False election fraud claims that Rudy Giuliani made when he was representing former President Donald Trump’s campaign in 2020 should make the former New York mayor liable for professional sanctions, an attorney disciplinary committee said. The decision by the hearing committee for the DC Bar’s Board on Professional Responsibility is preliminary and non-binding. After another round of hearings in front of the committee, the proceedings then move to the board and eventually to DC’s local court of appeals, the final arbiter on whether Giuliani should be sanctioned. #CNN #News
Ethics panel brings Giuliani one step closer to disbarment in DC

“Was safe and effective a lie?”
Lol no it was two lies.
Lying in court never sticks
One step closer…. Enough. Do it!
Why hasn’t he already lost his law license??? Almost 3 years???
Disbarment is usually a slow process. He has had his license suspended in NY and without doubt it will be revoked and he will be disbarred in time.
For what?
@Eva Fort He’s one of those guys Sidney Powell was talking about when she said “No reasonable person” would have believed her Election Fraud claims.
@M Hall Russian collusion is coming back, pal. Barr could only do so much to suppress the Mueller report.
He did in NY
Rudy Colludy’s 4 Seasons Gardening Press meeting where his hair dye was melting was hilarious and I still laugh to myself whenever I think about it.
Joan Eskins, you’re “melting” two different humiliations into one. First there was the infamous “Four Seasons” dildo event, then another where his hair dye refused to attend. And don’t forget the Masked Singer atrocity or his sidekick “Kraken Lady” with the leopard shirts
“Drumph Drumph!!!”

Ugly Gurl : Rudy Colludy is that you in Drag Queen Ugly Story Time?
Joan, when I see his face I always think of that
@Hugh Jassol That’s where Clarence and Ginni were hiding as the news conference was going on.
Remember when Sasha Baron Cohen pranked Rudy Colludy by setting him up with a young girl and Rudy claimed he was just laying down on the bed adjusting his clown pantaloon trousers while in reality he was trying to adjust his failing junk?
I had to stop the video, your comment made me laugh so hard. Thank you, it’s my “Saturday.” I hope you enjoy a glorious weekend! Giggle**snort…..
Monie : Glad here to make you laugh. Have a good wknd. and Seasons Greetings & Merry Xmas.
Joan…another horrible memory of seeing that video
I wonder if he thinks ruining his life for Trump’s NFT cards was worth it!
Or an insurrection, killing a million Americans with Covid, or removing classified documents. I think the Brad Raffensburger call will ultimately take him down.
You get you “Dark Brandon” trading cards?
@M Hall only a sucker would buy trump trading cards how many did you buy?
@M Hall man up Hall and admit the Trump Show is collapsing
It’s absolutely insane to me that this guy is still free after all the ruckus, he has caused around the world
@Elizabeth Stanley

EXACTLY. Things that come out of Stankey’s mouth stinks of lies. Total fact.
Imagine being a lawyer who conspires to overthrow the democratically elected government of the USA based on “evidence” he read on social media that “didn’t have time to verify as facts”.

