CNN's Erin Burnett talks to the former boyfriend of embattled Rep. George Santos (R-NY) about their relationship and the many false claims Santos has publicly made. #CNN #News
Ex-boyfriend of George Santos speaks out to CNN

CNN's Erin Burnett talks to the former boyfriend of embattled Rep. George Santos (R-NY) about their relationship and the many false claims Santos has publicly made. #CNN #News
What a trainwreck Santos is. This guy, Pedro, is the luckiest guy alive, having dodged a HUGE bullet. He seems like such a nice guy too.
And with just 18 yo! Smart dude
He dodged the bullet repeatedly. He was sure.
@Lamont Cranston he didn’t,he still looks and sound very hurt
And to believe Kevin McCarthy is talking about ethics and normality in his committees.
The Republican Party is such a joke now that keeping Santos in surprises no one that has watched that party slide into a deep pit of lies, hypocrisy, corruption and insanity, all the while screaming “But the Libs! b-b-but Hilary’s emails! Trump is our lord and savior!” Let them keep Santos – he’s right at home with a bunch of very like-minded – and like-doing – individuals!
McCarthy gets great cover having this drama queen on board! Everyone is distracted by Santos and McCarthy is hiding in plain sight!
@mia smile trump lost too
Wormtongue McCarthy is Another liar, more guarded and cunning but every bit the liar that Santos is.
Santos is a very sick man and should get help. He should be removed from Congress ASAP

@Brandon isHere to this degree ? Seriously. Why do idiots who use false names post the most stupidest comments
They won’t remove him he is a republican they love people like him .they all like that a bunch of liars
I didn’t know republicans allowed LGBTQ people like George Santos and Donald Trumps buddy Peter Thiel in their party because i thought republicans were conservative. The gop’s new flag
Love love love to see a drag queen draw down between George Santos & Michael Obama! If Obama would synch down his “Bulge” & cut down on his makeup, he’d be a shoe in!
Politicians lie all the time but he took it to another level.
Matt Orchard (JCS level of top legend content quality) already did a historically significant piece on this very thing:
@Dilbert Doe correct! Thank you.
@Marcos Juarez

We humans lie. Period. Stop acting like politicians were a different breed. There’s lying and there’s being a pathological liar like Trump or Santos.
He did what they all wait until after the election to do.
Thank goodness the press is hounding him! Keep it up guys and thank you!!
Definitely! Keep hounding and asking questions about and to him…. I think we need a doctor to verify he’s even male …
he’s pathological like the ex President 
They have to fill airtime with something. This is mana from heaven for them
I’m sure he’s been told to just ride it out because the GOP won’t get rid of him. He’s there for the next 2 years.
You poor sad clown
@Chris Hutson just wondering why they have never reported on all of biden’s LIES and present corruption. Seems like CNN is trying to deflect.
I hope Pedro finds someone wonderful! Seems like a really nice guy. Sucks he got mixed up with his now ex and his lies but I’m glad he realized it and ran in the opposite direction.
I would take him!
Glad he

