EU considers blocking US travelers due to coronavirus surge

As European Union nations continue to ease coronavirus restrictions, the EU is considering recommending that member states block American visitors from visiting their countries due to the surge of coronavirus cases in the US, according to two EU diplomats.
"The criteria will be focused on circulation of the virus," said one EU diplomat, adding that Brussels is looking to keep out travelers from countries "where the virus is circulating most actively."
No final decisions have been made and it is ultimately up to individual members to decide who can enter each country.
The New York Times was first to report on the possibility. The EU diplomats had not seen the draft lists of acceptable travelers the Times reported on, but they said they are aware that discussions are ongoing.

#Covid #CNN #News


    1. Libtard idiots want to blame american culture and trump.
      They ignore the massive number of international airports, 800 million annual air travelers, public transport (like new york subways) , population density and how Americans probably travel on roadways farther average distances than most other countries.
      1/3rd of all our infections are in New york. Remove that and we drop way down the list. I’m not hating on new york either. Many variables are the reason they are Ground zero.
      I dont harp too much on Spain and Italy either because they have massive population density.
      But all the creeps in here just want to blame.

    1. I bet all the dark green Martians commit 52% of the homicides, and all the beta creamy light green Martians cry about non Existant racism.

    2. This is ironic, under Treasonous Trump we have become a 3rd World Country – Build that Wall.

    3. As a man modeling himself on King David’s ‘Mighty Men’ I will advise the EU to exercise caution.

    1. Myles The EU is not done with the coronavirus, Belarus rn is denying that it exists (while catching it bad) while Russia is under lockdown still. Italy and Spain also has not been lucky.

    2. Myles 🤣🤣🤣 your trying to assume the future of the virus when even China is still have difficulties and is spreading in Chinese populations across China… I live in a state where even with lock door orders the virus wasn’t contained completely what makes you think eu is expected to be any different 🤨

    3. Deborah Merkerson since when have we ever been in control of the spread of microbes that infect all walks of life… China is a extreme example of how the lockdown didn’t work there will be COVID-19 around a lot longer than people realize it’s in animal’s

    1. @Monkey you want to play a game? I’ll call out cnn lies… Then you counter with a fox news lies, and we see who runs out first.

      So tell me what evidence did barr block on the mueller report. Massive cnn lie.

      Ok your turn.

    1. I haven’t seen anybody with this virus. CNN are liars. This is about Microchipping Humans. Those cowards in the EU already have the Microchip implanted in their bodies. Sweden’s population is already Chipped. America is the last Most High God Fearing Nation left that won’t bow down to the New World Order. It’s going to get ugly if the US Government tries to Force Microchip America through the Vaccination Shot. CNN is SATAN’s NEWS NETWORK

    2. @nate love Doctor’s and nurses are coming out in droves stating that they are pressured to write reason for death “Covid” for people that have died because of other complications. The resources and live testimonies can be found through independent research. Covid is a flu and the elected democrats know it too, while they are on the streets with protestors and rioters, being completely unconcerned, yet voice disdain for individuals going to a Trump rally. It’s not rocket science to put two and two together here. The UN have a global blueprint for enslavement as you said, through a dual vaccine/chip that monitors your every move. Of course all the elite eugenicists have only one thing in mind, and that is depopulation. They are following their own manifesto. Take one look into Obama’s science csar, John P Hodren’s co author in the book titled ” Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment”, this plan has been in the works for a very long time. We an only pray for people to snap out of the brain fog and deep mind control to recognize the dangers ahead. UN, WHO approved Bill Gates/ Fauci DOT-TATTOO from hell. Hope everyone takes a look at the coming nightmare, if permitted. At least the president is aware of this and has de-funded WHO and has pushed the UN back. If a democrat comes into power, it’s goodbye to freedom, joy, love and peace and welcome to the tribulation hour.

    1. Fine with me,china can spread it again to Europe & not kamikazee the us with Chinese spreaders that attacked us & Italy ,now look what china did to Brazil now

    1. Every country has the right to protect itself, good job EU. American money on the other hand will not be spent overseas, and that’s alot.

    1. peter galindo I think Canada and Mexico can build their own walls. The rest of the planet can chip in for a lid.

  1. Nobody should be traveling internationally at this moment unless they have a real good reason for doing so..

    1. @Vada Minot hey loser want to hear something you don’t know… Mueller team dropped all charges on the russian clickbait farm that actually showed up for court a few months ago.
      This was a recent story and none of you libtards know about this. Here they had the russian firm that allegedly hacked the election with social media disinformation… And they just walked away and let them go.
      I bet you are too stupid to understand the significance of this story. It’s solid proof how stupid you were to eat the mainstream lie that facebook memes rig elections.

  2. In other words, they got the virus under control while we have idiots spreading it more and more daily.

    1. @Rob K deaths per capita beta are the true measure of performance. Not testing and cases. because all those ratios are diffrent and your not missing undetected infections.

      Deaths per million:
      Belgium. 838
      Uk. 632
      Spain 606
      Italy. 573
      Sweden. 511
      France. 455
      Usa. 373

      Debunk me loser.

    2. @Mondin von Diex deaths per capita beta are the true measure of performance. Not testing and cases. because all those ratios are diffrent and your not missing undetected infections.

      Deaths per million:
      Belgium. 838
      Uk. 632
      Spain 606
      Italy. 573
      Sweden. 511
      France. 455
      Usa. 373

      Debunk me loser.


    4. @James Breen cj p is a Troll, out laying Troll eggs (shitballs). They’re all over the place saying the same stupid thing.

  3. “When America sends its people, they aren’t sending their best. They’re bringing sickness, they’re racists, and some, I assume are good people.”

    1. only trumper are the one you’re talking about…thank you from the one you aren’t talking about👉 good AMERICANs of ALL COLORs👈

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