1. @thesinaclwon sorry, William has just downloaded Grindr and he’s very busy right now.
      Oh, he’s taking a dicpic. Look away, not pretty.

    2. The quote smart establishment and their bureaucrats have screwed this country for years and allowed us to be ripped off. I will take the outsider Trump who is getting results and exposing the DC corruption.

  1. “Trump is a kook. I think he’s crazy. I think he’s unfit for office.” -Lindsey Graham

    1. Jigga Man he was a democrat before he got in the race. He was on the Reform ticket in 1990. Party’s are to cause conflict. Give illusion of choice. The agenda stays on track no matter which party holds the office with token changes.

    2. @Bart Bart yo drag queens are the sweetest people. you need to go see a show. It’s truly fascinating, I kept staring trying desperately to figure out where they tucked it back, you cannot find it.
      If you cannot go to Drag show and be comfortable with their lifestyle, the problem is your own lifestyle. I am A cis white male. it was great, they all bought me free drinks, first time, I felt like the most beautiful princess from far far away.
      You really need to go, it is a huge ego boost

    3. @Bart Bart You must be that guy that likes to see his wife have sex with another man before she allows you to. What’s that called again? Yeah, that’s you. Come on out of the closet and set yourself free.

    1. @kelisseou said ” I don’t see the connection.” The connection is that Thugtards can’t seem to keep from projecting their religious belifs on to others, so when others say something they don”t like, they throw dirty diapers at the wall and see what gets a rise out of their target… Speaking of which, there is another group of religious bigots that want everyone to worship their way. Name escapes me right now… Tally Group? Tally Singers…. OH! Tallyband!

    1. @kimmer824 probably because highly intelligent, brilliant, confidant women don’t feel the need to dress so your delicate male ego is stroked.

    2. @Cecilia Martin I wasn’t just talking about this ugly libtard. I was using the plural. And I can’t answer your other question as I know u would accuse me of being boastful.

    3. @kimmer824 what does her looks have to do with her performance? This is real life. With real people. Not a reality show.

    1. @T It takes one to know one and you’re stupid enough to answer a rhetorical question. People like you don’t realize because of TDS that you’re the reason why Trump is in office and is on track to win a 2nd term. You can’t hold a constructive conversation so you amount to Elementary tactics.😪🤤

    2. @conference Justice thats T’s dream. He was telling me on his chicken channel that he hopes to meet a boy and move to palm springs. Not my style but we should all help him, conservatives and democrats… Get T a boyfriend by 2020

    3. @Ricky Fontaine
      Nope. It’s spelled right. Just to piss you Russian Libtard off.

      Hahahahahahahahahahaha you fucking Antifa Nazi supremacists libbitch.

    1. @mtb416 Do I need to be American to be interested in some arsehole who is endangering the world?
      Fortunately for me I am not American nor would I ever want to be.
      I am a concerned citizen.
      Are you saying that only American opinions “matter”?
      If so,I would argue strongly that at least 63 million of you shouldn’t be allowed to voice an opinion ever again on anything more important than “should I get out of bed today?”

    2. @Impeach Individual-1 I can’t believe you passed up the opportunity to say he was dumb as a Russian nesting doll. 🙂

    3. But So DUMB that the 150 million blacks lifted from poverty! ISIS topman dead!, drug prices come down, the economy booming ….
      You must Get your Indoctrination from The Coup News Network! Have checked Project Veritas?

    1. @Shaun Campbell

      No mate, you’ve got William Homosexual all wrong.

      William H for homosexual is the real Eric Trump.

      See, it makes sense when you think about it don’t it.

    2. @Demetrius Evans

      William H for homosexual is the real Eric Trump!

      Who else would get on here looking so fucking stupid but Eric Trump himself.

    1. Political T ………………….. You’re as Dunning-Kruger as Death Cult Donnie . Handing over the Ukraine to Putin ( that’s the goal ) as dimwitted a betrayal as Chamberlain capitulating to Hitler at Munich . As Churchill observed then, but applies now, trump ” ……. chose dishonor and will have War ” .

    2. Political Theater – If lobbing a Molotov cocktail was the goal of getting Trump elected, then let’s do the mature thing and leave that bombing to one 4-year term. This country will absolutely self destruct if he is handed a second term. I consider myself a fairly level headed, pragmatic person. However, I fear there will be real violence and damage done to innocent people if he is re-elected. He needs to go gracefully as well, which I know of a fantasy. If he loses in 2020, he will claim that the system is “rigged”, and nutjobs who see the world in terms of team sportsmanship will retaliate in an irrational way. If he is re-elected, I can see nutjobs from the other side of the spectrum reacting similarly irrationally, and those on the far right will feel like their violent racist ideology is justified. Best case scenario for the country is he loses the election and concedes honorably.

    3. Trump “knows more than anyone about everything”. Har har. How’s your ” little black people doing” ?

    4. Lester Pearson – I agree with everything you said, but would add that our bar is way to low for many things in life. Our relationships have devolved to uploading pictures to a website in exchange for thumbs up symbols. Our definition of literature, art and music has been watered down. Who we saw as honorable people worthy of our attention and admiration has shifted from real hero’s and change makers to those who have not actually produced anything of substance. I urge everyone to delete Facebook, take up a hobby, learn an instrument or second language, and have meaningful experiences with those you love. Lead by example and others will follow, and maybe we can reverse course in our society.

  2. Is this really surprising considering just last summer he suggested dropping a nuke in the eye of a hurricane to break it up….smfh…

    1. JESSICA SCHWARZ 1st part sounds like hotel, no, motel, no, wait, inn! 2nd part something you eat, sounds like reach! Oh apple, no, orange, wait peach! Inn peach!

    1. He’s just a DUMBASS . Hasn’t learned anything in life except how to bullshit his way through anything, helped by money . His Economics professor at Wharton ( Kelley ) famously remarked, ” Donald trump was the DUMBEST goddamn student I ever had . He thought he already knew everything .” .

    2. Wow f**king wow 😂😂😂😂 its funny but sad because its true and this is America im embarrassed to talk to my friends overseas
      😞 drinking helps.. Dont judge me dammit !!!

  3. That’s one of the most unbiased, cordial descriptions of Trump I’ve seen. That was graceful professionalism on her part.

    1. Jonathan: We’re used to seeing all these shrieking venomous partisans everywhere we look. Unbiased circumspect professionalism is now very rare to run across..
      It’s sad.

    2. A more charitable description of a walking, talking dumpster fire has never been given.

      Although in this case, her propriety is misplaced, and more than a little concerning.

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