A former Chief of Staff with the Department of Homeland Security, Miles Taylor, joins Hallie Jackson to discuss his tenure working in the Trump administration. Taylor, who has recently begun speaking out about what he witnessed in that role, warns that a second term would only yield more "distraction" and "bad policies" from the President. Aired on 08/19/2020.
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Ex-DHS Official: Trump Wanted To Trade Puerto Rico For Greenland | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC
As a Puerto Rican I have to say Trump is a lunatic. Keep your paper towels Trump, we can do better than that.
The only thing that counts is what to DO about it — VOTE and end Trump and the whole crime syndicate evaporates:
Google your state and election 2020.
Find out how to Register early, Vote as early as permissible, Biden/Harris/blue.
Drop your ballot off in authorized ballot boxes, drop off locations in your state.
That will lighten the burden on the Post Office Trump has kneecapped.
Make your Country an independent Nation if you hate Trump that much. Your people are leaving because they can’t stand the Politics who keep everyone poor. You an thank the Democrats for that!
relee67 you clearly know
about our culture and relationship with the US. Infantile answers deserves no comments at all. Keep scrolling another video where you can comment without looking lost or stupid….
Trump’s Hillbilly Diet of Slim Jim’s, Mountain Doo and Meth is responsible for the “look”. Think Cletus and Brandine McFarland.
Yes, keep the status norm in your country. It has been fuc*** up for years by the Democrats. Why change it now and offer a better life for the people. Nothing offers control like misery. Go Democrats, the more the misery the more you cna have talking points to run on. Don’t bother to solve anything. You cannot afford to have happy people.
If this doesn’t bother you, you’re not an American.
Trump is a very dangerous clown and an enemy of this country.
@Ben Parker the Dems and reps both work under the same tree. They all work for the money funders. They have all been bought and sold. Except Trump, he just does the buying.
@Jeffrey Hagelin lol, did I hit a soft spot.
@Jeffrey Hagelin I thought you blocked me.
@Jeffrey Hagelin I love trolling sheeple. It’s fun.
Rainny Z sorry what? Our country is being hijacked in front of our eyes by a conman. You have no high chair to sit on. He is an authoritarian, a man unwilling to give up his position of power, a dictator. He wants to be Putin, Castro, and Kim Jung Un all at once. Nice to see you don’t care about our country, look to China to see our future. RIGHT BACK AT YOU.
I believe this guy. He has nothing to gain by coming out. He is also not selling a book.
Netflix DOCUMENTARY “the great HACK”
Greg B Totally agree.
waaaaaaaah im a stupid democrat. I believer anything if its against Trump waaaaaaaah
@jamescreys Oh, well done! Yet _another_ well thought out argument there. You must be one of the “smart” Trumpanzees. It’s a good job every single post you’ve made here isn’t a comically butthurt blast of cognitive dissonance and pitiful projection, or you’d look a complete _moron!_

jamescreys hahaha says the one believing a meme pathological liar.
THIS GUY has nothing to gain..he’s not writing a book….and HE’s standing up and saying something now! I would believe this guy over any of CHUMP’S cronies!! VOTE THIS PRESIDENT OUT in NOVEMBER!!!
Trump’s Hillbilly Diet of Slim Jim’s, Mountain Doo and Meth is responsible for the “look”. Think Cletus and Brandine McFarland.
@greg j Trump’s Hillbilly Diet of Slim Jim’s, Mountain Doo and Meth is responsible for the “look”. Think Cletus and Brandine McFarland.
@Roald Shakleton That’s awesome, fantastic etc! My question right now then is “are Biden’s rallies currently open to the Public?” I’m asking because I saw a video of one of his town hall deals and it showed a couple of men sitting in what appeared to be a gymnasium? The other day, I saw a video where caravans of Secret Service escorted Biden into an empty parking lot and there was nobody there!” Why would they go to the trouble of traveling to an empty lot when he could have done what he’s been doing and speak from his basement? The man wound up giving a speech to three masked reporters who sat in designated chairs situated throughout the lot. Is this by order of the Presidential Candidate that no supporters be there? I’ve never seen anything like this before!
