The four ex-Minneapolis police officers charged with killing George Floyd appeared in court for a pre-trial hearing. It was the first time all four men have appeared in court at the same time. Aired on 09/11/2020.
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Ex-Officers Charged In George Floyd Death Oppose Being Tried Together | Craig Melvin | MSNBC
One of them – Derick Chauvin – should be charged with 1st degree murder. And, the others should be charged as accomplices. And, none of them should ever be allowed to wear a badge, again, regardless of the verdict in their respective trials.
@Phinneas Bluster So you were there. I see.
@Phinneas Bluster Trump-Russia Investigation
15 months
34 Indictments/Charges (Individuals) (and counting)
3 Indictments/Charges (Companies)
5 GUILTY pleas (and counting)
4 CONVICTIONS (and counting)
Indicted: Roger Stone Convicted
Indicted: Paul Manafort
Indicted: Rick Gates
Indicted: George Papadopoulos
Indicted: Michael Flynn
Indicted: Michael Cohen
Indicted: Richard Pinedo
Indicted: Alex van der Zwaan
Indicted: Konstantin Kilimnik
Indicted: 12 Russian GRU officers
Indicted: Yevgeny Prigozhin
Indicted: Mikhail Burchik
Indicted: Aleksandra Krylova
Indicted: Anna Bogacheva
Indicted: Sergey Polozov
Indicted: Maria Bovda
Indicted: Dzheykhun Aslanov
Indicted: Vadim Podkopaev
Indicted: Irina Kaverzina
Indicted: Gleb Vasilchenko
Indicted: Internet Research Agency
Indicted: Concord Management
Indicted: Steve Bannon
Guilty Plea: Michael Flynn
Guilty Plea: Michael Cohen
Guilty Plea: George Papadopolous
Guilty Plea: Richard Pinedo
Guilty Plea: Alex van der Zwaan
Guilty Plea: Rick Gates
Over 191 Criminal Charges (and counting):
Conspiracy against the USA (2 counts)
Conspiracy to launder money (2 counts)
Bank fraud (8 counts)
Bank fraud conspiracy (10 counts)
Subscribing to false tax returns (10 counts)
Making false statements (6 counts)
Failure to file reports of foreign bank accounts (14 counts)
Unregistered agent of a foreign principal (2 counts)
False FARA statements (2 counts)
Subscribing to false tax returns (10 counts)
Assisting in preparation of false tax documents (5 counts)
Conspiracy to defraud the United States (13 counts)
Conspiracy to commit wire fraud and bank fraud (2 counts)
Aggravated identity theft (24 counts)
covfefe lol And yet no charges brought against Donald J Trump. Isn’t that amazing. Where is the Russian collusion? Donald Trump has nothing to do with this. You’re fishing
Really Doe Show us the statistics. Where did you get those statistics? We need to see those statistics before we can pass any kind of judgment. Will you supply them? Meanwhile, here are statistics about this from a black man
Charges and jail time are two different things. The people are going to make sure they do the time. Remember they found these guys not guilty and what happened? Do you think it could happen in Minnesota? Watch this :
Funny hows the police look just like criminals do in a mug shot lol
@Happy Holliday The murderer had the look of a t-rumpturd.
@Ernest Austin And criminals in real life, too.
@William H Funny how stupid you t-rumpturd trolls are.
@TheTruthMATTERS! probably has a shrine in his basement that his mom dust’s off every day for him while at work.
They ARE criminals.
Good those officers need to do the time for what they did George Floyd I mean that was just disturbing to look at them putting their knee on his neck and he kept saying “I can’t breath” just disgusting!!!

@Spencer PhilippineDream
It literally says it in the title of the link that you pasted…
Do you know what fatal means?
@LAST CALL i would NEVER let a news headline influence my opinion. however, within the article they do reference actual facts. that is the important part, not the headline.
on a side note, i just finished reading the actual autopsy found here.
on page 1 of the toxicology report, it claims his levels were at 11 ng/mL, page 3 #9 then says “It is reported that patients lost consciousness at mean plasma levels of fentanyl of 34 ng/mL”.
so he was at about 1/3 of the mean level of losing consciousness. what does that mean? i dont know, im not a doctor. i certainly wouldnt call it a “fatal” level though
@Spencer PhilippineDream
The coroner called it a fatal level of Fentanyl, they know what they are talking about.
