Former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe discusses the timeline leading up to the Highland Park shooting and how the shooter obtained weapons. #CNN #News
Ex-FBI official questions key decision by shooter’s father

Former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe discusses the timeline leading up to the Highland Park shooting and how the shooter obtained weapons. #CNN #News
Andy McCabe is correct; d) all the above. What parent would even do this?
Too many these days! Ever hear “my son is a goodboy”? Denial is strong.
The father should be arrested as an accomplice. He knew his son was dangerous. Father is culpable.
Civilly for Certain.
I certainly hope so
You’ll see fathers Fighting for abortion rights if THAT WAS THE CASE
It’s finally here
WTF!!??………his father signs off on the gun, after that psycho-son of his threatens everyone with knives? That fool of a father was running for mayor, one point, wasn’t he? Lock them all up and throw away the key!!!
It’s finally here
Would have made a great mayor, eh?
@Jen McVay And running as a GOP at that, loved guns and hated the Dems what a fine murican family
So a suicidal kid that also said he wanted to kill his whole family …… were visited by the police twice and had weapons confiscated , can go and buy a semi automatic rifle as long as he had his Dad co sign the application ? Yeah….. nothing wrong with gun laws at all .
Americans deserve this. Nobody can read or comprehend what the second amendment even says. I’m Canadian, y’all are sad. How many of your precious, slave owning “founding fathers” envisioned a kid being able to buy a military rifle with an extended clip in the future but not be old or trustworthy enpugh to rent a car? The words ‘militia’ and ‘regulated’ are in there though. Again, I’m a 39 year old Canadian truck driver. You all shpuld be ashamed.
@Nancy Sadly, it often seems so.
@Saul Teanuts Bite me. You do make sense though. Fkn Hell
@orlock lol
So shocking to learn that the father collected those knives the same day they were taken away. Disgusting
It’s finally here
How is it possible for someone to legally buy guns then claim insanity for defense? That literally proves how easy it is for guns to get into the wrong hands
@M.J. that’s why an actual professional psych exam should be required. Those things are over 500 questions. Take about two weeks for a trained professional to pick out inconsistencies then they follow up with another barrage of secondary questions to clarify anything that doesn’t make sense or could be a sign of danger. It’s easy to fake a yes or no one question exam but doing an actual one takes about 2-3 hours. Getting a gun should be a month long process atleast if just getting a vehicle license takes about 6 months.
The system is broken. The Buffalo shooter was known to police, this guy was known to police and yet they both got firearms.
@Alyson onOahu hope this is sarcasm…
Thank the republikkkans got that!
They are both whites
The family statement forgets to mention “We are idiots and blood in on our hands.”
Blood is also on the hands of the bureaucrat that gave this individual the permit to purchase those weapons.
It’s finally here
Excellent comment, justified.
Absolutely and parents should have some consequences as well, I don’t know what but as a former Mayor (or wanna be mayor) he should know better
Father should be held accountable, if he “vouched/signed” for his son, under the age of 21, knowing that he had these past problems…Father just as responsible for these deaths
What good was the Red Flag Law, good for.
Another note, father was not “dumb”, he once ran for mayor of this city…
You are bloody hilarious…. His father wasn’t dumb he ran for Mayor?!!!! MTG, Boebert to name just two……

@Fat Man
No but I saw Trump…… Woman, Man, Person, Camera, TV…… Hey I passed a test to prove I didn’t have Alzheimer’s, I’m a stable genius
@Ryan INFORMATION: _islame will soon reach end of life, and therefore there will no longer be any security updates for this OS._
We are though, happy to announce that *islame 2.0* has been relased under the name *”Atheist Religion”* and that you can easily upgrade to this new version under “search for updates”.
For around 100 years, atheist religion OS has been beta tested, and in those 100 years, more than 110 million people have been slaughtered in its name, making it a worthy competitor to islame 1.0
So, what are the changes in islame V2.0 Atheist Religion?
Well, the only real change is, that the word *”allah”* has been replaced with the word *”science”.*
And since in islame everything is backward, V2.0 of islame is of course also fully backward compatible with islame 1.0
This means, that the same unscientific claims apply as in islame 1.0.
For example, while in islame 1.0 you have to believe that women have a sperm reservoir in the necklage region, in islame 2.0 Atheist Religion, you have to believe that a man can menstruate and that there are a billion different genders.
Pedophilia, incest, homosexuality, trans genderism, bestiality, cannibalism and necrophilia is of course also still legal in islame V2.0 Atheist religion.
And encouraged.
The father should be held accountable as well
The gun lobby crowd will blame it on marijuana and video games.
It’s finally here
The father should be held accountable for the fact he knew of his son’s mental state, then went and sponsored his son to get a gun. What a family
@Don vito Corleone

@Dennis Lewis

@Jacob Garcia

And exactly WTF were the police doing? They “temporarily” took his weapons away?!
Did anyone get this boy mental healthcare?! And as an aside, is the father mentally stable?! Doesn’t sound like it…
Yes the father should be investigated and possibility charged with crimes. At minimum he is culpable and negligent.
@Randy Church adults co-sign for loans for other adults all the time.
what happens in primary default? come on, THINK …
@jimmy james the legitimate use is because I want them.
@Warren Goss So if you want an RPG you should get to keep those too? Should I be able to mount a 20mm automated CIWS in my front yard to take care of any pesky neighborhood problem?
The father is nuts to help his homicidal son obtain a firearm. What was he thinking? Clearly he wasn’t thinking clearly.
I’m not a doctor, but I don’t think the father is a mental giant. I think he might have issues of his own. I would be interested in hearing from the Mother.
Isn’t the father culpable? He told law enforcement the knives and sword were his. So, he lied.
The father ran for the mayor’s office a few years ago. Definitely an upstanding individual that should serve in that capacity! You can’t make this $hit up.
@Kicky so you are giving up your rights, I am fine with that. Keep giving up your rights, it makes you a perfect Democrat.
@tom martinez
Those ten-year-old kids in Uvalde were not old enough to vote, yet you expect them to die for your freedom to own something that denied them the right to reach adulthood.
If the father did vouch for him then the father should be held accountable, for some part of this debacle.
Well said. Both parents should be locked up. The father signed card, probably paid for the gun. The mother gave a mass murderer the get away car. Insane.
The parents in the Oxford, MI case are being charged, perhaps that is possible here as well. Parents have to be more careful about how they raise their children and what privileges they may earn.
What?! As a foetus dependent on a woman’s body to survive, the special being has full rights, but once it hits the light of day and the cord is cut, that’s it.
Childcare? We are not commies!!
Healthcare?! We are not a socialist state!
Quality education?! Not needed! Pull yourself up by your own bootstraps!
Help parents to have the time and environment or build a system that invests in younger generations and you will see the changes you want.
And the guns…do you really need so many weapons of war?
@Michael Bray wtf, Michael. You are waaaayyyyy off the deep end here. Get a grip and chill. Just vote the people out that you disagree with.
@no face no case Thanks for the link. Now I have a better understanding of why our younger generation is so f-ed up violent.
The people who made the law that allowed the father to sign a document allowing his son to get guns should be held accountable. It was they who put the power in the father’s hands.
Then, the people who elected those who made that law should hold themselves accountable.
But everyone will shift blame because America prefers guns to lives.
“Therefore to him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” That father made himself an accessory to his son’s crimes. He knew his son was not mentally stable. Even so, he co-signed for his son to obtain weapons of mass destruction. Hold him accountable!