@greg j do the we the people a favor and vote him Out
Your mother will love you more
@greg j Better stock up on meth. Biden’s gonna ban it.
I love how this guy always brings it right back to Trump being the issue, and the issue is that he’s a dangerous moron.
@Boozer Lou And, his Son Jr, a raving MORON!
Maybe because he’s really trying to warn you.
I agree but that just points out what his agenda is, to hurt Trump no matter what. If he lies on part of the story, the rest of the story, no matter the truth, cant be trusted. Miles was fired and actually only worked for two weeks according to his former boss.
I just cant trust him
Biden/Harris 2020
Well said!
Trump’s Hillbilly Diet of Slim Jim’s, Mountain Doo and Meth is responsible for the “look”. Think Cletus and Brandine McFarland.
“. . . his worst impulses can’t be ameliorated . . .” Wow, that’s interesting. Hitler had the same problem, too.
@macolyis You would be wrong if you honestly thought that. I guess Hitler knew the shoe would fit his followers as does Trump know his base as well.
@CitizenS So leftists destroying and burning down cities is just Trump “propaganda”? Did Trump pay Fox News to hire people to dress like ANtifa and loot and destroy buildings just to make himself look better? Harris and Biden is portraying BLM as peaceful and BLM leader Ariel Atkins is openly approving of the wholesale destruction in Chicago and widescale looting of stores. SO far BLM rioters have done BILLIONS in damages and murdered many children. Yet Harris Biden still supports them.
@macolyis You need a break from yourself or seek help. Is there someone you can talk to and confide in? Seriously, it may help you. And if so, recommend that person to Trump.
@CitizenS What would this person be helping me with? Convincing me of the narrative that BLM thugs and terrorists have not caused 100s of millions in damages and are in fact peaceful protestors.. that Harris and Biden are right to support? Should I be excited that if Biden is elected CHAZ may be coming to a city near me.. complete with human excrement communal gardens.. and the leftists wonderful post apocalyptic look they always bring? I mean what they do to cities would make for an authentic FALLOUT 10 live action roleplay experience.
@macolyis will pray for you.
Just one of a thousand reasons to vote for Joe Biden right there.
Good thing I have a million reasons not to vote for Creepy Joe
This guy is seemingly legit. Because of that, people NEED to listen and STOP BEING STUPID! Trump is corrupt and ill-equipped for a second term!
He was I’ll equipped for the office PERIOD
Trump called this man a “lowlife”? The audacity of a inept narcissistic con man
@jamescreys Russian troll with caps lock stuck on.
@jamescreys You can’t have one side or the other, you need two sides (at least) to balance things out. Be careful how you verbally attack people, it makes you look trashy.
@jamescreys , And I’m sure you were fair to Obama…
@Rоии , he has to let his hair grow back from his KKK rallies before he can take a picture.
@Douglas Dulac The only fairness obama deserves is lynching for his treacherous acts against America.
This guy accepted responsibility, admitted mistakes and speaks directly. I believe him. He seams very honest. Glad more people are speaking out against Trump!
When it’s convenient and they’re already fired they do. It’s too bad they didn’t take it upon themselves to report it to the justice system instead. Cowardice right up until there’s nothing to lose
I believe him too, but he lied to us already. Only because we can see it with our eyes the behavior of the president, do I not deny him now. Otherwise too little too late, this is a career saving move only because we see the house electorate, is Democrat
Now people have to speak out against Trump, before they’re fired isn’t anyone looking to help fix the country while they are in office? No, because Trump denies them the ability by undermining every act of good.
Can we trade Trump to Russia for Snowden? Putin already loves him.
Brilliant suggestion!
I liked Snowden until he went to Russia
One doesn’t ADVISE Trump, one struggles TO REASON with him
why is it so scary that I see such people serving as management in my company as well.
