Evelyn Yang joins 2020 hopeful husband Andrew for their first joint interview

Businessman and Democratic 2020 hopeful Andrew Yang said he supports "Medicare for All" but would keep the option of private insurance. CNN's Dana Bash speaks with Yang on the specifics of his plan during the first joint interview with his wife Evelyn. #CNN #News


  1. I like Yang. he really should become the nominee. he is clearly smart. hes very normal. he is the american story. VOTE YANG.

    1. just not enough to be smart and normal… need a background and experience of fighting for the causes now supported.

  2. Never been so excited for a candidate in my life! Had no interest in politics prior to Andrew running… He’s so smart and empathic. Really great to finally see Evelyn as well =) Beautiful and articulate! 🙂

    1. Same here! I didn’t give 2 craps about politics until I heard about Andrew Yang! He brings issues that no one’s talking about to the table!

    1. DIY/LETS CREATE – His policy’s…what? (*policies). Haven’t people learned yet? We shouldn’t put someone in the top spot of the government who has no experience in government.

    2. I agree. I mean, we do need to pay attention to what is happening with dump.

      But we also need to think about our Future and Andrew Yang represents the future.

    3. @PS Wright I think Yang’s math adds up. Also, I don’t think Yang means to _replace_ existing social programs with UBI, but offer UBI as another choice.

    1. china is communist and taiwan believes in democracy of the people. That’s why taiwan dont want to be part of China. It’s like telling Bush he belonged in Canada Seriously. Your a smart one.

  3. Andrew Yang is right!! Let’s not kid ourselves, the government is not automatically good at everything!

    I want the government to actually do a good job of providing health care.
    Having a private option available pressures the government to actually provide an option that’s high quality & affordable.

    1. @Will Brobeck What do you think will happen if everyone is “offloaded” onto the government plan (single payer)? You aren’t making sense.

    2. A Canadian shared a story about how his wife’s entire breast cancer treatment caused him few hundred dollars without any delay or long wait. The only thing they have to wait for few months is the cosmetic rebuild after she’s cleared from cancer. That is the Medicare for all we all waiting for, with Yang being President, we will get there.

    3. @mgsfan15 You need to listen to Yang. He is naturally an efficient person, and he has also mentioned many areas in the government where money is wasted. Yang have a genuine goal to help the people as much as he can, so he won’t want to foolishly waste money, when that money could go to helping the people. Yang can do more with less. Just look at how far he has come with a small fraction of the money other candidates have.

    4. @loriebao33
      You can look up hundreds of stories that involve waiting months for surgeries and procedures. You think it is bad to wait months for a heart surgery? Wait til that system is tried for 300,000,000 people.

      If you have an issue in this country you can go to any state and in a manner of days get an operation done.

    1. How about electing someone for the top spot in the country who has at least some experience in government? This country has gone stupid.

    2. William H – Do you ever get off of the CNN Youtube comment boards long enough to sleep and bathe? All you do is call everyone gay. It’s not like your online presence here is worth two shits. Go away.

    3. @Jessica DeTrant multiple properties multiple businesses multiple bank accounts multiple powerful people contacts multiple responsibilities multiple decisions and
      HE’s the POTUS…
      Seems YOU’RE kinda STUPID even for a liberal …

    4. @Resident Evil That sounds great, but just wish Trump would be better at solving the problems in America.

    5. @J Groovy I see your point but it’s not always a good thing. I’d prefer someone who is in touch with the average person across the country and what better person than someone who hasn’t been shaped by Washington over decades. More traditional politicians tend to play to soundbites and focus groups rather than genuine solutions and ideas that resonate with people, and politicians often owe more to lobbyists and special interests. Too many experienced politicians are also caught up in the partisan wasteland that has engulfed our current politics and means we can’t get anything passed. I’m not saying every average person should run for president, but if you find the right one, like Yang in my opinion, it’s way better than nominating a tired politician.

    1. tarun now he is in 4-5 percent in every polls consistently. He is trying to stick around as other people drops and he gains the supporters. Lasting in the game matters not one time 20 percent in the poll (like harris)

    2. Interviewer: “So you’re adopting the (Medicare for All) label and not the bill?”

      Yang: “That’s correct.”

      Buttigieg: “Andrew, now that you agreed to a super PAC like Joe Biden, you can now rake in healthcare insurance and big pharma bribes, I meant donations, like me?”

      Yang: “That’s correct.”

  4. Evelyn thought Andrew had no game, but he still won her heart. *America thought Andrew Yang had no game, but he’s about to prove everyone wrong*

    1. @Christian Ray the data proved otherwise, though. Your foresight is a little premature. While I think the implementation of UBI might take some time but once it’s there, it’s a win-win situation for all.

    2. I thought Yang wasn’t going to take dark money, but he will.

      CNN Interviewer: “So you’re adopting the (Medicare for All) label and not the bill?”

      Yang: “That’s correct.”

      Buttigieg: “Andrew, now that you agreed to a super PAC like Joe Biden, you can now rake in healthcare insurance and big pharma bribes, I meant donations, like me, but your current supporters will never know where the money really came from?”

      Yang: “That’s correct.”

  5. This former Rebublican leaning independent is now a Yangacrat. First candidate I like for policy and being a real person. He’s got my vote.

    1. @AliensAnonymous
      Congress has the ability to prevent funding for any war effort. Do they do so? Do you tell your congressmen to?

      Paying money for the best quality of healthcare in the world with almost no waiting periods? Oh my God! How could it be?!
      Tell me, why do the people who can afford it come to the US for treatment and operations? Why don’t their wonderful governmental health plans take care of it?

      You Yang Gang fools are just lazy SOBs who want the government to pay for your entire life. You have so little dignity you would be happy to live off of big brother’s teet.

    2. Independent, former Trump supporter here, now joining the Democrats, all and only, because of Andrew Yang. I support him, will vote for him, and have donated multiple times to Yang. I have convinced friends and family to dump Trump in favor of Yang. If the Democrats nominate someone else, the votes I have swayed in favor of Yang, will go back to voting for Trump. I have been told this, and will do so myself. Let’s not let this opportunity slip away. Yang has my support. Yang 2020!

    3. @mgsfan15 A spinless, syphilitic congress is your “go to?” WTF?

      No wait? Try booking a dermatologist in LA, putz. Medical Tourism. Look it up. The US doesn’t even crack Top 15 for best countries to travel to for medical treatments. Countries with Best Healthcare in World? US barely cracks top 40.

      It’s inbred half-wits like you that swallow what you’re told and pretend you have testicles.

    1. Im a Trump Republican all the way but will say.. Yang does seem genuine ..like a Trump.. I think people are just fed up with politicians and looking for real.

    2. @rawzraw I honestly don’t think he has the money for bots. I mean, if you want to go on traditional conspiracy theories, perhaps think of the viability?

    3. @New Era Boss lol, take two seconds, and look at William H’s channel.
      Then check out some of his other comments.
      Despair was on the money, with a very subtle point. (William H unites the internet against his moronic drivelling)
      Wtf, _salty?_
      Are you 13 or something?

  6. “It would never occur to me not to talk about our son.” This is how a normal person thinks. Not a politician.

    1. Emphasis on the “our” son part. Yang is not the typical narcissistic type who normally runs for office.

    1. He’s very infectious. I brushed him off when I first heard about him but the more you look into him they more you agree with a lot of his talking points.

  7. I love Yang and his wife. I pay close attention to politics. This powerful duo will help to de-radicalize America. Keep him on CNN a lot please. #YANG2020

    1. Yang truly is the opposite of Trump. Trump has inflamed divisions. Yang is dampening them better than anyone else is.

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