Trump and William Barr took steps to hide conversation with foreign officials, according to new reports. Some of that reporting suggests that the conversations were about investigating the origins of the Russia probe. Lawrence O’Donnell discusses these developments with former DOJ official Matt Miller, House Intel Rep. Andre Carson, and Nicholas Kristof. Aired on 09/30/19.
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Ex-DOJ: Trump, Barr Trying To Conceal Interactions With Foreign Officials | The Last Word | MSNBC
Whistleblower need to be in Protective custody, before A.G. Barr can Epstein him.
He is in protective custody. He’ll be fine.
To Tito..I wonder if Epstein has too much knowledge about the rich and powerful that he probably put his real evidence in storage somewhere in case he needed a bargaining tool for his life…I think he was wished out of the jail to somewhere for his safety and the safety of those he was working for or with.. I forget the term where by a “thing” of value is released to the public in the event of an untimely death…Blackmail was his specialty…
I’m seeing Trump ads staying “tell Adam Schiff to resign” no Trump you resign, tell McConnell to resign, tell Graham to resign. Tf! Trump your base is not that big and most Americans don’t rock with you. The worst President in the history of the United States!
The president of the United States, our country… Is running the White House like his personal business. Here’s behaving like a mob boss. I pray the southern district of NY does have evidence to change the entire Trump organization with RICO charges and take him out.
How did we get her America? How is this our reality and why? We can do so much better. We have to make amendments to our constitution. We have to set limits on how many terms a person can be in Congress.
This is not good for our future as millennials and younger generations. This isn’t the way forward… I’m registered to vote and I’m voting not for myself but for everyone to have a better future.
Republicans haven’t done anything to uphold our democracy because they’re too focused on power and not Americans. They held up Obama too. I’d vote for Republicans if they were chatting policies to help us… But on both sides the money is controlling our country and we’re suffering.
Why is minimum wage still $7.25? Why is healthcare tied to our employers? Why is housing so expensive? Why can’t I file bankruptcy on my student loans? I was told to go to college for better outcomes but I’m not finding jobs that pay more. Why don’t we have unions? How come we’re not developing more got economic growth but instead cities are overcrowded and expensive. Why don’t we have speed trains like other countries so everyone isn’t on the road? How come no one has thought to actually abolish the electoral college?
There’s so many pieces of legislation the Republicans could be working on to gain my support but they’re always preventing or country from moving forward and blaming the Democrats.
The Democrats are always worried about optics and not fighting hard enough to change things. Send people out like Bernie says to organize. Put out the information on McConnell to demonstrate how bad he is and how we’re suffering from his lack if responsibility to our citizens… Stop holding the people accountable for partisan politics, we have these people in office to serve the entire country.
Please go register to vote! And please start speaking about term limits on Congress. No one should be in Congress for twenty to thirty years… It’s so irresponsible for us to allow it because we see that they stop working for the people and are self serving politicians. To terms like the President and that’s it.
Also we need to correct the official branch… No more life long appointments to the supreme Court. The Constitution was made to be corrected as time progresses and the needs of the people and or democracy changes and that’s what should be happening.
We’re living in a crazy transitional period in history and it’s time for us to demand serious structural changes. Money should not be in our politics, or country is not progressing and we’re living worse than ever before. Capitalism should not run our country, haven’t we learned anything from our past. Look at what we’ve allowed to happen and it’s getting worse.
All elected politicians should want Trump out because of the president he’s setting. Also he’s ruining our relationship globally. This is not what I thought I would see as a child with Clinton as President.
Prince Blizzard Gary is a Russian Troll paid by the Russians to sow discord in our political and social system. His real name is Petro Trollaninski. Just ignore him.
@Gabriel Diggs You should keep up with the news. Y’all have been exposed.You never fail to accuse others of what you are guilty of.So simple.Word is out,never ever vote blue.NEVER.
The echo chamber anti Trump folks reside in is fascinating to watch. You will probably lose Minnesota and NM too next year, there will be lots of riots in places like LA and Chicago , Portland and Philly, because those are blue sanctuaries but America will be just fine
@FLA-TEXAN America will be great.Those cities need to riot so they can get much needed help.They basically riot every day.
@Gabriel Diggs Propaganda? From Trump supporters? Lol LoL lol LoL lol LoL lol LoL lol LoL lol LoL.No need for that.The truth is stranger than fiction in all categories.This last stupid stunt will most likely be the end for most of them.All it will take is for one to start singing and the whole flock will turn on each other.Hillary wrote the book on corruption Incorporated.Trump is making the movie that exposes them.That was funny tho. Accusing others of what you are guilty of has been the norm and now it’s predictable.They are making it too easy.They are careless and don’t think ahead while Trump is already 5 steps ahead.Why they keep going back to stunts that don’t work just tells you they are desperate.TRUMP TRIUMPHS.2020 Landslide.KEEP ON TRUMPIN AND GOD BLESS AMERICA

Kashoggi, SaudiArabia, Helsinki, Putin, Mueller report, Epstein case, Ukraine….. i dont trust Barr, Pompeo, Trump or this administration with *ANYTHING*
@Gary Rosie always a sign of an empty political opinion: no substance, only insults and name calling.
