Former Republican Senator Jeff Flake discusses why he'll vote for Joe Biden rather than President Trump in the 2020 election.
#CNN #News
Former Republican Senator Jeff Flake discusses why he'll vote for Joe Biden rather than President Trump in the 2020 election.
#CNN #News
Trump 2016: Things are bad, vote for me so I can fix it.
Trump 2020: Things are even worse, vote for me or else things will get much much worse.
@David Flynn good one!
Donald Trump, the second Hitler and the cult are heading for suicide. You try your worse ideas you can think of and the end you shouldn’t go and hide like Hitler did in rates hole, be tough as you call yourself. What worse can you possibly think of? Dictators and cult are try to destroy Americans Democracy and Americans Constitutions. Do you think it okay to be a liar, bully, racist, anti-Christ, fraud and scam artist? Most people in the world want good, respectful and smart is a plus individual.
@Pokarot And you don’t think there’s an improvement right there?
@Josephecles Are you kidding? Do I think that not testing for covid when covid wasn’t a thing and the increase in testing after covid was discovered an improvement? No.
bUt iT’s ThE dEmOcRaTs ThAt aRe CaUsInG aLl Of ThE iSsUeS!1!1!1
“If the German Nazi party still existed today, they would look exactly like the Republican party under Trump. Hitler’s rallies looked no different than Trump’s rallies. And Hitler would absolutely love a well-oiled propaganda outlet like Fox News”
Oliver Markus Malloy
Lisa Zabriskie only if you live in Portland Seattle NYC Minneapolis Oakland Chicago
@H S Glad you know all there is to know about our constition. Like freedom oh wait a minute thats right you don’t believe in it. No socialist does. The dnc uses the same play book as all dictators use.
@Mike Barbas If you knew the truth about Hitler and what happened there you would not use it so carelessly. My father was in those camps HOW ABOUT SOME RESPECT
max wright …. Good try mate !! I’m neither left nor right and never voted in my life .
Jeff Flake, thanks for choosing your country over party.
@Terrace Brooks Aren’t you paying attention? He didn’t run for re-election.
@Biggwill NYC I expected him to be impartial and view the facts, not just rubber stamp that horrible man onto the Court for life. But better late than never I guess.
@Rhyta – trump needs to go so that your leftists mob can take over? Now that is a joke. I don’t even think you can name a single crime that trump has committed. Go on, name one?
@Rhyta well maybe to him he was voting for Kavanaugh because they had a shared value on a few issues. We’re never going to agree with Mr. Flake on every issue, but we can agree with him in our mutual disdain for the trash in the whitehouse.
@Kay Bel What is a joke is your leftist mob mantra..funny how the FBI says over 90% of protests have been peaceful. The outside agitators came in and did the burning and looting. Trump acts like this is the Democrats fault. Who has been President during this time? Who has appealed to racists? Who shot and killed 2 protestors? Right winger. This is on his watch and he just stirs up the hate.
Trump has repeatedly broken the Emoluments clause and lines his pockets with money gets from foreign governments. He overcharges the Secret Service for the privilege to follow him to his golf courses. He has had military planes stop in Scotland, pay exorbitant prices for fuel and charge the servicemen more than their per diem. He is a crook pure and simple, many more if you do some research. Plus he was impeached for a bunch of crimes. It is a disgrace that so many excuse his actions. Law and order President? Give me a break.
Biden is what Republicans were in the 80’s! The Republican party has gone way far right, That said, tRUMP is neither conservative or Democrat, He’s a self serving dictator wannabe!
Brucifer Mephistopheles.O.K. Every thinking person can see and hear Donald Trump. Anyone, including me an ordinary joe thousands of miles from America in the U.K. can access his antecedents, form an opinion on the evidence. And yet, he is loved and idolised even, by enough of the American electorate to become president for another four years.That tells me more about the American electorate than it does about Donald Trump.
Exactly… Biden is what the republicans were and most of still are… Wich isn’t a good compliment.
