Former GOP lawmaker Charlie Dent discusses the revelations in former Republican House Speaker John Boehner's book about the Republican party and Fox News.
#JohnBoehner #CNN #Newday
Former GOP lawmaker Charlie Dent discusses the revelations in former Republican House Speaker John Boehner's book about the Republican party and Fox News.
#JohnBoehner #CNN #Newday
When someone gets used to being bailed out by daddy every time he gets in trouble….he starts to think he’s invulnerable and will never be held accountable. djt is the same as GAETZ.
@WIll Jones ?
Exactly the same!
@Debra Jones Not even close Debra!
@Taylor Fox probably just an idiot, this will jones….drinking chlorox?
hunter hiden…there ya go
Now it makes total sense that Matt Gaetz was against the Dr. Seuss ban, it was his date(s) favorite bedtime stories.
@Iris P That’s NOT the topic!
@The Tweatles and quite happily too by all accounts! Jealous?
I’ve been happily married for nearly 25 years and my wife and I wish others the same love and joy we have….
why is anyone afraid of Dr. Seuss? Who we cancelling next Christ? No one should be cancelled for any reason. If everything is cancelled than there will be no debate no conversations. It’s ok not to like something that talk about it don’t just cancel. I grew up with Dr. Seuss, if you really read & discussed what he wrote you would find he always explained why things are they was they are & why hurting people is bad.
Corruption begets Corruption. Can’t change the good old Boys way of thinking
I disagree I think it can and will be changed…B1
@Charlie Owens ChinaBiden is deadly
@Charlie Owensleopards don’t change their spots. You can’t educate morons because they just refuse to be educated. IT’S CALLED REALITY.
I think people have just woken up to the fact that the good ol boys are single handedly preventing progress in every single aspect of our lives…& if we ever needed a reason to stand with one another….This is it!
good. i want ask u in mark pincus agreat thief. and haker system people for 20 years owner zynga agreat thief
Who knew Gas Mask Gaetz was a total d-bag? Oh wait, ALL of US
@Jeff Libby then leave the thread
Sometimes—-just sometimes— Karma takes care of everything just fine.
@Grace Munich Bla bla bla and more bla.
good. i want ask u in mark pincus agreat thief. and haker system people for 20 years owner zynga agreat thief
I wonder how QAnon feels knowing that one of Trumps best buds might actually turn out to be a human trafficker.
@Rock Wilson No, that is not true. They were good buddies. Epstein got mad at Trump for outbidding him on a property and it caused a rift.
@Rock Wilson that’s why he hung out with him and Ghislaine so much because he hated them?
@Rock Wilson i think they do, otherwise they would realize that reality is the opposite of all the accomplishments his supporters credit the 45th with. Stopping war=350% increase in bombing, drain the swamp=Cabinet full of nothing but rehires from the previous 5 administrations, smaller government=largest deficits in history, taking no salary=spending millions more dollars per year than any previous president on personal expenses, a gutted military= Obama increased the military budget every year. They have been trained to ignore and disbelieve any information different than Q propaganda. The have been trained to fear not being in full control. Most of them heard the propaganda from fox, oan, newsmax, websites and the constant political rallies, social media and TV appearances of the 45th.
Don’t worry, they will have an explanation for that one also.
@Facts Matter The MoronDon liked to play “elder mentor” to Jeffy—and at times, suggested he “taught Jeffy everything he knows”, which was far from true. The man-baby’s room temp (73) IQ was a joke to Jeffy, who did have a high IQ but very low EQ (trump’s EQ was a negative triple-digit). He used trump and trump used Jeffy, it was a perverted match made in hell.
Mr Dent is right. Shame the rest of the GOP didn’t listen.
@tstandri I don’t do false equivalency, republicans are racist bigots.
The GOP aren’t in the wrong here. It’s the far left radical, democrats that are encouraging and endorsing terrorist groups like BLM and ANTIFA while using big tech and the mainstream media to silence all opposition. Look at the chaod and death caused by far-left Democrat supporters these oast 4+ years. You people are trully evil.
