Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper told CBS’ “60 Minutes” that then-President Donald Trump proposed shooting some of the Black Lives Matter protesters in the legs June 2020. #CNN #News
Esper: Trump suggested shooting protesters after George Floyd murder

None of what Mark Esper says is surprising but what’s amazing to me is the fact that he’s now revealing all of this for profit and not as a means to warn the nation of what’s to come should Trump or someone like him returns to the White House.
Unless his boss is gone.
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@Profound Thoughts no
What is shocking is the outrage from Esper! Too little too late and totally self serving for his little memoir.
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Outrage w mea culpa. But that wasn’t him. He takes no responsibility.
All of them,…We Love Trump, We Love Trump.
Trump leaves office
Read Our Book, Trump was crazy, Read Our Book.
@S N aww so cute
So they’re scumbags and yet you believe they are telling the truth?
We love our country, but the 25th Amendment is there for such a time as this!
Isn’t it funny how they didn’t think Pence could step up?
Yeah you get 0/10 for this. Where the hell were you in 2020? Completely silent. FOH
They certainly should have been arrested.
@Retired squad Agreed.
Who? Those violent protestors?
Being able to sell these kinds of books encourages politicians from speaking out, and withholding info from the public, until they be a book deal years later.
Your suggestion that the president not talk to his own staff doesn’t seem like a good decision.
Well they certainly can’t do it while in office. And Esper did say while serving that his operating position as Secretary of Defense would be apolitical; he stayed true to his word.
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Good point
Remarkable how Mark Esper’s memory improved when he got a book deal. In any sane country he would be in prison for high treason.
Indeed. You are absolutely right. Putin would have served him a radioactive vanilla milkshake
Not only Mark. All others who knew the extent of 45th’s perfidy including Bolton and Barr.
He finally gets his 15 minutes of fame. Why didn’t he do what was right for the US on the day or before they went to the polls? Good he did put it in his book for future reference.
@D Reichert Since you’re having so much trouble following simple instructions, here I’ll make the task clearer for you: Give me the name of somebody who quit the Biden administration and is currently writing a hit piece against Biden.
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Should have look at the damage those clowns caused
What a miserable, sad life you must lead. I feel sorry for you.
@TLP okay groomer
@Hat Trixs That’s not what it means at all. 1. This will significantly affect women with fewer financial options, who can’t travel out of state. 2. Most states are enacting laws that say if a woman leaves the state for an abortion she will be charged when she returns. In some states, that could mean a homicide charge. And Alito’s draft makes no provision for rape OR incest, kicking it back to the states. 3. Look at where the states with trigger laws are located. They are clustered together. So a woman may have to travel through several states to reach a clinic. 4. McConnell has already said that if Republicans gain control of the House and Senate, they will push to make abortion illegal in EVERY state. So much for state’s rights. 5. Many states have already indicated they intend to challenge birth control next. 6. AT MOST, taxpayers contribute 24% (6% Federally) to abortion. You’re nuts if you think you’ll be getting that back, ESPECIALLY under Republicans. 7. This is the FIRST TIME IN HISTORY that the Supreme Court has taken a right AWAY from a segment of the population, in this case women. If you don’t ‘get why they’re protesting’, it’s because you are not personally affected…YET. 8. This decision by the court was largely made on christian religious belief. THE GOVERNMENT SHALL FAVOR NO RELIGION. They are saying life begins at conception. Did you know, in the Jewish religion, life begins at birth, with first breath. Unitarians agree. Muslims believe the ‘preservation of life’ supports the life of the Mother first, because she is the one ‘living’. What about all the people who do not follow a religious belief? We are all being forced to follow a Christian doctrine. 9. There has been no significant difference between the number of abortions before Roe in 1973 and after. So the only difference was the number of women who died because of back room or self induced abortions. But that’s OK apparently. AND, Alito has said that abortion does not align with the history of this country. Except that’s not true. Abortion was never an issue here, it was a common occurrence. That is until about 1880. So we have a ‘history’ of about 93 years. He also said abortion was not a right in the Constitution. Well, probably because women weren’t even mentioned in the Constitution. BTW, it doesn’t mention vasectomies either. 10. Some states, like Mississippi (a state with the highest poverty levels, highest infant mortality rate and 7th highest maternal mortality rate) are not providing exemptions for incest. Because as the Governor of that State said just yesterday, incest only leads to pregnancy in about 1% of cases. Well, that 1% are children, which I guess just have suck it up.
There’s more. But Republicans and so called ‘right to lifers’ don’t care. At some point, these decisions will spiral towards you too, but it will be too late by then. As for ‘under Biden’ – are you kidding? The FIRST thing Republicans will do is raise your taxes and lower them for the super wealthy. Just like they have over and over before. That’s OK with you?
It’s pretty simple, if you don’t approve of abortion, DON’T HAVE ONE. Leave the rest of us alone.
Now, about protesting, more than 10,000 arrests were made during the BLM protests, across the entire country. Those arrests were made at the protests, not days, weeks or months later like with the January 6th rioters. Not every BLM protestor was rioting or damaging property. In fact, the vast majority were not causing damage or assaulting anyone. 4700 protests occurred across the country with hundreds to thousands attending EACH protest. Compare that to January 6th where between 2000 and 2500 people stormed the Capitol building. ALL OF THEM were violent, erecting a gallows, shouting ‘hang Mike Pence’, threatening elected officials and the Speaker of the House, beating police officers with flag poles and a number of other weapons AND shitting on the floor of the Capitol. Really? How are the pro abortion protestors NOT protesting peacefully? Because they’re yelling? Again, Really?
Esper is just as cowardly as everyone else in Trumps administration who’s cashed in with this book deal. Who’s book is next?
Kavanaugh accuser
Hello Susan how are you doing today.
Maybe Biden.
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@Josaphat Daniels it would likely be a color by numbers given her 2 brain cells
He’s really trying to sell that new memoir
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Unfortunately Esper is a poor witness. He’s a pathological liar.
So is Trump, it always takes 1 to know 1.
@asmr p2p lol ur bitter
@Gary Busey Bitter where? Only stating facts but good try though. The only person that should be bitter is yourself and that you have Gary Busey as your acct name, lol
But, the coward didn’t notify the nation of this when it occurred, he saved it until he could profit on it. All these bookwriters are as craven as 45.
It’s hard to believe someone that’s waits a two years then only when a book is written says something
Well sometimes it takes time to sit back and dissect bizarre happening to somehow come to an understanding and writing helps that cause. Remember Trump only hired the best. He said it himself.
Damn. Politicians never do what they say.
Ah, JUST when they got a BOOK TO SELL do they ONLY come out with these damning but not surprising events. Too little, too late.
If the protesters were burning and killing then its inssurection he had every right.
“No, we can’t shoot ‘em”
Crisis averted
Go sell your book, Esper
America needs a true, honest man to lead! ~
Yeah we do so let’s re-elect Trump is the only person I’ve seen in office in my lifetime that was halfway decent
“Peaceful protestors”
The permanent entrenched state just isn’t going to let up.
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@TLP “Racist”…”Nazi”….
Yawn + two eye-rolls.