@Boulevard Of Broken Nightmares without popular or majority support of Americans
@Biden Thoughts and yet they elected a black man as president
@OBAMA STOLE MY TOUPEE they elected his white half too. That’s an obvious display of privilege.
The “son” who conspired to steal his fathers $500 million fortune.
The “genius” who hid his college grades.
The “patriot” who dodged the draft. And attacks dead Veterans and their widows.
The “businessman” who bankrupted 3 casinos and lost over $1B in 10 years.
The “playboy” who pays for sex.
The “investor” who borrowed $800 million from 70 American banks…and lost it all.
The “christian” who doesn’t go to church.
The “friend” who was a close associate of Jeffrey Epstein for more than 15 years.
The “accused” who is alleged to have raped a 13 year old girl- see below.
(On April 26, 2016, Katie Johnson filed a lawsuit alleging that defendants Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey Epstein had savagely raped her, in 1994, when she was only 13 years old).
The “smart man” who declared bankruptcy SIX times and never paid his debts.
The “candidate” who ran for president twice (see Reform Party 2000- scandals there too).
The “respectful” who is alleged to have assaulted multiple woman over many years.
The “gambler” who allowed russian crime bosses to run illegal casinos out of Trump Tower.
The “philanthropist” who defrauds charity.
The “don” who launders money for russian mobsters.
The “author” who paid a ghostwriter to pen the art of the deal.
The “pilot” who bought an airline ($365 M company/operated for over 25 yrs), Trump personally managed it himself, within 2 years he ran it into the ground/sold off the company assets and walked away.
The “loaner” who got more than $2 BILLION from Deutsche Bank over 20 years.
The “billionaire” who hides his tax returns.
The “lawful” who likes threatening his opposition with prison.
The “bugged” who said repeatedly that he was spied on by the previous President.
The “campaigner” who accepts help from foreign powers to win an election.
The “taxpayer” who inflates the value of his assets for loans/deflates for taxes.
The “best” who claims that he is the best thing to have ever happened to Puerto RIco (Nearly 3,000 people died as a result of the storm and after effects, including widespread water shortages and power outages that lasted months).
The “contractor” who awards government contracts/jobs to supporters/donors (see Whitefish Energy/GSK Pharma/Trump Org, among many others).
The “parent” who separates children from their families and cages them.
The “repairman” who said in 2016 that he alone could fix it. “I am your voice, said Trump. I alone can fix it. I will restore law and order”.
The “boss” who hires only the best people then fires them.
The “innocent man” who refuses to testify.
The “builder” who wants a wall that already exists.
The “leader” who said racists, sex offenders and murderers are good people.
The “hatcher” who along with senior govt. members routinely violate the hatch act.
The “considerate” who during the RNC allowed all those present to be exposed to Covid 19.
The “economist” who claims that the US economy is the best it’s ever been.
The “academic” who defrauded students and taxpayers out of $25 MILLION/Trump University.
The “rigger” who has claimed repeatedly that the election will be rigged (also in 2016).
The “compassionate” who deports dreamers and people fleeing persecution.
The “honest man” who has told 18000+ LIES since being in office.
The “financier” who committed multiple campaign finance violations.
The “chosen one” who claims god gifted him with a trade war/thousands lost jobs.
The “unlimited” who claims article 2 allows him to do anything he wants.
The “profiteer” who ignored the immolument clause/family runs the business.
The “truthteller” who said that Covid 19 is a democrat HOAX/used word hoax 250 times so far this year (2020).
The “faithful” who cheated on each of his three wives multiple times.
The “least racist” who described neo nazi’s as fine people, shithole countries, Mexican’s as ‘rapists’, banning Arabs/brown people from entering the US, refuses black/minorities as tenants etc etc.
The “peacemaker” who uses paramilitary against peaceful protesters.
The “newsman” who claims that most news services are fake news/said this 150+ times this year (2020).
The “empathizer” who mocks fellow humans with physical or mental disabilities.
The “pious” who stands in front of a church while holding a bible as a prop.
The “wise” who praises dictators/killers/gangsters as strong.
The “unifier” who promotes fear and division rather than courage and inclusiveness.