@LAST CALL according to i dont believe the quote Baker said, “That is a fatal level of fentanyl under normal circumstances.” he also claims “Deaths have been certified with levels of 3”.
im not saying it is DR Baker, the law enforcement taking the handwritten notes, or the media that is wrong. but that is 3 people in the chain to make this more believable that it used out of context. why? because item 9 on the toxicology report itself references “100 mcg/hour patch: 1.9 – 3.8 ng/mL”.
does that make sense to you, a patch delivers a fatal dosage?
@LAST CALL you claim “He was saying that he couldn’t breath before they ever even pulled him out of his vehicle, he died from the Fentanyl that was in his system.” even if this was true, (which i dont think it is), then it further validates that they killed him.
he cant breath so they decide to take him out of the car and sit on him for 8 minutes?
Chauvin should get life with out parole. He murdered Mr. Floyd. Period
@Alexander Mouse What’s your point?
@Alexander Mouse No he wasn’t you stupid racist. He was a bouncer.
@monokhem Between 1997 and 2005, Floyd served eight prison terms on various charges, including drug possession, theft, and trespass.and In 2009, he was sentenced to five years in prison for armed robbery in a home invasion and was paroled in January 2013.
with that being said. After his release from prison stayed out of trouble. he was involved in community work. He was still a good man despite his past.
@Samuel Lee Make a point.
And Derek enjoyed killing George. You can clearly see it on his face looking at the person taking the cell phone video. I would have leaped on that scum bag getting him off of George, and that would have also been captured on the video to show the judge in case he was in denial himself.
Meanwhile, Breonna’s killers are what, eating donuts from a desk in Louisville?

She knew the rules.
No. I think her boyfriend and lover are in jail.
@Polk High STFU
@Polk High Her boyfriend isn’t in jail. They let him out the next day with an apology.
I am glad they are trying them together.
Why ? More targets for a city ? Even harder for a judge / jury to reach a verdict and the differences in side making it next to impossible for an impartial jury resulting In charged for all dismissed?
@R L T yes that would be good
Hope they bury them together also in the same casket…
And they will turn on each other , the snakes are about to feast on the rats
@R L T Only in your meth dreams.
Since they participated as a group in the same crime incident, they ought to be tried as a group.
it ensures they will be found not guilty.
If you want the guy who kneeled to be found guilty, you should charge them separately. The other ones are his ticket out of trouble.
This x 100. If getaway drivers are charged the same as inside men, then all the cops involved should get the same treatment for that innocent man’s death.
I want it to not be legally ok to not do Cpr if that’s not ok for me as a Julie nobody.
They should go to jail for life.
Charged them all together, let this be a lesson in accountability and integrity for other officers to come
When did common decency become obsolete in America…?
I will never forgot what I witnessed as George Floyd had his life sniffed out through sheer determination to destroy another using the power of a hate filled badge ……
Death to the murderous cowards wearing a uniform my tax $$$ paid for…..
Hindu Andy
I’m NOT any type …
Mr. White
Happily I’ve never been in the system … however you seem to know everything which tells me all I need to know about you…
Joni Angels R Real
Funny how Floyd’s cohorts have lived to see it all.
Guess nobody cares about them, though.
lol lesson is to non compliant felons who are high on pcp ! LAW and ORDER country All 4 will be acquitted
I hope Derek stays in jail for the rest of his life
@Chad Chadington What’s the matter do actual facts offend you?
@FRANCO PEREZ nope, which is why I’m ignoring your queef salad and doing my own research
@Chad Chadington You’re not fooling anyone
@FRANCO PEREZ I fooled ur mom
They were together when they murdered Geoge Floyd, in cold blood in from of the world to see.
@R L T Sure racist. It’s funny the way you idiots all show up with the same lie. You’re gullible.
With all respect “Not True”….
@Joni Angels R Real Your not true is not true. Thanks for posting.
@R L T Sure racist. It’s funny the way you idiots all show up with the same lie. You’re gullible.
@monokhem You’re repeating yourself ThugNasty. Let your Slurs fly yo…we don’t care. You love to label people…you felons all stick together Thugsters. Yo mo fo.