And do you trust this?–dj2-CY
America needs to embrace the constitution and the Bill of rights.
Ethics needs to be taught in schools.
The rule of law should apply to everyone.
Every American should have the right to be considered innocent until proven guilty.
Any news agency who deliberately hides the truth from the public for their political purposes should lose their license to broadcast for a month with it doubling with each offense.
Pretty sad when Sessions starts to look good.
@David V: I know ..RIGHT!!
Don’t forget Jeff Sessions used the Bible to justify putting those children in cages where so many are still.
@Lana Kahl Jeff Sessions used the READERS/BELIEVERS of Christian faux Victimization to accelerate the hate.
Mr. Magoo is glad is out of all the drama, lol
Pretty sad when Trump is still winning.
Bill Coverups Barr should be prosecuted for all the crimes and coverups he has participated in while serving as the disgrace of the Justice Department. I hope that the next DOJ has him locked up.
Jpkrao — I’m not sure who is more to blame: Barr and Trump, for their crimes…or Us, The American People, for allowing them to get away with everything up to now. We could have by-passed most of this nightmare if a couple of million citizens, with torches & pitchforks, had decided to assemble outside The White House and Capital. I believe that it would’ve sent the right type of message: That these “mucky-mucks” are there to serve us, and NOT themselves.
Trump, himself, should’ve been removed from Office a long time ago with The 25th Amendment. If there have been so many people, running around (stealing memos, etc.), trying to keep this president from making “grave error” after “grave error” (and, apparently, there HAS been), he should’ve NEVER been allowed to get this far.
I realize that no one is perfect, but I can’t imagine what it takes to prove that someone is unfit to serve, if Trump’s insane behavior is able to avoid such a determination. And we sure can’t depend on HIM to do the right thing. The expectation of Trump “stepping down” from his position, in a gesture to do what is best for America, is a patent fantasy.
P.S. — Oh, and Trump’s statement about how we used to treat spies (in this case, whistle-blowers), in the past? He would do well to remember how The Iraqi’s treated THEIR leaders when they defiantly went against The Will of The People. He (along with Barr) is lucky that they’re probably only facing prison.
Trump can’t win an election without cheating.
Trump: if it’s not worth cheating, it’s not worth winning
@Kevin Wilson NAFTA II, more of the same?
@princeoftidds You would be wrong not anywhere near nafta try again !
Each time you respond to a troll, they get paid!! Don’t Feed The Troll!!
This situation is getting worse by the minute for Trump and he’s dragging Barr, Pompeo and others with him. For the first time in almost 3 years I believe impeachment has a realistic chance to succeed.
RA MO – Trump isn’t _dragging_ anybody with him. Barr, Pompeo and others are more than willing participants, and know _exactly_ what they’re doing. Remember, birds of a feather flock together.
Too put “Democrat” in the same sentence as “intelligent community” is just laughable.
@Josie Fox I despise the lie of Christmas and everything about that time of year, but if they impeach that ridiculous self-serving clown I’ll sing along naked down my local high street!
Trump is a Russian weapon designed to detonate within the heart of the US democratic system.
Jeff Smith , as someone said, Russia is winning without even firing a single bullet.
you don’t think he’s a bit more like syphilis, a festering disease designed to create madness and chaos at the top while infecting the base with painful, oozing sores?
Yes DJT is a Russian asset! Sending our DOJ all around the world to clear Russia must make Putin very happy indeed! Can you imagine what the President of Ukraine thinks about clearing Russia since they are at war with that country? LOL Sure they were so excited about helping!
Barr is not a man of integrity
Since when?
But this guy is–dj2-CY
He is. Thats why you hate him.
When Barr the AG of America is twisting the law to use it wrongly for his own purpose that is very dangerous . They have turned the country’s justice system upside down.
@Kathleen Santana That’s true .
@Mob Flork Yes of course but not for wrong reasons
If Biden is so innocent as you all say, then there’s no problem investigating him just to check.
I feel very bad for Zelinksi as a new leader having to deal with Chump, needing something from the U S. OMFG
Treasonous Trump Moscow Mitch and the Criminal Barr have got to go
The military is strongly behind Trump. …they are still collecting paychecks from this commander in chief.
@Fred Lewis Rudy Jailiani
It’s definitely time to, ” drain the swamp.”
Also called “flush the bowl”
Flush the cesspool. It was a swamp before trump.
Vote Bernie Sanders
i hope there’s a whistleblower that will expose moscow mitch too . fingers crossed
Because of the sanctions levied against a certain Oligarch, that Oligarch poured MILLIONS into Kentucky. Why? Because he knew there was an ally in Kentucky who loves the almighty dollar wherever it comes from.