The “pardoner” who commutes/pardons associates who are convicted felons.
The “commander in chief” who committed 10 obstructions of justice *
*(see Mueller Report)
The “potus” who was impeached in his first term in office.
The “controller” who said on Jan 22nd 2020 (Covid 19), We have it totally under control, It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.
The “magician” who said that Covid 19 would magically disappear.
The “carer” who watched as over 185,000 AMERICANS DIED of Covid 19.
The “medical expert” who advises injecting/ingesting/inhaling disinfectant/UV lights will cure Covid 19.
The “caller” who in phone calls to governors (March 16th 2020) told them that “it wasn’t his job to get PPE to frontline medical workers”/He then blamed Obama for lack of PPE.
The “principled” who’s own sister Maryanne Trump Barry said he had NONE.
The “jobmaker” who watched 20 + MILLION people lose their jobs and did nothing.
The “constitutionalist” who wants a third term in office.
The “president” who has no plan to defeat Covid 19.
(Direct quotes- “I take no responsibility”, “It is what it is.”)
Don’t believe he has no plan ?
And COMPARE countries.
If you’re a conservative, you should be ashamed of your president.
I wouldn’t trust Trump to run a hot dog stand, let alone a country.
(This list keeps getting bigger…and feel free to post this list on other social sites.)
@loliwe moyo It’s nothing new for Trump he’s been dirty for 50 years…see below.
Part 2 (Updated)
The “National Leader” who has made so many terrible claims/statements/actions someone wrote a LIST of them !
Crazy I know, why would ANYONE need to create such a TOTALLY STUPID list in the first place.
The “confessor” who confided to Bob Woodward during an interview on 7th February 2020, that he KNEW how deadly Covid 19 was (had been briefed on it in early JANUARY , airborne, 5 times more deadly than the Flu, HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS, old and young contracting it, no known cure). Finally revealed on 9th September 2020.
The “safety dance” who then LIED to the American people about Covid 19 and told them that “it was fine/no need to worry/you DON’T NEED MASKS or to SOCIALLY DISTANCE”.
The “controller” who said on Jan 22nd 2020 (Covid 19), “We have it totally under control, It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine”.
The “magician” who said that Covid 19 would magically disappear (February 27, 2020).
The “carer” who watched as over 195,000 AMERICANS DIED of Covid 19.
The “medical expert” who advises injecting/ingesting/inhaling disinfectant/UV lights will cure Covid 19 (Don’t do any of these things-potentially fatal).
The “caller” who in phone calls to governors (March 16th 2020) told them that “it wasn’t his job to get PPE to frontline medical workers”/He then blamed Obama for lack of PPE.
The “principled” who’s own sister Maryanne Trump Barry said he had NONE/also no ethics or morals (August 2020).
The “jobmaker” who watched 20 + MILLION people lose their jobs and did nothing (March to August 2020).
The “landlord” who as of August (2020) STILL no ban on evictions due to Covid 19 (30-40 MILLION US citizens in danger of LOSING their homes.
The “herder” who proposed that the US population be exposed to Covid 19 to achieve ‘herd immunity’. Expected conservative death toll would be a minimum of 2 MILLION/ (August 2020-Based on 220 M Americans being exposed to Covid 19).
The “vaccinator” who is now ordering the CDC to make a vaccine NATIONALLY available by Nov 1, 2020 bypassing the normal 3 stage testing process (which usually takes 18 MONTHS), thus putting tens of thousands of lives in danger. (see CDC directive and
The “president” who has no plan to defeat Covid 19.
(Direct quotes- “I take no responsibility”, “It is what it is.”)
Don’t believe he has no plan ?
That he is WILLINGLY letting Americans die ?
Why would he do that ?
Many other countries have locked down for 30-45 days to reduce the death toll to a fraction of what it would have been.
Populism/Economy/Re-election (How does it feel to be thrown under the bus?).
The USA is entering Autumn and…
Winter is coming…
How many will be dead by November ?
250,000 ?
300,000 ?
How many will be dead by MID WINTER ?
600,000 ?
