1. Fact: Bezos made $22 billion dollars extra during the pandemic. It’s outraged that the richest man in the world cannot treat his employees like human beings. They deserve better. Bezos has one duty and that is to better protect his employees.

    1. @Adrian Chapa They do. If you are not doing well, you are not buying their products. Beyond that, why should they? It is not their job. If you want someone to care about you…call your Mom.

  2. Oh but if you’re an organizer they’ll just randomly fire you for violating social distancing policies lmao

  3. These people are the only ones with jobs and I’ve heard amazon treats people badly but wow this is crazy

    1. @Jallow Jerry Hey Sling Blade, Leigh Rivera is way way above out of your league – go back down to mom’s basement and finish your soy milk – let real men court her

    2. Can you please educate yourself a little bit further than Amazon. They are not the only ones with jobs. I am essential worker and still have a job and do what I have to do to protect myself

    1. @Chad Cheddagetta so 750,000 people get to make a living and feed their families due to a successful company that delivers things like Santa Claus and stimulates a massive economy of producers and sellers. Yeah capitalism is bad.

    2. @MrGriff305 I never said capitalism was bad, those are your words. I love it. Depending what side of the financial divide youre on, youre either going to hate it or love it. There is no in between, youre either shitting on someone or being shitted on.

      The real evil part is telling those being shitted on that they are in a good system. I let them know im shitting on them, I dont pretend.

    3. @CautionedIbrahim You can’t be fucking serious. There aren’t even 300k dead in the whole world. Change that to 1 million recovered, and your comment wouldn’t look so ignorant.

    1. @Wade French Not speaking on him in particular! There will be many lawsuits during this corona virus pandemic. Dont get offended. Just because a person can handle a suit doesnt mean they want just ONE even.

  4. HR exists for two reasons: 1) to protect management and 2) to ensure the company does not get sued. They will fire or mitigate whoever presents a threat to the company. Do not complain to HR. Get an attorney. Forward your emails.

    1. As someone who used to manage people, you can drop #1. HR is there to make sure the company doesn’t get sued, period. They don’t give a darn about the managers, unless you’re an HR manager. 🙂

    2. @Matt Taylor He’s suing Amazon for wrongful termination, a civil suit against a company with deep pockets; cases like that are taken up by lawyers for a percentage of the settlement. The better/more high profile your case, the easier it is to find a lawyer.

  5. Yes and what about his job just because he will whistleblower that doesn’t mean he should be fired

    1. JUST ME NOT YOU you mean like the guy in this video? Give me a break. Amazon pays employees better than anyone else in the industry. $17 minimum wage, 2x base overtime. They have continuously advocated for a national $15 minimum wage. Amazon employees over 750,000 people, yet this is the only person the media can find to interview?

    2. W Towns no he won’t. He was fired because telling coworkers to walk off the job isn’t a protected right. He was fired because he got sick and still went into work. There’s a reason why this is the only guy the media can find to interview even though Amazon employs well over 750,000 people.

    1. He pays them well. Beyond that he doesn’t owe them more than market value when it comes to wages, etc.

    1. @John M Both Tyson and Smithfield plants prepare and store animal meat which has blood. Blood is a pathway for pathogens and viruses.

    2. @Niael Bryant … You know how dumb you sound right? The virus has to actually get into the food first, and it didn’t come to the plant that way, because animals can’t be carriers (besides a select few, none of which we consume in the U.S).

      Amazon sanitation is on par with other package handlers and within WHO guidelines (at least the two centers here are).

  6. Havent ordered from Amazon during this pandemic actually the opposite I’ve been saving every dime I have I’ll eat veggies to save the meat plants the only things I’ve paid are my bills and rent every life matters!! And I drop the bills in a drop box I’ve saved more during this pandemic than ever b4 noones life is worth risking for money or ordering offline 💙🙏💙🙏💙

  7. I don’t get the issue with just putting up a disclaimer that orders may be delayed due to Covid on websites.

    1. Honestly anyone working right now that isn’t a first responder, in the medical field, or up keeping infrastructure, can be replaced according to corporates. I should know, I’m still making pizzas for people at my city.

    2. Not Jeremy Amazon, grocery stores, mechanics, meat processing plants, etc…if you had cases, the higher ups didn’t want you to talk about it. Can’t scare the customers…

    3. @Not Jeremy homeland security gives “essential” status. Post office, grocery, internet, call centers that do a service, etc.

    4. Called out sick from Walmart one day about a month ago, just wasn’t feeling well. Was called and told I had to work. Came in late wearing a Mask.

      Got sent home for wearing a mask. As it wasn’t an approved mask according to their policy.

      Now the masks are mandatory. Still mad about that .5 extra on my attendance points.

    1. I totally agree but HR Departments work for their employers not for the employees… they sound just like the HR Dept. where I used to work and the employee ends up with no where safe to turn when there is a problem.

    1. __They some selfish Low-down, dirty, uncaring incompetent demo’crats!!. 🙄😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨 04/30/20.Thu.@9:19PM.

  8. one of the richest men in America , paid 0 taxes last year yet he wants us to donate to help pay employees… garbage

    1. @trustfund82 In my experience the charitable ones usually come out when theyre older or passed a certain financial threshold. Its their way of making themselves better, they try to halfway help poor ppl after f**kin them for years. Its their version of “giving back”

    2. he may be CIA. or hes just a guy who the CIA allowed to win the bid for the government cloud system.. i believe they do the same thing bidens kid and biden did.. extort taxpayers unknowningly for soo much money. they prolly pay him the agreed contract amount. n he gives most of it back with the promise that he can sell all the amazon info to advertising and government agencies for a killing.. who knows. all i know is that Amazon, Netflix, Hulu, Twitter, Facebook, Google, Youtube,Apple, android.. all of them . collect sell and make millions off a commodity we didnt know existed.. i thikn we all DESERVE 50% of all the money they have all made on our info..PERIOD.

  9. I think that we all have seen enough of Amazon’s business practices to know what is going on here. It’s about $$$$$$$$$$; not lives.

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