:-
Please can someone get president Biden a diaper this way he doesn’t poop in his pants again
I dont think this is the person you wanna make that remark about
@Toke Joker I know what you mean, but that doesn’t negate the truth of his statement. (You’ve heard of “Love the art; Hate the artist.”)
You cant fix stupid, shes stupid.
That jury duty girl is just looking for a book deal that is the only reason why she did all that she did
Or she was paid by Dolt 45 to do it.
To get ahead of the story, and taint the case against him.
Classic Dolt 45 maneuver.
TDS always reveals itself.
Nothing new for folks on book deals.
@Acer Maximinus I think you’re a dolt for suggesting something that absurd.
Heck with a book deal, I’m looking for a movie deal. I’m ready to go Hollywood.
At the end of the day it looks like what she did (these interviews) were legal and at the same time, unwise. I wonder what language was used to instruct these jurors in regard to speaking about the case. Without that context this is a lot of supposition.
Weird how so many of these people pass security clearances and reach the top in the legal and political system. It’s like when Sam Brinton got hired by Biden. Everyone could see the red flags but no one involved in the hiring process cared.
Why don’t you watch the actual judges interview regarding the interviews….she did nothing wrong and could have said more.
Also get the information on how the laws and rules work in Georgia of what is legal and allowed.
She did nothing wrong and told us nothing more than we already know seeing Willis said weeks ago that indictments were imminent and no names were mentioned then either.
This was only the first grand jury, Willis is presenting to the second main grand jury now!!
Looks like you didn’t even read my words. I said that the interviews WERE legal. Meaning she did nothing against the rules but that doesn’t mean that the interviews were wise. As you said, she told us nothing new so nothing was gained and it could be argued that when not legally a problem the Forewoman has caused undeniable harm in the area of public opinion. Procecutorial discretion is heavily influenced by public opinion. It probably shouldn’t be, but it Damn well is. So again. Not illegal, but unhelpful to the prosecutors. You use the word “wrong”, that depends what you mean. Like kicking a hornets nest, she stirred up a lot of outrage and didn’t get any honey (inform the public of any substantive information previously unknown). I’m a liberal progressive and you are a reactionary. Read, think respond.
What she did was illegal. Grand Jury’s are sworn to silence.
Bottom line: As an ex -prosecutor Perry will lose this battle. The prosecutor will get the documents. Count on it.
Does Emily interviews screws up the Fani Willis case against D Trump in Georgia ?
She clearly enjoys the spotlight and feels important
@Mike Ortiz we can still put you in a padded romm skippy
@SteaminTrump Stains yes he is. However his lawyers are going to make a case of this juror discussing Trump with the media
@USMC forever Trumps layers need lawyers ha skippy
@SteaminTrump Stains I’ve been hearing that for over 6 years now. Just like masks work and the Covid virus didn’t come from the Wuhan lab and The Hunter Biden laptop is Russian disinformation.
It was the most fun I ever had with my clothes on. Nothing wrong with a little fame.
Oh Scott! Such a “loud-and-proud” bully – until he gets called out. And then he runs behind his mommy’s skirt.
She did stop Trump having that good feeling of being exonerated.
It’s really pathetic when a woman’s only goal in life is to shake the hand of Rudy Giuliani. She needs to set higher, more worthy goals in life. But considering her low achievement level, she’s over the moon.
Who said that was her only goal in life?
remember she is an actual witch who uses potions and literally believes she can put hexes on people. look it u
She is a Democrat. They aren’t known for their intelligence.
@Blake The great one , more accurately, Republicans aren’t known for good judgment about Democrats.
I wonder if she was sent out to try to poison the well?
That lady is completely insane. Should not be anywhere near a jury!
@Jay Mass WOW good job Flying Monkey.

Trump would be so proud of your deluded effort and attempt at lying…
@Lesley Phillips
Does not take much effort when the facts are on your side. No need to lie either. The truth is the truth sorry it hurts your feelings.
@Valar I won’t be able to talk to you either because you’re blind you fail to see how wonderful our country was doing fail to see the facts and truth of things that have happened Donald Trump got in office lowered taxes for everybody not just the rich that was a bulshit story and if you listen to that you listen to too many lies here’s a heads up for you everyone on this planet lies that’s what humans do Donald Trump has a mouth on him and it’s a nasty mouth but we don’t need a good talking gentleman as president think about it that would be stupid that’s basically what we have right now nice old dementia patient they could care less about us just like that Transportation guy what’s-his-name but lick sat around for 3 weeks posting pictures of his fag buddy and let people wait while they suffered in Ohio you support the devil literally
@PIPE DOWN the only conspiracy is you don’t want to hold Donald trump to the same standards as your own side , the Russians collusion hoax and I would love to stay out of American affairs but you guys blew up the nord stream pipe line in Germany, so it is you who should mind your own god dam business. No one in Europe will die becoming minority in their own nation for diversity or turning children into eunuchs and calling them trans or abortion . So put that in your pipe and smoke it yanky scumbag
@PIPE DOWN I’m getting more than 15 seconds of fame out of the deal. I’m going Hollywood baby. Have you seen how many interviews I’ve done. I’m famous like Amous.
YES!! Get em all. Knowing this will come out they still don’t stop. They are dumb. I firmly believe that.
Well the prosecutor shouldn’t take so long to indict them, should they.
I really enjoyed all the great reporting that CNN did to expose the “BIG LIE”, but what I don’t understand is why CNN would conduct an interview that could potentially bring harm to the case against those responsible?
Could you imagine being on a jury with her as the foreperson? She was the best choice?
How did the media find her? The jury foreperson is named in court filings. It’s the only member of the grand jury whose anonymity isn’t protected. Given the avalanche of vicious threats that MAGA maniacs are known to unleash against anyone, who they perceive as their enemy, I am not surprised. Of course, it’s gonna be the most naive, care free person who’ll end up volunteering for that position.
I am not legally savvy, but that was my first impression as well. There are many 30 year Olds who are very mature and dependable to make sound judgments. She didn’t strike me as one of them. Her giddiness was unacceptable and didn’t meet the solemnity and the importance of this investigation as it threatens the future of this country and Democracy itself.
@truth matters , she was outwardly the way you describe, but what she actually said indicated how seriously she did take her responsibility as a juror.
She is weird! I cant imagine having to spend 8 hours in a jury room with her!
The foreperson provides outstanding example that: You cannot fix stupid…!!! She provided a lifeline for Don the Con to delay and may be escape…!!!.Fani Willis waited too long, allowing this buffoon to damage her entire case.