That is EXACTLY what your hero said under oath in court.
“GREAT LEADER”??? Throw him in jail!!!
This is why we need to win 2024 guys. This is like the Crucible where they are just calling everyone witches.
@Morgan Crist Nah… Trump is not a witch… witches are smarter than that… he’s a clown embarrassment… the world of democrats and independents and non MAGA republicans are calling him a pathetic joke aka 3rd rate QVC sales clown. Only 30% MAGA lapdogs out of all republicons want him to represent them in 2024. Wake up, lapdog. Time to shift allegiance.
@Jeremy DeCaro
@Cryst C O
“What ruckus Rudy…”
Those aren’t the search terms Sherlock, I literally gave them to you.
Thing is, you shouldn’t even need to search for this.
Worse, you don’t know how to use Google, and you’re too dim and lazy to learn.
Go easy on Rudy. He’s still carrying the scars of his PTSD: Post Traumatic Supermarket Disorder.
When “he could have fallen and cracked his thick skull?’
PTSD – Post Trump Sycophant Disorder.
Hopefully Rudy “The LIAR” can resume his attorney career in a Federal Prison.
If lying is unethical, there’s 3 Supreme Court justices that should also be disbarred.
And their lies are on tape – and video..
Trump lover? How sick.
Nagasaki Rocky
If only
Greed on power and corruption destroy’s a man’s soul. Rudy destroyed Rudy!!
@leon parham But Trump was such a great leader….right? We need him to make America great again again!!!!!!
@Elizabeth Stanley Trump is gone and he’s never coming back.
@Tessmage Tessera Shhh!!! She can’t comprehend that. Hell, she thinks one of the most successful criminals in American history is a hero.
Some one needs to Biden the same thing
And the love of racist and lying and hate
After all that he’s done and been involved with (directly and indirectly), it’s surprising that he hasn’t been imprisoned.
Losing his law license would be the least that should’ve happened already.
I can’t wait, and it’s going to happen very very soon, and it’s not that people don’t already know, but everyone is going to see beyond a shadow of a doubt, exactly how bad and how terrible the Democrats along with places like China, who actually owns Dominion voting machines, of course you’ll never hear that on CNN, but any of you people that deny that there was fraud, you’re going to be embarrassed and ashamed that how easily you were duped. It’s going to be embarrassing I’m telling you right now, and I’m not just saying that, I know exactly what’s getting ready to come out, I know first hand what’s getting ready to come out
@Kathleen Mann for what Kathleen? For speaking the truth? Everyone with any common sense at all knows how bad the Democratic party cheated, and whether you want to believe this or not, but Donald Trump and the military, knew they were going to cheat and wanted them to cheat. They know that they could tell some of you people until they were blue in the face about how evil these people are, which you should recognize that already, anyone that’s okay with murdering millions and millions of beautiful innocent and completely defensive little babies, if they’re okay with that, there’s nothing too evil they won’t do. But they knew, until people like you had it shoved in your face and down your throat, you’re too brainwashed to see or recognize the truth. But, I promise you, and I will do my best not to come back and say I told you so, but I can’t guarantee that, but I’m not telling you this because of my emotions or feelings, and I can’t go into exactly how I know for sure, but I know what’s getting ready to come out, by June or July of next year,, the whole world is going to see the military tribunals, not just trying these people for voter fraud, that’s just going to be a small portion, the main thing these people that you evidently support, and I’ll be honest, regretfully, there’s plenty of swamp rats on the right that are also just as guilty, but you’re going to be amazed in a bad way, about how evil these people are, when you hear about the things that they have done to our children, the homeless and the ones that need to help the most, when you find out what these people have done, you’re going to be shocked. What do you think happens to the 5 million kids a year that go missing? So many of these same people that committed treason against our country, we’re also involved in doing some horrific things to our children. And when you find out what plans they had for the people of this world, you will be sickened. I’m not trying to be mean or rude to you, but you need to stop letting them brainwash you any further. Look at all of the different things that places like CNN and certain people in the Democratic party, have absolutely been proven, the things that they have done and said, have been proven to be false, over and over and over, and if you want me to go over the couple dozen different things they have lied about, I will do so. I don’t just make statements I can’t back up, some of my statements I can’t go into it completely, but I never allow my feelings or emotions to control what I say or do. You’re going to find out how much of a great American patriotic hero that Donald Trump and people like Rudy Giuliani actually are. Why do you think they go against Donald Trump? It’s not because he did a bad job, he achieved some of the greatest conditions in the history of our country, especially when it comes to the economy, but there’s at least a dozen other different situations, that were the best this country’s ever experienced, but yet they don’t say a thing about a guy like Joe Biden, that has done just the opposite, every single thing the Biden administration has touched has turned out to be absolute total crap, and if you think not, maybe you should truly actually think for yourself. Start trying to name some good things they have done, and at the same time start naming all the things that are absolutely terrible. It wasn’t like that with Donald Trump, they go after Donald Trump because he cannot be bought out. All these other politicians on both the left and the right, become infinitely more wealthy once they win their election, Donald Trump did not take a dime of pay, he did not take a paycheck for being president, he lost almost a billion dollars in net worth, did a great job for this country, not one single new war was started around the world, in fact, it was just the opposite, North Korea didn’t fire one missile, there were five peace deals signed in the Middle East,, but, they go after him because he’s not one of them, you’re going to find out how badly Joe Biden and many others, have sold this country out for their own personal gain,,
@solarman tint wow!
@Elizabeth Stanley
We the american people demand that Donald Trump and his friends since 1978 Jeff Epstein, Les Wexner and Alan Dershowitz be brought to justice for their pedophile behavior
@Elizabeth Stanley disingenuous. almost understandable since u don’t have much to work with.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. You deserve everything you get, Rudy.
It’s always a case of “someday” they’re gonna get in trouble. Sure, someday…
Rudy Giuliani has been “practicing” law for over 50 years. You would think at this point he would have figured it out how avoid breaking it or getting disbarred.
Well he had a orange racist God over him and the cult
Rudy is a MAGA attorney poster child: Make Attorneys Get Attorneys.
I remember his speech at the 2008 GOP convention. This was his turning point when he chose the pursuit of power over principle. Sad and telling.
Sometimes it is understandable that the wheels of justice move slowly, but when offenses are committed so publicly and so blatantly the decision should be made swiftly and decisively.
If these offenses where so blatant then prosecution should be easy………..right?
After this man got up there on Jan. 6th and OPENLY called for a, “trial by combat” (AND I QUOTE!!), why is he not charged with inciting a riot?? That’s practically a smoking gun! Why are we only talking about possible disbarment in DC?
How he hasn’t lost it already is just mind-boggling!!!