Really? Because they were all THERE together!! Seems to me they should be tried together on the ” incident ” they all played a part in
No it shouldn’t be moved it happened there and Tried there. You want to move them to a white Trump state
He did the same thing to a white man days earlier he did,nt care the color of his victims,Why does it always have to be racist if the victims black
Andrew: racist is us defending ChSuvin and criminalizing fliyd.
@Anne Liesveld
Big Floyd was a drug addicted thug passing counterfeit money, he criminalized himself, it had nothing to do with racism.
@LAST CALL .. um, so ok to murder him? where do u draw the line? oh, I know, in the sand!
Now they’re all gonna take turns throwing each other under the bus to avoid going to jail for MURDER!
@R L T Sure – not guilty of murder in plain sight.
@Polk High Ridiculous Idiocy.
@ethan mottaz Too bad Floyd never had a chance at a “fair trial”.
I’m not for a cause. I’m for floyd being given an opportunity to
Live, to dream, to plead his case. To walk with his daughter in minn.
Meme: would lane make more of an emotional plea if chauvin was on lanes dads neck??
Derek Chauvin is the guy with his knee on George Floyd acting like a hero bet he doesn’t feel like a hero anymore all he had to do is get off him the guy was in cuffs and compliment dying for $20 is just sad
They all acted together in the death, they should be all tried together.
Im so happy these criminals aren’t out on the streets anymore.
Big Floyd too.
@Alexander Mouse
Those cops were more of a threat to the public than 5 Floyd’s.
Alleged criminals
Oh I see, they’re only a “band of brothers” when it’s convenient
Their defense attorneys are advising the strategic decisions, not them. I can see why the one not on top of George Floyd would want to be separated from the other three.
@Uouttooo but the client has ok anything the lawyer does. Can’t separate defendant from his choice.
If police are tried together, maybe they might be a little more concerned what their partners are doing five feet away.
The one that says kids don’t do drugs to bystanders??? Read it on transcripts.
@Anne Liesveld Anne, could you clarify your last statement, please?
*”Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” – Martin Luther King Jr. – “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” 1963.*
Yeah it was an overdose, he OD’d on a dude kneeling on his neck for 10 minutes.
At least the medical examiner said asphyxiation
its funny how much they stick together when accusations are made. as soon as it goes to trial they are like, “dude, youre on youre own” try and execute them together.
@Spencer PhilippineDream I don’t go to court anymore. I rode with Jesse James for years, but I ain’t that way no more.
@Jack Jones well, i have not seen his autopsy, but i have read quotes from the 2 separate organizations that performed one. both the local examiner and the FBI concluded the same thing. homicide. the FBI also added that drugs might have played a factor.
@Spencer PhilippineDream Fentanyl was listed first, dude. That’s significant. If you don’t know that, then the defence attorney will be calling it to your attention shortly. Appeasing a bunch of Marxist losers is a poor excuse for railroading folks, and covering up the truth, don’t you think?
@Jack Jones well, i just checked out the actual autopsy from Dr Baker, found here and here is what i conclude.
on page 1 of the toxicology report, it claims his levels were at 11 ng/mL of fentanyl
this is actually 3rd most common (according to my understanding of how to read it)
1st was Delta-9 Carboxy THC at 42 ng/mL. (marijuana)
2nd was Methamphetamine at 19 ng/mL. (meth)
3rd was Fentanyl at 11 ng/mL. (fentanyl)
you claimed that Fentanyl is mentioned first, and you are correct. 4-ANPP at 0.65 ng/mL is listed before the other drugs but in such a small amount. the Reference comments on page 2 of the toxicology report claim “4-ANPP (Despropionyl fentanyl)” is “considered to be pharmacologically weak”. i think you were probably mistaken when you interpreted the results of this autopsy.
page 3 #9 then says “It is reported that patients lost consciousness at mean plasma levels of fentanyl of 34 ng/mL”.
so he was at about 1/3 of the mean level of losing consciousness. what does that mean? i dont know, im not a doctor, but it seems to me that he was well within the limits of what would cause you to go unconscious.
@Jack Jones “Appeasing a bunch of Marxist losers is a poor excuse for railroading folks, and covering up the truth, don’t you think?” yeah, i suppose i agree with that. im just not sure that is what is going on here.
if i account for my non-expert understanding of how to read an autopsy, the written opinion of the medical experts that performed the autopsy, and the video of the arresting officers. my conclusion (with the information i have been given) would be that george floyd was murdered.