away from SCAMtos.
Santos brings “fake it until you make it” to a new level.
Seem like it works…sorta… he made it by faking it.
@Common Sense He’ll be writing a NYT bestseller soon and getting a Netflix deal. Thats the American way, reward bad behavior.
@Chi Chu He’ll definitely get a book deal. Mark my words.
@Common Sense I don’t think so he is going to jail for fraud over the 700k for campaign finances
Fake it until you’re completely fake
This guy was very smart to get away when he did. A relationship with a narcissist is always going to be a disaster and the sooner you leave the better. They always start out as prince or princess charming before Mr. or Ms Hyde appears.
He was so young. I’m glad he’s free
Trump: “I tell the biggest lies. No one lies like I do”
Santos: “Hold my beer”
Santos: hold my volleyball! Trump: hurry up or I’ll give it to Putin!
*hold my wig
@Mook Temas you are sad.
I guess, Trump the TRAITOR, and curious George Santos are competing for the winning awards, under the categories of the BEST CoN ARTIST, and the BIGGEST LIAR of all Time.
Presenter: and the winner of the awards goes to…it’s a tie! They’ve both won the awards for the BIGGEST LIARS, and the BEST CoN ARTISTS of all Time !!!
Congratulations CRIMINALS !
@Snake I think he meant September 11th, as a birthday. Not THE infamous day and year.
I will never forget how Captain George Santos saved the Federation of Planets from the Borg.
What a hero.
You win. Best comment. Best comment thread. LOL!
He had the advantage, the element of surprise!
No,That was Biden eons ago after a brief stint during an incanation as Luke ‘Biden’walker. He said so.
@Gregg Hernandez A+ for creativity
I didn’t know republicans allowed LGBTQ people like George Santos in their party because i thought republicans were conservative. Gop donor Peter Thiel is also a LGBTQ person like maga Ricky Rebel
“He’s just out of his mind”
he says it so matter-of-factly
If an ex calls this guy a lying “psycho,” BELIEVE the ex. Cannot believe these Republicans! THIS pathological liar and conman represents their party and they are obviously OK with that. Says a lot about the Republicans and how there’s no bottom to how low they’ll go!
Matt Orchard (JCS level of top legend content quality) already did a historically significant piece on this very thing:
Lots of people have exes like that.. hopefully it’s a learning experience and the mistake is not repeated. People who are out of their minds are often wearing a mask to hide it
Many in Brazil blame George Santos for their failure in the Qatar World Cup. If you ask me, he was the player of the tournament and the only one holding the team together. What a player!!!
Was trying to see where you was going with that one then you Turned It Around!!
I know someone like this. We throw out the term “compulsive liar” but to actually interact with someone who lies in every interaction you have is so odd. You walk away always wondering if the smallest most insignificant detail was made up.
Wait a minute… Did you make up that story?
You mean Donald Trump?
So true! We also knew somebody that told lies like this. Sometimes part of it was actually true. At the end we had to cut ties with this person.
My husband lies all the time but i think he is just a narcissist who believes his own stories..
I also knew two people like this. Dealing with a person like that is pretty surreal.
This guy actually seems really sweet. What a time to be alive.
Thank you, Pedro Vilarva. You’re helping a lot of people. You seem like a quiet person, and it may have taken a lot of courage to tell people . Thank you.
@Mr. Feeny Who would like the biggest lair–George Santos? Are you insane?
@Mr. Feeny Are you humiliating me or yourself? Don’t you understand my comments? Which comment makes you think I love that lair?
@Mr. Feeny Are you one of that liar’s followers? It seems so, otherwise you wouldn’t think everyone loves that darn lair!! How dare you! I’m not insane as you are!!!!!
@Yara Galal
Bitter queens learned that innocent, damsel in distress routine from you breeders.
I also dated someone who was equally mentally ill . it’s a condition . they get caught up in it and it takes hold completely . it’s like turrets syndrome . to get away with it they gaslight you constantly . It’s unhealthy being around anyone with this kind of disorder
Narcissism is a _personality disorder,_ it’s not a mental illness as such. And I think you mean Tourette’s? Turrets are the things on top of castles!

It’s a choice not a disorder. I believe it can have adverse effects on your mental health, however a lie in itself is a decision.
What condition exactly are you saying he has? What is the Diagnosis you are suggesting?
@Vatican Cameos Now that you’ve shown everyone how intelligent you are and how superior you are to the person who commented, why don’t you crawl back into your own narcissistic basement.
@mwkersch A narcissistic pathological liar to begin with…
I hope this never ends – it’s the best comedy we’ve had in years.
Comedy Gold lololol

We Stan George Santos. American
Goated king 
Comedy ? is the whole world a stage to you ?
The only reason anyone would find this funny is if they are mentally ill / serve the con / are a follower of Satan.
Pedro, you seem like a very genuine, kind man. Take care of yourself. I’m glad you had the strength to stand up for yourself and get out of that relationship. I hope you are well.

Pedro seems like such a sweet honorable man. I hope he has found happiness with someone who appreciates him.
George Santos is a disgrace to all Gay people
So Why did he marry a woman…. For citozenship??
@trashtvinternational uh.. how about he’s bisexual maybe?
@trashtvinternational George Santos was the one who married a female friend named Uadla Vieira in order for her to obtain legal residency in the US. It was a sham marriage.
Damn. I dated a girl exactly like this. It’s been almost 7 years since I finally got her out of my life, but the emotional trauma has been so immense and something I’m still working on getting through til this day.
Hope you heal soon good luck bro
@Freddy Kruger thank you brotha

You made it out, stay strong