And COMPARE countries.
(and of course again feel free to post this list to other social sites).
* sarcasm…
I couldn’t figure out how to copy your message so screen shoted parts and will be posting them. Very well written and said. Please do keep on writing you have great insight and a way with words.
@loliwe moyo On PC/laptop, hold left click…highlight…drag down… right click …copy…paste…voila !
@Tripi Taka thanx never use my PC for social media but will do it for this.
@loliwe moyo Better list than mine, check it out.
Part 2 (Updated)
The “National Leader” who has made so many terrible claims/statements/actions someone wrote a LIST of them !
Crazy I know, why would ANYONE need to create such a TOTALLY STUPID list in the first place.
The “confessor” who confided to Bob Woodward during an interview on 7th February 2020, that he KNEW how deadly Covid 19 was (had been briefed on it in early JANUARY, airborne, 5 times more deadly than the Flu, HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS, old and young contracting it, no known cure). Finally revealed on 9th September 2020.
The “safety dance” who then LIED to the American people about Covid 19 and told them that “it was fine/no need to worry/you DON’T NEED MASKS or to SOCIALLY DISTANCE”.
The “controller” who said on Jan 22nd 2020 (Covid 19), “We have it totally under control, It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine”.
The “magician” who said that Covid 19 would magically disappear (February 27, 2020).
The “medical expert” who advises injecting/ingesting/inhaling disinfectant/UV lights will cure Covid 19 (Don’t do any of these things-potentially fatal).
The “caller” who in phone calls to governors (March 16th 2020) told them that “it wasn’t his job to get PPE to frontline medical workers”/He then blamed Obama for lack of PPE.
The “principled” who’s own sister Maryanne Trump Barry said he had NONE/also no ethics or morals (August 2020).
The “jobmaker” who watched 20 + MILLION people lose their jobs and did nothing (March to August 2020).
The “landlord” who as of August (2020) STILL no ban on evictions due to Covid 19 (30-40 MILLION US citizens in danger of LOSING their homes).
The “herder” who proposed that the US population be exposed to Covid 19 to achieve ‘herd immunity’. Expected conservative death toll would be a minimum of 2 MILLION/ (August 2020-Based on 220 M Americans being exposed to Covid 19).
The “vaccinator” who is now ordering the CDC to make a vaccine NATIONALLY available by Nov 1, 2020 bypassing the normal 3 stage testing process (which usually takes 18 MONTHS), thus putting tens of thousands of lives in danger. (see CDC directive and
The “carer” who watched as over 195,000 AMERICANS DIED of Covid 19.
The “president” who has no plan to defeat Covid 19.
(Direct quotes- “I take no responsibility”, “It is what it is.”)
Don’t believe he has no plan ?
That he is WILLINGLY letting Americans die ?
Why would he do that ?
Many other countries have locked down for 30-45 days to reduce the death toll to a fraction of what it would have been.
Populism/Economy/Re-election (How does it feel to be thrown under the bus?).
The USA is entering Autumn and…
Winter is coming…
How many will be dead by November ?
250,000 ?
300,000 ?
How many will be dead by MID WINTER ?
500,000 ?
The question HAS to be asked, is this GENOCIDE ?!?!
The President has been condemned by his own words.
The Vice President is ALSO guilty as he knew everything and did NOTHING.
And COMPARE countries.
(and of course again feel free to post this list to other social sites).
* sarcasm…
Bipartisanship is a crucial part of the second branch. We need less division and more unifying candidates.
corenzo762 Try googling right-wing involvement in the riots. This is just one of many articles on the subject:
corenzo762 Is that a threat? Should we report you to authorities?
Katrina Maxwell that’s just stupid! I mean…”demoncrats”???!!! Stop with the primary school level of stupidity first, then find something sensible and, while your at it try truthful as well, and then
Katrina Maxwell that is just plain stupid and, with such useless statements offered as fact your comment is merely an effort to hijack the discussion to the land of unreality! I am “guessing” that you aren’t all up on the history or the discussion!
@Katrina Maxwell You have NO Idea what BLM is, you’re just spewing idiotic talking points.