@tstandriVoter ID, for fair election. Now you pushing racist policy that almost every black person vocally oppose, and john lewis before he died.
Republicans are racist bigots, and I think you and them have a lot in common.
All for power and money and their stupid voters are to blame. They, Trump being exhibit #1, want to blow up Washington, get the crooks out of Washington, meanwhile once elected they are the biggest crooks you have ever seen. Their voters don’t want to believe the politicians doing such a good job trolling Washington are a bad caricature of the things they are trolling, maybe they think they are too stupid to be doing irony. What do people who voted for Gates or Trump hate about politicians, politicians like Gates and Trump who have 0 moral compass and believe they are and elegit class that does not have to follow normal peoples rules, add in it for the money on top of that.
Remember when Al Franken =a former comedian , had to resign, just for a stupid old photo ? Yea.
A photo that was taken by the husband of Leann Tweeden, a right-wing troll paid by Faux News.
It was not just the photo. Another woman accused him of touching her butt when her butt his arm around her. But yes that was pretty ridiculous. He was one of the good ones too. In this day and age if you don’t have a sense of humour about a stupid joke photo, you must be living half dead.
I blame gillibrand trying to appease upstate republicans.
@Noir Way not weakness morals
@Edward Mercedes they probably never felt it with his tiny parts.
Republicans today make Boehner look sane… he sells weed now. I feel that needs to be known by all.
@Barbara C I see what you did there…

He Puffed and saw the truth
Why should we give a damn what he sells?
@Carly Jack we do have a right to change our minds at any time and since you made my statement political I think it’s fair to inform you that I have voted many times, but never Republican.
Problem with Matt Gaetz is that he’s the distilled essence of *western chauvinism.* Republican men haven’t stopped him because they think he’s merely a younger version of themselves.
don’t be deceived God my friend, you had me fooled, I thought you were talking about your typical fox guest proclaiming himself to be conservative Republican.,Here you were just projecting !!!
1984 THEBEGINING ,maybe Biden was a little too touchy feelly, but we never had a recording where he bragged about grabbing women by their privates did we.
@Hazel Jones You’re the perfect example of how hypocritical the radical left has become, so thank you for your comment sheep.
@Hazel Jones Of course not Biden is a respectable man, if he was proven to be a pervert, he wouldn’t be the legitimate president. Perverted president cheat to become president’s. those are called illegitimate presidents.
good. i want ask u in mark pincus agreat thief. and haker system people for 20 years owner zynga agreat thief
The republican base never thought they would see a black president in their lifetime….they still haven’t recovered from the trauma
@mac daddy Quite obviously a lot of the people were n o t on the side of Hillary Clinton, who imho was the much better candidate, even though I never had any fond feelings for her.

If I had a dollar every time I’ve heard “THANKS OBAMA” for every mildly inconvenient thing that’s happened since 2008 I’d have a nice pile of dollar bills
@SouthSide_ Chicago79 Wait however long you want. Nobody asked you.
@Belly Dancer Em the gop has always been corrupt with gerrymandering and doing everything possible to prevent people of color from voting…
Wacky is the nicest thing that can be said about the Republican Party!!!
When the leader of the free world said it was okay to randomly grab women by the pikachu, he gave men like Matt Gaetz *moral permission* to behave like a predator.
Do you understand that the words of a *leader* can effect lowlive’s behaviors? Did you notice that after donnie showed that he’s against blacks, Muslims, Mexicans, and all those that appear to be immigrants…. violence against them went way up?
Do you see a difference between people who think for themselves and have critical thinking skills, and those who don’t?
Tucker Carlson is already denying ever meeting Gaetz.
@Belly Dancer Em doesn’t mean she was leader of the free world either. what is the “free world” anyway… in a sense we are all subjects of some social institution… I got pulled over yesterday for speeding… I wasn’t free to drive my own speed, but was free to go after given a citation… am I free? not really… but I’m not in jail
freedom is in the eye of the beholder…
@18matts no, Matt still relies on his Daddy… and his Daddy’s money…
Trump-“I don’t know Gaetz, never met him but I wish him well.”