Even then one fails
With Trump it should be called the “divided states of America”
Puerto Rico isn’t part of the Union it’s a territory with the right to self determination. Im from PR
@jamescreys And they swapped roles and titles the early 60s. Democrats and Republican places after the civil war literally mean nothing
@jamescreys Then why do Republican voters wave the Confederate flag if the Democrats were the ones who did it? And honestly waving the Confederate flag is a disgrace to Lincoln’s legacy (The Republican Party).
Yes, thank you MSM.
@Fernando Fernandez Trump’s Hillbilly Diet of Slim Jim’s, Mountain Doo and Meth is responsible for the “look”. Think Cletus and Brandine McFarland.
Most of his supporters don’t even have teeth. And he is calling Puerto Rico poor and dirty?
@Vanquish Media ahahaha I see. Yeah you’re right.
Most democrats are crack heads, street whores, umemployed lazy losers hoping for free hand outs and free college.
Dems are too young with zero experience with the lowest scholastic scores around the world.
Plainly speaking… they are just too stupid to have any wisdom whatsoever.
@jamescreys well they are Americana, one wouldn’t expect any less
@jamescreys Any you are one pile of
Trump’s Hillbilly Diet of Slim Jim’s, Mountain Doo and Meth is responsible for the “look”. Think Cletus and Brandine McFarland.
I thank him for leaving the cult.
nice try you witch.
The only cult here is the Satanic Cult of Democrats. Dont try to twist the facts
@jamescreys Get back in your sad little echo chamber, you loon. Sane people are talking here.
In his defense, he didn’t know he was in a cult.
@President Dotard Moron, It is you stupid democraps that are in a satanic cult.
All your actions and beliefs reflect only demonic motivated.
I can hear the running of many a Greenlanders feet pulling up bridges, blocking ports, pulling down air traffic control towers and rolling up the carpet to keep Americans out!
Haha, you have to wonder about a mind that thinks you can just “buy” a country now. Yes, there was the Louisiana Purchase, etcetera, etcetera – but I personally believe the inspiration is to find his mug on Rushmore. This.must.never.happen. (Not sure that ever should have, either, come to think of it.)
this was good journalism, and a robust interview Hallie Jackson
I work with several Trump supporters. It’s a cult. They’re beyond talking to.
@Quills fandoms2 Harris/Biden 2020?
@relee67 OK says the Nazi
it’s true I have family members that are Democrat and Independent but some of them are Trump supporters and those ones I can’t have a rational conversation with. They’ve now slanted further to the QAnon side of the spectrum. I see no hope for them unless the get ‘deprogramed’ like the Scientology nuts.
i know right. I worked in a place like that . what they used to say was just soooooo saddd. they were like “we dont know what else to talk about” , so…” so they are doing that so the brown ppl dont vote bla bla …. it was insane they felt like they could not talk about anything else ..i feel soooo bad for them
@Stephen Briggs Trump’s Hillbilly Diet of Slim Jim’s, Mountain Doo and Meth is responsible for the “look”. Think Cletus and Brandine McFarland.
I believe this young man, he seems believable.
@jamescreys as opposed to members of the Greed Over People (gop) party who support the worst President in US history by a huge margin. Now that is stupidity, something the gop members have cornered the market on.
@Steven Baer And supporting Harris and Biden who are all for BLM looting and burning cities down is certainly a very smart thing to do?
@macolyis Thank you for confirming your abject ignorance.
@Steven Baer So all the fires, looting and destruction over the past 80 days by BLM which Harris portrays as TOTALLY PEACEFUL.. was just faked by Fox News?
@macolyis Stick to your bible videos, leave the free thinking who to people to use their brains, not just believe what they’re told by dictator Trump and Fox News
Republican senate have allowed trump destroy America for 4 years.
That was their job to save AMERICAN when he was impeached yet the senator dis see his wrong and say it was good only Mitt Romney’s has a back bone and conscience. moral DIGNITY