@Midge Curreri Oh yes. Mr. Oleg Deripaska, oligarch extraordinaire, and intimate of Putin, poured two hundred million dollars into Kentucky, just a few months ago. Oddly enough, he was a forbidden person, under US law, until Trump took him off the list of known enemies of the US..
Barr is a traitor to everyone serving under him, the intelligence community and the American People.
Wrong.Find a different source.
@Gary Rosie
Wrong.Find a different source.
@el bee I check all.You were on a fake post.Just letting you know. You’re welcome.
Gary Rosie
wrong! Keep going back for more Trump man milk mustaches!
Michael Cohen is probably grinning in his cell, thinking “I told you so”
@Psychological Warfare: I really don’t want to hear Sara Huckabee Sanders sing!
@Kevin Wilson I told you the truth! Go read the report and stop cherry picking!
@Kevin Wilson Moron.
@Real American truth doesn’t matter to the absorbed masses. Its like a sci-fi Spy novel, OMG!!!
“If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed…….and we will deserve it.” -Lindsey Graham, May 3, 2016
Looks like Nostradumbass was right!
@s. o. b. Fuktrump mueller outlines extensive collusion between the trump campaign and Russia….. over and over again they got together…. what mueller didn’t do was charge conspiracy… essentially because he believed he couldn’t…. that’s it…. he didn’t think he could do it because of his doj guidelines. rich James is a fox and friends watching moron. don’t pay attention to the flailing trolls… it’s all over. the conversation between trump and the Ukraine is the very tip top of the iceberg. he has been wheeling and dealing like a mob boss his entire time in office. when his phone calls come out between himself and Russia and Saudi… it’s will be the straw that broke the normal folks back…. people like rich wont change their feeble minds ever… they are too deep into it.
Will this be the next President of the United States ? :
Suzy Q – Nostradumbass! Bwahahahaha!
@Daniel Thank you! The Mueller report outlined just how corrupt Trump, his campaign, and his administration, really are.
Conspiracy-NO, but that’s only due to the fact that Mueller reported that his federal investigation was undermined because *Trump officials destroyed evidence and lied to investigators.* (Obstruction) His team found multiple times in which Donald Trump personally sought to obstruct and interfere with the investigation.
The special counsel’s office “learned that some of the individuals we interviewed or whose conduct we investigated — including some associated with the Trump Campaign deleted relevant communications or communicated during the relevant period using applications that feature encryption or that do not provide for long term retention of data or communication records,” the report said. “In such cases the Office was not able to corroborate witness statements through comparison to contemporaneous communications or fully question witnesses about statements that appeared inconsistent with the other known facts.”
Trump’s as corrupt as it gets, he’s found ways to personally benefit using the power of his office in several ways, and it’s all starting to come to light. Trump cares nothing for America, he only looks out for number one; individual 1, that is.
I think they named him “Lindsey” because they thought he was a girl…actually he’s never had to shave so really, he could be a she.
Looks like the incompetent occupant has “handlers” after all. Who’s running this show?
@Avenue Rd Thanks for that – appreciated.
@Brett Nine the women of this nation not being offended by Biden and his son attacking a female prosecutor in Ukraine and getting her fired for investigating his son is outrageous . She lost her job because of brutal men of the USA .
@Avenue Rd people all over this planet from several religions and cultures sing I am their Lion King Messiah the prophet besser videos on my likes playlist .
The first video on my likes playlist The Dalai Lama sings the Great Hosanna Johnny Patterson the Messiah coming from America , a Jew . Buddha is a Nova , Johnny is a Nova . Our Savior Johnny Patterson .
Russians sing Johnny Simba to all Russians .
Germany sings I am the SUPERHELD Kaiser Fuhrer of Germany come play with me Germany .
Women all over this planet sing I am the Ladies Messiah .
The Real Messiah of Jesus .
The Lion King Messiah of all of India .
The Lion King of Africa .
Maitreya Buddha .
The Mahdi of Islam Buddha Johnny The King of the Muslims .
Videos on my likes playlist .
No other American ever has had people all over this planet from several religions and cultures singing to and about them = UNIQUE . A one of a kind .
Lynsey Graham, your name is MUD, Senator John McCain would be ASHAMED OF YOU
At your next election,remember that: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.”
This goes beyond party. I was against impeachment until I asked myself: “What if Hilary was President? And we found out that she did the same thing digging for dirt on Trump (who’s going to run against her in 2020)? What would I do? I’d impeach her. So I knew it had to be done. There is a right. There is a wrong. We do have laws and the Constitution to uphold. And we must protect our democracy
You think the american people can,t see the irrational hatred coming from the dems? Trump will win again and most of the hate filled dems will be voted out of office the people are sick of them,the silent majority are going to vote trump the biased lying media will lose
would that also apply to this?–dj2-CY