@zerushddai the investigation happen under trump.trump thought he was a creep
Gaetz was most likely in Epstein’s little book of naughty, Along with Agolf. That is why he is dead.
@ThaNarc And so did Barr. No wonder he lost some weight.
Trump lied, he and Melania had diner together with Gaetz and his teenage girl friend.
Funny, very, very sarcastic!
Liz Cheney just had a double scotch. !!! Cheers.
She’s flicking her bean and smoking a cigar. Life is good. MAGA!
Lmao Facts
Ive been asking for a while what do the Republicans actually do other than give tax cuts to the rich and obstruct everything the Democrats are trying to do? Can any Republican voter tell me what are policies or what do they stand for?
The GOP will drown in their own swamp. Its about time.
nah. Its just theater. America loves the soap oprah Both dems and republicans alike. This story will age and a new one will pop up. Anarchy is the only solution.
More like a GOP cesspool than a swamp. At least real swamps contain vital living creatures as part of the earth’s ecosystem.
You do realize this is a story from CNN, right? They’re soooo reliable!
good. i want ask u in mark pincus agreat thief. and haker system people for 20 years owner zynga agreat thief
How long before Matt Gaetz goes into rehab blaming his “issues” on alcohol? Didn’t daddy get him out of one alcohol related problem already????
good. i want ask u in mark pincus agreat thief. and haker system people for 20 years owner zynga agreat thief
systm what?
@no name all system computer if u download games in zynga is haker you 24 hour
@stf zung hak u systm oh, um yeah
I voted for Hilary because she knew the drill, otherwise she was unappealing. My vote for Biden stemmed from years of watching him speak coherently and competently about matters of governing. And the other reason is because he, too knew the drill. I’ve never regretted either vote.
@Rose Blake I’m glad Bernie Sanders has the position he has now.
@Rose Blake haha agree to disagree, Bernie isn’t a world leader he is a American Leader, he would mesh so well we could call him Ben J Deux aka Franklin 2.0, he resonates with the world because he is a student of the world.
@Ginger Potato Trump never said to inject bleach. You ought to do some research on the matter and stop slavishly believing all of the propaganda being sprew forth by the excuses that pass for a media.
@dr.robert d. lucas stop lying.. everyone knows what trump said.. stop making a fool outta yourself
@dr.robert d. lucas why was he backing a wack job who believed in medications are made from Alien DNA , demon sex ,or even there was a vaccine to prevent people from becoming religious fanatics….what about his hydrocloraquine that he pushed but when he caught covid he didn’t take his hydrocloraquine?
Jim Jordan’s has his own skeletons in the closet, he needs to resign as well
Most of them do.
Gym Jordan may be in this same weird sex ring with Gaetz. People are saying…
good. i want ask u in mark pincus agreat thief. and haker system people for 20 years owner zynga agreat thief
Gym jordan, when are you to sponsor all those new laws that say it’s illegal to give children food or water so long as there is a Republican sodomizing them?
Another neurotic Republican. There are many.
Looking on from NZ it stands out how so many of these US politicians who identify as “conservatives” and make a name/careers for themselves based on that, end up being the most vile miscreants in their private lives.
agree totally.
Then they go around accusing the Dem party of eating children. That side of America that voted for Agolf tweetler, need to be all locked up in the world’s largest insane asylum.
There are many of us in the US who are quite aware of the hypocrisy of legislators who profess to be a “moral majority.” Pointing fingers at others to distract from their own misdeeds. There are so many caring people in the US who want to build others up rather than tear them down. I only hope as we move forward we can dull the voices of haters and advance love and generosity for all.
Keep us in your prayers world, we’re trying
You nailed it and they trash the libs constantly
New Zealand is way ahead of America in terms of how good governments operate. They can send their politicians over here to Washington. and teach our corrupt ones a thing or two about what it means to really govern FOR the people.
I am sure Gym Jordan is ecstatic that he has found another sex-predator he can shield from consequences for his actions.