Evan Solomon, host of CTV's Question Period, says the debate format made it tough for leaders to have any real discussion.
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I hate liars and Fraud. Sorry
All this is a diversion. Canada is broke. Its is broke financial, morally, and a place with no future.
Trudeau is the most compromised, corrupt PM ever. How many hard questions and attacks he got from moderators? NON. You can see your $595K well spent.
Maxime did the best out of anyone on stage. Stuck to his policies.
The rest said nothing.
Disappointed, the moderators did a poor job.
Sheer made his economic policies very clear. Best hope for working Canadians struggling to getting by. Too much government waste to the left.
@Itsa Dependu CPC is the Left.
It would have been great if he went as Justin jolsen. Where are you,Mr Harper?
Trudeau has to go! Get it done!
The format was designed to keep Justin from being nailed down and held to account for his record and Butts knows he only has to get Justin through one English debate.
The format was designed to allow SIX federal parties a chance to speak. If the Conservatives, NDP, Bloc, Green, and PP had decided to only target Trudeau during their allotted time they could have done so, most chose not to. Everything isn’t a conspiracy for God’s sake.
Always enjoy hearing Evan’s perspective.
Poor Justin got attacked.. on my
I just hope Singh gains enough ground to split the Liberal vote more than Bernier splits the Cons.
Trudeau is a jerk and needs to be booted out.
Trudeau never gave a straight answered to one question all night….talked over opponents when caught up in his lies…and just promised the same platform as he did four years ago with new ingredients like climate change and the carbon tax…lol
It was a joke at best. And CTV’s reporting on it isn’t much better
I was thinking the same on both accounts.
Max Bernier was the most genuine, that’s clear.
Elizabeth May was able to stay sober for the whole debate? She must have been buggin near the end lol!
May proved herself once again to be a compromised handmaiden to her dear clos friend, Trudeau. How dare she promise Scheer at the end of the debate that Trudeau will win a majority or minority, making a bet on it like she’s the deciding vote. She’s already promised to support the criminal Trudeau which means she doesn’t support the rule of law or Jody Wilson Raybould. May is as two faced and corrupt as her school girl crush on Trudeau. She’s disgusting. I’m on the west coast and I hope she’s voted out.
The ppc will win clearly the french debate
We gave 1/6 of the time to a leader who thinks Quebec was it’s own nation and has no intention to run for prime minister! How do we justify this waste of time???
the bloc made it clear they want the country to split, trudeau and the rest of the parties made it clear they dont care.. then the PPC is there talking common sense
Climate change plan…..standing on the deck of the Titanic selling life jackets