Really you watched that movie and decided hey look the republicans. Moron Lets see call your opponent names dehumanize them. How? Call them nazi, racist, beat all those that don`t agree with you burn their stores loot. You say hey that is the republican party. Hitler let his people burn the stores of the jews and locked up all those who disagree if you had a star of david you were beaten. The fire dept. was not allowed in and then blamed the jews for the destruction. In this country people are allowed to loot stores burn property fire dept. kepted out. Wear a MAGA and you could be beaten. The Socialist democrats will do nothing and say this is a good thing. Moron my father and uncles were in nazi Germany and you want to compare the two as being equal. Did you see the camps while in use idiots to say Nazi Germany the same as America. Check the DICTATOR PLAY BOOK AND SEE THE SOCIALIST DEMOCRATS
jordan HOLLYVID. O.K. Every thinking person can see and hear Donald Trump. Anyone, including me an ordinary joe thousands of miles from America in the U.K. can access his antecedents, form an opinion on the evidence. And yet, he is loved and idolised even, by enough of the American electorate to become president for another four years.That tells me more about the American electorate than it does about Donald Trump.
@max wright bwaa ha ha pathetic deflecting cultist clown, enjoy your dictator and ruin.
or just read KARL Marx to see what democrats are doing
Every thing he says that is going to happen is happening right now on his watch. He is starting a bunch of issues, law and order president, sending troops in to arrest peaceful protest. Of course he gets people focused on something elsewhere, now the truth of what he called our service men and women. The covid lies he told, I want to go back to the 60’s and 70’s when our government worked for the citizen of the United States. There was compromise between the Republicans and Democrats, if I did my job the way our government is working I would have been fired. I’m so sick of the division and hate that is promoted by our orange Hitler, I pray for God’s guidance in our country. All I ask is people remember how our whole country pulled together after 9-11, we all pulled together as a country.
Jeff Flake has turned into one of the smarter Republicans.
@AwakeAmericanow. I say it because is true. Trump started leas ears and abused his power leaves than any President I can remember. Again by default. Consider that his opponent lured about Trump calling Neo-Nazis move people while defieddefending Antifa who are violent communists. Obama’s basically allowed Hillary to give Libya to Islamists them blamed a movie when it got an ambassador killed.
He’s not great but the competition sucks. And that includes never-Trumper republicans.
@AwakeAmericanow. Keep calling me a sucker, and keep thinking Jeff Flake is your friend because he opposes Trump. Trump is actively targeted by the oligarchs every day. Why do you think the mainstream media hate him?
Michael Price. Trump,is the epitome of an Oligarch. He models himself on the best of the best. If you knew anything about anything you would know what I mean.
@AwakeAmericanow. Them why are the oligarchs attacking him? Seriously you knows these guys don’t care about your country right? You know Harmed Comedy didn’t side with Hillary for the sake of justice. You know the warmongers don’t gave your interest at heart. So explain.
Such a relief to hear a conservative talk in a reasonable way about what is needed to get out of the Trump chaos and save America.
Jeff Flake, John McCain R.I.P. and Mitt Romney are the only ones that stood up to Trump.
I hope Joe Biden asks Mitt Romney to have a leadership role in his administration – We need leaders that have the backbones to work for all
Americans. We need an America that we can all be proud of.
AwakeAmericanow – Do you like Brexit too? Europe doesn’t want Trump idolizing idiots like you. Go get a warm beer with that old bag Teresa May
and Messy Haired Trump Imitation Boris Johnson.
@D Smith Trump is doing great? Trump is openly a thief,a despot and hates people!
Trumpism wanted to drain the swamp but create a toxic waste dump of conservatism instead
You said it rigth.

@Jimmy De Zubeldia I used to think like you, in fact, I still do. The difference is that I realized the numbers don’t support the Republican narrative.
How does a minimum wage that won’t even cover basic needs encourage people to work? How does charging $40,000-100,000 for college over 4 years encourage people to get educated and better themselves? How do you encourage financial responsibility when a single unexpected healthcare bill can force you into bankruptcy (yes this also includes people with insurance)?
