President Biden has dispatched a diplomatic delegation led by Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) to Ethiopia, where the UN says more than half a million people have been forced to flee their homes after four months of warfare. Sky News correspondent John Sparks reports. Aired on 03/22/2021.
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#Ethiopia #RefugeeCrisis #MSNBC
Ethiopia's Tigray War Worsens Refugee Crisis | Ayman Mohyeldin | MSNBC
Withdraw Eritrean Troops
Withdraw Amhara Forces
Stop the systematic Vield Gncide and Distruction
First tplf must put down its weapons and surrender. Abiy has them surrounded and given TPLF one week to surrender or face annihilation!
@Amharaw Teraraw poor Amahra
Alaways a Ganagster since Minlike days
God help them.
The world is going to dookie.
The Peace with Eritrea was A Military Pact
Maybe, maybe not! It’s called Diplomacy b/n two neighbouring countries. It’s kind of like when TPLF was a common Shifta for 17 years it worked with EPLF, Somalia, OLF etc to undermine Ethiopia. Gabish DeDeBit?
@W T The Derg regime is a blood bath
During Derg reign more than million people died
Through red terror and conflicts
TPLF left with no blood path or armed resistance
Commiting Gncide looting ethnic cleansing and destruction on civilans who hold ethiopian passport and citizinship is not Diplomacy
Whats wrong with you
@sell mate TPLF is the ultimate responsible for the trauma happening in Tigray and the rest of Ethiopia. It is dead now , and it’s structure and ideology will soon vanish . The people of Ethiopia and Eritrea will be at peace .
@Bin Yam only amhara would say that because they are menlike fascists
@Bin Yam what peace ?? We don’t even have a peace in Eritrea so how can we have a peace with our neighbours and as Eritrean we have common enemies and Tigray is not one of them ….
The Goverment has put Tigray under Economic and social choke hold for Three years pushing for all out conflict while working for joint military campain on Tigray with Dictator Isayas
@G H 40 years
Who built the dam
Who built the roads infstructure airports
Abiy has not built anything except parks
Tplf even negelwcted tigray to show their only focus is ethiopia
Every resoures was pumped to oromiya
Tplf is the one that built the dam going against egypt
Tplf is the one who settled diffremces with sudan border conflict
Eventhough menlike signed the border treaty in 1902 and 1908 proving sudan is the rightfull owener
@sell mate Ethiopian hard working People. Engineers and hard working Ethiopians.I am part of it. It is not about single man.
What is choking you is all the innocent blood that shedded by your criminal group TPLF leaders. And now you want to choke our poor innocent Tigray people for your greed and miscalculations. Nonetheless Ethiopia will prevail!

@Etsehiwot Bayou autonomy and self rule
Thats the bottom of the conflict
Thats the the faith left by our martyr who died by the hundred thousand so tigray can be free from Menlike palace dictation
@sell mate Simply put, TPLF does not represent Tigray. TPLF for 46 years ruled Tigray by the barrel of the gun. So don’t kid yourself Jr. Junta! Have you been to Tigray lately? It’s a freaking desert! What are you going to feed the people? You can’t even solve the water problem after 27 long years, Millions invested in Tigray and Billions stolen from Ethiopia. Wake up and smell the coffee! The once food basket of Tigray, Humera, Wolqayt and Tsegede aka Begemider Province, have been returned to their rightfully owner Gondar.
Heart breaking. May God be with these innocent people. I hope the U.S takes action now and save lives!
Yeah let’s turn it into another Syria or no wait Afghanistan, Iraq yes Iraq a trillion dollar military spending that good cash plus I hear they got the oil Africa here comes democracy

@Warren Goss slave trade???
@Warren Goss Lies! We Ethiopians are anti slavery and seen by fellow Africans forefathers as a sign of freedom and sovereignty that almost all of them adapted our flag colors green, yellow & red in their own flags. And we stand together forever!
@Etsehiwot Bayou Ethiopia is not a race! Some of us sold and used to own inferior tribes slaves like anybody in the world.
F*k the USA they will make things worst…. Next time let the African Union send a delegation to access human rights abuses of African Americans in the USA
It’s Trump’s fault.
YouTube sensors comments
You can SENSOR your own channel.. different options… just learnt this..
ขอให้ได้วัคซีน โควิค 19 จะได้หายป่วยหายไข้ จะได้ทำมาหากินกันต่อไป
ไม่ต้องแย่งกัน ยังไงก็ช่วยเหลือทุกคนทันอยู่แล้ว ขอบคุณ ที่ผู้นำ นานาประเทศทุกประเทศ กันและกัน
ต้องทำให้ถูกหลักอนามัย ชีวิตความเป็นอยู่ น้ำกินน้ำดื่ม จะต้องมีห้องน้ำ
*_Western Media: “IF IT BLEEDS, IT LEADS !!!”_*
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Ethiopian and Eritrean soldiers are committing atrocities in Tigray

Ethiopian and Eritrean soldiers and Amhara militias are committing atrocities in Tigray
Did the Americans media cover any news on Yemen
? Or any other war zones that they approved? Especially MSNBC
We Ethiopians know what’s behind all these interest GERD!!!