Ex-GOP senator slams Republicans: May be time for new party

Former Republican Senator and Defense Secretary William Cohen criticized members of his own party who are signing on to President Donald Trump's election challenge, comparing them to circus animals under Trump's control.
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Ex-GOP senator slams Republicans: May be time for new party


    1. Trump changed parties a total of 5 times…and was a Democrat for 8 years …A Republican in 1987 then Independent in 1989 then in 2001 became a Democrat…then 20009 back to Republican….then 2011 as an Independent then back to Republican in 2012…in 2004 he said “In many cases I identify more as a Democrat..the economy seems to do better under Democrats than Republicans”

    2. @LavishPatchKid You realize they have been proven wrong more than once right? That’s the thing those counties are predictions just because their 50/50 guess was right a few times doesnt mean they are always right. I cant see what’s worse than a person who believes a prediction/superstition.

    1. You also need a set of principals set into written party constitution, which if not followed by the letter would make you loose membership to that party not only invocable by members either but also by outsiders. Otherwise it would breed cliques over time which wont hurt each other.

    2. @Angel Hart ah the age old “no they all turned into republicans!” Sorry kid, the democrat party that created the KKK is the same one that’s around today, racist for life.

    1. Then we need to do Campaign finance reform. Or we will get nothing. And there will be more horendus rulings. Corporations people, money free speach, etc.

  1. its times like this when the swamp shows its face it jest like a turd floats to the top and they both need flushing is its not to late !!!!

  2. “there is no moral core” this is the root of the problem. I considered myself a republican for many years, but no person with an objective mind and compassionate heart could possibly support the people who represent the party. Self Serving narcissist. We need a strong independent party, and term limits, to give us an alternative to these legacy criminals in the congress.

    1. Ronnie Mayo I think both parties should be held accountable to following the constitution, period. If it goes against the constitution then it shouldn’t be allowed to pass. There’s other instances like taxes that people keep voting for also that screw every person more and more too and we don’t control a cent of it. It’s a whole mess in the government and a new start would be awesome

    2. I agree. On that same note, no human being with an objective mind does not see the massive amount of fraud, in particular, regarding the absentee ballot themselves.

    3. Can’t disagree. The issue is that they’re dishonest, self serving, people running the country. Doesn’t really matter what party they say they belong to; they’re all the same. And they know they can get away with it.

    4. @Jeff Bowling Considering there is no evidence to support your statement, how is it that you think you can ethically glom onto this conversation?

  3. He mustered 74 million votes. That’s what these senators are frightened of. Being tossed off the gravy train. Spineless.

    1. @STAR Sirius no he’s the most popular president in history and your tiny brain can’t handle it

    2. @Chris Bates Biden already lost two elections. This one he had to cheat. I know you’re scared. And you should be. Trump ain’t going anywhere

    1. Keep in mind people, all this unnecessary drama for an old man who bankrupt 3 casinos, started birtherism, womanizer, pathological liar, and a reality t.v. personality with bad hair…. Also, when did he ever respect “the rule of law or the constitution?” Even now after losing in the highest court look what he’s doing. This is simple, he’s only doing this to avoid the word he loves to call others, but now hates the most ! That word is “loser.”

  4. funny how they find their courage only after their careers are over and it’s too late for them to make a difference. don’t give this guy a single cent.

    1. Project veritas releasing leaked cnn tapes of their top global corporation executives manipulating our news for the past 4 years every day at 7pm, stay tuned! https://youtu.be/oBZ1AZd4dVA you can’t deny there’s a clear agenda being pushed, it isn’t called fake news for nothing noting how the media is portraying our future not the same future the Bible warns us about the apocalypse which btw the media will never show us what’s really going on in the world economic forum and the plan to insert us the chip by force, the masks weren’t required not too long ago, now their required by our top institutions that own everything in the same format of the Illuminati sign on our dollar, 15 days to slow the so called covid spread turned to months, the vaccine now is by choice, then will be by force, if anyone can prove me wrong please do so

    1. Ironically, most of those people claim to be Christians. Which sure doesn’t say much for the Bible and Christianity as a font of decency and morality.

    1. @hey y’all

      Patriot. The guy who bellows the loudest without any idea of what he’s hollering about.
      (Ascribed to Mark Twain and others.)

    2. The GOP is old men looking for a paycheck. They don’t actually stand for anything. Trump is choosing a side and fighting for it and you have to commend him for that.

    3. Honestly sad that people like you exist. It’s clear that the election was fraudulently stolen. Blood needs to be spilled if Biden gets inaugurated. The people voted Trump a second term. Time to slaughter these DC criminals if they don’t use the 12th amendment on the 6th

    4. @Tim Downey good for you. Why can dems parrot what someone else said, but have no original thoughts of their own?

  5. McConnell needs to go! I’m hope that there is a way to knock him off his perch. If they can’t fire him, demote him and have him sit in the back.

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