The second you start looking at the numbers, it becomes clear that Democrats, not Republicans, are proposing the types of policies that will encourage people to become self-sufficient and better themselves. Not convinced?
Of the 10 most violent states in America, 8 are run by Republicans. (Source: FBI Annual Crime Report)
Of the 10 poorest states in America, 9 are run by Republicans. (Source: U.S. Census)
Of the 10 shortest-lived states in America, 10 are run by Republicans (Source: CDC Mortality Trends)
@Mas Dragnil WOW… Great points
Yen Trinh. O.K. Every thinking person can see and hear Donald Trump. Anyone, including me an ordinary joe thousands of miles from America in the U.K. can access his antecedents, form an opinion on the evidence. And yet, he is loved and idolised even, by enough of the American electorate to become president for another four years.That tells me more about the American electorate than it does about Donald Trump.
“Governing by TWEET is Not Conservative. It’s Not Even Governing!”
DJT is DISMANTLING AMERICA PIECE BY PIECE! (and his creature of a wife does it Rose by Rose!
Trump blows more f****** hot air then a car exhaust…. It’s toxic… Vote him out
So sad that Trump caused thousands of lives to die because he was not a role model for
Our Country and didn’t wear the mask.
Why didn’t someone do something
About this.? Praying for all who died
because of Trump
maggienorriscouture what about the thousands of doctors that say the mask is BS. And the cdc saying that they will count presumed cases and Dr Birx agreeing that the count will be liberal and the cdc now says the death rate is wrong and the mortality is much much lower and other countries that say their numbers are much lower and don’t wear a mask and other studies that say mask are bs and the Democrats burning and looting our cities in “protest “ and the numbers aren’t going up?
I heard one of my friends said her teacher cried when trump became president, I didn’t think there’s a big problem because I hate political and all that non-sens…I didn’t understand the concept of “crying” part since I don’t really care who runs government. BUT, things changed when pandemic hit, hit us harder than any other countries in the world. The death rate a higher, and people just don’t care nowadays. What I’m trying to say is that if trump is going to be president for next year, I will cry this time. Why? Just look at how trump manages the pandemic, what gives right to vote for him again?
Take a political science class, you’ll get a better understanding of everyone’s role.
Almost 200,000 Americans have died because of Trump’s botched mishandling of the Corona Virus pandemic. What’s really galling is that he doesn’t give a single solitary damn about any one of them. When asked about the death toll he replied “It is what it is!”
Wei Tang it’s not just the pandemic. It is the abhorrent corruption of the judicial system, the links to Putin, the backing of dictators around the world against the American allies, the narcissist greed for money and using every abuse of power to retain power. Before the presidency and throughout it, he has abused his power, caging children…..all this were indicators of unfit for office. The mis handling of the pandemic was just another but with the gravest of outcomes for so many innocent people. Trump has always been a disgrace and all Americans need to understand the drive of Putin to have got him into power but what they are doing to keep him there. Despite the manipulation of the postal service…VOTE BIDEN. ITS THE ONLY SALVATION FROM THIS NIGHTMARE.
When a 12 year old was revealed to me she knew more on Global warming than our president, enuf said.
“They are more conservative in fiscal issues.” Huge tax break for rich people, almost every Republican term ends in a recession.
Even Trump said almost as much.
That under democrats our economy has done much better!
Jeff Flake, your a true patriotic. Country over party. This is why we love you.
Lol love Flake: “governing by Tweet is not conservative”. Hell it isn’t any party imho. Thanks for your support to our nation, Senator.
Jason Ullerich were sick of his tweeting. COVFEFE. I’m done with him.
It all boils down to one thing: This country is going to “H3LL in a Handbasket” (as my mother used to say), and it’s all happening on trump’s watch.
Exactly, but his base blames Dems, beyond pathetic bwaaa ha ha.
“There are many, many, we see them all the time.” Just attach that description to anything Trump doesn’t like.
“Indifference to the truth,” a polite way of saying Trump’s a layer.