Ashley Parker of The Washington Post reports on how Trump's allies within Washington are reacting to the president's chaotic debate performance. Aired on 09/30/2020.
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Even Trump's Allies Are Aghast At His Chaotic Debate Performance | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Trump a worldwide embarrassment.
The real “suckers” and “losers”
The “suckers” voted for Trump in 2016.
The “losers” will vote for Trump in 2020
Trump merely exposed the American hypocrisy for the world to see.
I agree! From, Canada.
@KS Goh His hypocrisy and his administration’s. You are correct. His supporters have been conned.
Here across tbe seas, we call trumpty dumpty, the Orange Abomination of Desolation. Vote him out!!
An hour and a half of Trump throwing a tantrum. He sounded like an angry toddler…
Mari Murphy Trump is the faithful son of Satan.
@Lucky Baldwin wow you saw Biden crapped himself as well? Trump peed some. Biden will die with in 6 months.
@MuvoTX yet he’s in charge. What’s that make you? Lmao you have gods son before you and you call him fuktard. Tsk tsk. Shame on you.
@Mari Murphy Evil trump is SON OF SATAN
@Mari Murphy No shame on my part… it is what it is… the orange fuktard is in charge of a dumpster fire in every regard. Sure some problems he inherited… I’ll give him that. But at the same time he has not shown the ability to fix them either.
I teared up on those moments that Biden as a father was talking about his sons. Joe Biden was taking those punches on behalf of us the People and this monster felt no shame bloodying him.
Hunter is a criminal.
@Mike D Hunter isnt running for president
@Mike D Then where are the indictments troll?
@Mike D Trump is a criminal.
Mike D Eveidence please…
He is unable to course correct. Look up self-regulation. He is unable to control his feelings. He just can’t do.
@Ash Roskell you 100% correct, your statement made me think back to trump whinning “how come nobody likes me” everybody likes Dr.Fauci..
he’ll never get it.
Just look up the definition of malignant narcissist. He checks every box.
@jd190d The debate rules are supposed to be changed and there will be mic cut offs. But h e will still talk, interrupt, and say stuff under his breath. He has no control over it.
@Ash Roskell His niece did say he would get worse. He has.
@Ash Roskell Fascinatingly you forgot all about Pence.
Unfortunately the rest of the world is watching. Just as well Americans can not travel overseas… they would be hanging their heads in shame.
@Ben oh Ben shut up.
@Ben Oh Ben. Just stop it. You appear to be as delusional as trump is.
@Ben Let’s hope that nomination wasn’t from one of the foreign powers Trump might owe multiple millions of dollars to, that might cast some doubt on the legitimacy of that nomination!
@Iceberg Rose what is egoistic about peace in the middle. President Jimmy Carter (happy birthday to Jimmy) started this path to peace in yhe Middle East and this president almost 50 years later has continued it. Promises made promises kept. Vote different friend.
@Hahvok123 really? The peace is fake. Its not a big deal? Its okay to say “peace is a good thing.” Think different from what your told to believe.
Trumps campaign officials have gone to get assessed at the Mental Asylum they too think they are Screwed Up
Theo Lucas : This is all because Donny’s, “negotiators,” said Donny wouldn’t do the debates if they were going to cut Donny’s mic, while Biden talked, and vice versa. I think they should just INSIST on that now! And, if Donny (hashtag) RunAways, then GOOD! Let him run! And let America SEE him drop out of the debates! Let America SEE we have a COWARD and a BULLY for a POTUS who can’t face a fight on even terms!
Joe will be there to greet them
@John Zaun No chance, but your spot is already reserved.
Trump wouldn’t have a clue about his performance. He thinks he did great. That’s how, STUPID he is.
He has to find out from F*x and Fiends, because his minions are too cowardly to tell him. This is all because Donny’s, “negotiators,” said Donny wouldn’t do the debates if they were going to cut Donny’s mic, while Biden talked, and vice versa. I think they should just INSIST on that now! And, if Donny (hashtag) RunAways, then GOOD! Let him run! And let America SEE him drop out of the debates! Let America SEE we have a COWARD and a BULLY for a POTUS who can’t face a fight on even terms!
MaL: C You’re Embarrassing yourself, the Vast majority of Democrats under 45YO Reject Biden. google “Why Democrats Are Overwhelmingly Rejecting Biden” Biden is Out of touch, out to lunch and his 47 years of Do Nothing has Run Out. Reading is fundamental, do your own research or end up Crying hysterically in bewilderment November 2020
Greg Rogers TROLL
@Greg Rogers Sure racist. Keep selling yourself that delusion while Biden stays ten points ahead.
Trump’s ego is his anesthetic that dulls his pain of stupidity.
Really hard to debate someone who is mentally ill and can’t really control himself, or offer any direction other than, “I wish her well.”
Maybe Trumps enablers are aware the Biden campaign raised a record breaking 4 million dollars in one hour after debate.
TRUMP got 66% of Telemundo Hispanics loving Trump. Bingo
@Mike D tRump has oligarch money
@frank hayles Gladly!
BYE-DON 2020
@Mike D BYE-DON 2020
@roger rives All these trolls better start looking for new jobs. Save up your rubles, 31 more days and Putin won’t paying anymore when the “Useful Idiots” are out of OUR White House!
Biden/HARRIS 2020
Last night, the world watched in horror, as Joe Biden was forced to debate a cornered orangutan high on bath salts..
Really funny, if it would be not so sad, and if we would not have had to live through the last 4 years of this tantrums. Alienating us from our Allies around the world.
…with a bad combover
Q said it was adrenochrome. Snorted it just before the debate started…..
Untrue but hilarious. Maybe some other drug tho.
