Evan Solomon breaks down the English-language debate and what the key takeaways are for the federal party leaders.
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Trudeau’s weak and flustered performance had nothing to do with the debate format.
Most certainly. Trudeau is the only one who keep on mentioning Harper.
@Lar M Making excuses why things he said he would do, didn’t get done. “Because Harper”
I was a huge fan of Shachi Kurl to be honest. Trudeau rambled on after EVERYTHING he said, and usually just to repeat the phrase “I had Canadians backs” or mention Harper. And even with her cutting him off he still spoke significantly longer than any other leader.
Evans questions on economy showed he has no understanding of finance.
It’s hard to defend 6 years of failing. I bet Trudeau is regretting his vanity election now. Karma.
There were lots of wrong questions; but worst, the lack of common sense on most subjects from the candidates.
PPC is the only party which has common sense and they are shut out because of no seats.This clearly tells you the kind of world we have nowadays.
@Lar M there’s criteria for a reason it’s not a big conspiracy theory. Ppc is lead by a separatist and a racist he’s against multiculturalism. His own words
@Jumbo Me isn’t the bloc quebecois led by the same kind of person, and only represents 1 province out of confederation
@Mitch Cugnet yes you are correct. Funny thing same province the separatist max is from go figure
Couple observations: trudeau stood there and every party exposed how useless he’s been
Lar M ppc is a totally useless vote
@Lar M lol a ppc vote is a waste
@Lar M I will…..party member….
@James Bond Britts can’t vote….
Well no duh matt that’s how its going to work when he’s the incumbent. What else do you expect, Jag to attack the Cons? To what ends?
Please Canada vote Justin out he has lied enough.
Get his party completely unseated and no more worry about vote splitting.
Lar M if you want them totally out your going to have to vote conservatives
And vote for who? The unknown O’Toole?
@Dan Anyone but Justin
Every time I came out of my house? That says it all!
It’s not just funny cuz he pointed out how he hid for a couple months, but it’s not even ‘his’ house. It’s the Governor General’s cottage that this bum couchsurfed his way into and then got the GG kicked out of hers
I didn’t think Canadians would care about calling an early election when it didn’t have to be called, Apparently i was wrong. Canadians are pissed.
Trudeau is not very smart to misjudge the mood of Canadians
No Ron, we aren’t pissed. We’re quite chill. Too chill in fact, I can barely take it anymore.
@Tube dude He wasn’t focused on the mood of Canadians, he was focused on his potential gains!
just another dumb decision by trudeau, except this time there are going to be negative consequences I think, that being losing lots of seats (fingers crossed). He’s so clueless.
Definitely are pissed. It was a tredeau power grab. He has to go.
Trudeau should not use the royal “we”; he is not the king of Canada.
I think it’s only because of his father
I think you might want to lay off the salt there Dan, you’re approaching conspiracy territory.
What? He obviously means the Liberal party
Wee scandal
He was in his house getting stoned
Figuratively and then literally in London.
Flip flop comes after the election.
The winners were clearly the Green Party Leader(very well spoken, and came across honest, and held Trudeau to task), and O’Toole. Even on issue like climate change where you’d think Trudeau could make him look bad, he still came across well. Surprisingly well actually. Trudeau gave his typical “avoid accountability” answers. I’m not against the Liberal party as a whole, but Trudeau comes across like a weasel whenever he is asked to take accountability for his lack of accomplishing anything outside of weed legalization. You can’t get a straight answer out of him on anything.
Settle Down : I agree 100% …..I am not against the Liberal Party as a whole….but due to Trudeau as leader and Freeland……..my vote will Not go to the Liberal Party!
Yeah I like anime paul I wouldent vote for the greens cause i agree with 0 of their policies.
@Ben Becic completely agree
Does anybody remember the BIG promise back in 2015 campaign that never came to be. It’s been all downhill since then!
Big accomplishment legalising cannabis. Failures and scandels,it’s a very long list!
Transparency, something we have never seen from a Trudeau Liberal.
Big mistake “legalizing” pot…..he did not even get that right….it should be “decriminalized”.
Trudeau is hopeless

There was nothing wrong with the format. That’s what happens when you’re a crappy leader being held accountable.
Best point of the night: our seniors deserve to live with dignity. Seniors shouldn’t have to work.
If seniors haven’t properly planned for their twilight years, they should absolutely have to work. There is no dignity loss in working.
Not one of them mentioned anything concrete in their answers. We will do this and we will do that and we will make it happen is all they could say. Voting in anyone of them will not matter, they all have to answer to the powers that be who are way above them.
He was so nice he let all the variants get in Canada
I think A Paul did very well and I wish her well,
Why didn’t anybody take Trudeau to task over his numerous scandals and abundance of ethical shortcomings?