@IsThatTrue OrDidYouHearItOnFOX Because republicans are white supremacists. They are relieve to finally have a candidate that can openly support their white supremacist voters.
Train wreck he doesn’t care. Don the con doesn’t care he wants to create as much carnage as possible. He’s an orange fool
Yes. Since he is nothing but an empty, seething projector, this is more about insecurity, fear and self-hatred. Nothing worse than a narcissus with learning disabilities given power. He will take all of us down with him if we let him.
@Pensa Simpson He will go on a tour after the election. He needs money, millions.
Donald will lose for the same reason he failed as president: “he is who he is” — Joe Biden
Fool is too kind.
Last night, Trump cemented the status of the USA as the global laughingstock.
whatever itis CDC refutes your false “210,000” dead claim. Only 6% of deaths are a direct result of Covid in patients w/ zero co-morbidities. Also, when Trump regains the Sudetenland, annexes Austria and invades Poland, you have my permission to call him a “dictator”, otherwise put your clichés and hyperboles back in your purse.
Flb843c Imp47 What a litany of clichéd Democratic talking points! Essentially, your argument is that only desperate, ignorant central and south Americans want to emigrate to the U.S.. How tolerant of you!
whatever itis You don’t even know what fascism is. I often see leftists ignorantly, impulsively name-call their opponents “fascist” with little comprehension of the definition.
@Mike D you are without a doubt one of the most ignorant and misinformed people I’ve ever encountered. Congratulations, you win the Stupidest Person on the Internet Award!
The north koreans and Chineese aren’t laughing right now.
The world saw what an unstable, bombastic, buffoon he truly is. Absolutely horrific.
Ash Roskell, the world is in total shock at what Trump did. The bigger question no one is asking is: is this what world leaders have had to deal with. All America’s allies have abandoned the US because of Trump. He only has Putin by his side. Maybe Duterte. And his on and off again love with Kim. And of course Turkey’s president and the king of Saudi Arabia. Gees, what a coincidence all those leaders are ok with Trump.
The world new this for years. This one was for you all.
@lilbeserk The US has never “taken care of the world” for the “rest of us”. It has acted in its own self-interest and that is OK, it’s what all countries do. If that self-interest is aligned with other big global powers (England, France, Germany, Australian, Japan, etc.) then a lot of its undertakings were in partnership with like minded countries. If not, that is where diplomacy comes in to find the best possible deal for everyone. This concept is foreign to Trump and to people like you who obviously don’t believe in sharing the globe with billions of others (who consume and pollute far less on a per capita basis btw) but rather see it as be a zero sum game. It is not. What happens in Australia may very well affect people living in California (but who cares, it’s just a blue state, right?).
@lilbeserk back in your hole twerp
When Canada starts laughing at you, then you know you’ve screwed up.
Trump acts like a spoiled baby
He got one million dollars for nothing from daddy
@Extraordinary Only one million? I thought it was $60.7 million ‘loan’!
Macdonald Maurice No Donald got 450 million from Fred Trump as tax avoidance scam, as did Trumps siblings.
Honestly, he’s not acting this time!
He is Evil
When are the Republican’s going to realize that Trump is not their guy… He has not loyalty to them or their ideals. He is a loose cannon who will destroy everything their party has fought for.
@Patricia Gazey Well, let’s do that then. We need to do it for more than that, but adding that to the list works for me. I’ve gotten really tired of the Republican’s trashing America and giving themselves raises in the process.
But he IS their guy. Can’t make excuses for it. This is the state of their party and movement and I hope it continues to crash in flames because it’s extremely bad for our civilization.
There is no longer a republican party. That party that occupy the GOP are imposters of a Republican party that party is Donald Trump’s party not the Republican Party of Abraham Lincoln.
@Wonder Wonderful I agree.
Oh yeah, he killed it last night, he killed America.
The only thing he killed was the brain cells of the people that actually watched that mess
His behavior was exactly like a bully at school who is a total failure at everything, so he takes it out on those who aren’t. This is not strength, it’s weakness .a very sad day for all Americans
@Angelique Nova
: )
Your politicians attribute aggressive intentions to us. There are contradictions between us, but there is no confrontation. From the early days of the founding of the United States, we have viewed America as a historical ally.
The Russian government decided to send two ship squadrons to the US to demonstrate support for the northerners, as well as to create a potential threat to marine communications of England and France in order to make them refuse assistance to the South States.
In September 1863, the squadron of Lesovskii arrived at the port of New York, and the squadron of Popov – to the port of San Francisco. The Russian squadrons stayed in these ports of North America and sailed near its West and East coasts until August 1864
In 1866, the government of the US sent a ship detachment with special deputation. This detachment officially expressed gratitude to the Russian government for assistance to the northerners in their struggle against slavery.
@Hudfarvet er Dansk – I’ll answer your question for you. When the police stop killing and abusing minorities and black people without reasonable provocation, when they are CLEARLY TREATED as equals, BLM will come to an end. And when the leader of our country stops pushing for fascism, antifa will also gradually come to an end too.
@BubblewrapHighway – And tRump himself is pretty much a pansy, a lying corrupt self-serving anti-American pansy.
donald was obnoxious, disgusting!
Loved it.
Thank God for the Dumpsterfire acting like the dumpster fire he is.
Nathan Baker Nobody expected trump to act like an adult. No way…wasn’t gonna happen.
Trump is incapable of behaving other than how he did on Tuesday.
THAT really was the real trump.
Perfect example of arrested development and dry drunk.
Trump believes his own b.s. that he is a great negotiator and is great at speaking. Trump only surrounds himself with yes men and it clearly shows.
Worst possible speaker