Errin Haines, editor-at-large at The 19th, tells Nicolle Wallace about her experience waiting in line for 4 hours to cast her ballot in Philadelphia. Aired on 10/28/2020.
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About Deadline White House: Before getting into cable news, Nicolle Wallace worked in politics, including as President George W. Bush’s communications director during his administration and for his 2004 re-election campaign. Those experiences helped contribute to the knowledge and unique point of view she brings to this program. Wallace leads dynamic discussions on the political stories driving the news cycle with Washington insiders and well-sourced journalists. She also provides in-depth reporting while delivering up-to-the-minute breaking news to viewers.
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Errin Haines: ‘The Threat Of Voter Suppression Is Very Real, It Is Very Present’ | Deadline | MSNBC
Donald Trump is killing our country
How ? Because of low taxes or the improved nafta deal ? Or because Democrats can’t control their city ?
Dan Dan is a communist shill…..
Always a excuse polls open early and you can mail it in.
Republican voter suppression is the most horrific thing that has been done to Democracy and our Nation and people. This is so criminal and once Biden gets in, it most not be allowed to happen again! They are afraid of the people’s vote.
#SHITHOLEtrump !!!
#SHITHOLErepublicans !!!
#CRIMINALSallOfThem !!!
@TC TC I wonder if taking money from China via your son is Criminal #huntersLaptop.
If you haven’t mailed your mail-in ballot, remember that some states such as Wisconsin won’t count votes received after November 3. Due to post office delays, voters should consider returning their mail-in ballots to an official ballot drop-off location. 44 states across the country are offering in-person early voting, which might be the safest and most reliable method of voting. Find ballot drop box locations, voting information, poll hours, and everything else you need to cast a ballot at
. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, around 30 million Americans who requested mail-in ballots haven’t returned them. Please copy and share if possible.
Biden 2020
I believe our country and democracy have already been overthrown by Trump and the Republicans.
Once the Republican senate abandoned their responsibilities to stand up to Trump and uphold the constitution…and then helped Trump pack the Supreme Court…all of our democratic safeguards were removed.
I’ll gladly be wrong.
There are nearly 800,000 Democrat mail-in ballots outstanding in Florida. Come on, Democrats- get them delivered to your local drop-off point and get them counted! Bye-Don 2020!
If you haven’t mailed your mail-in ballot, remember that some states such as Wisconsin won’t count votes received after November 3. Due to post office delays, voters should consider returning their mail-in ballots to an official ballot drop-off location. 44 states across the country are offering in-person early voting, which might be the safest and most reliable method of voting. Find ballot drop box locations, voting information, poll hours, and everything else you need to cast a ballot at
. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, around 30 million Americans who requested mail-in ballots haven’t returned them. Please copy and share if possible.
Let us get out and VOTE for BIDEN/HARRIS in NUMBERS TOO BIG to RIG!
It’s downright disgusting what has been done to suppress the vote. The thing is we have to show up and show out this election to get Trump and the goons that follow him blindly out!
I already cast my vote, by mail, for Biden and it was accepted. I pray we have a blue wave and some sense of decency can be restored to our nation.
I voted for Trump, so I cancelled your vote.
@CHAZ-CHOP Central You can’t out-trump stupid, and you can’t out-stupid Trump. #864511320
I voting for Joe Biden
If you haven’t mailed your mail-in ballot, remember that some states such as Wisconsin won’t count votes received after November 3. Due to post office delays, voters should consider returning their mail-in ballots to an official ballot drop-off location. 44 states across the country are offering in-person early voting, which might be the safest and most reliable method of voting. Find ballot drop box locations, voting information, poll hours, and everything else you need to cast a ballot at
. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, around 30 million Americans who requested mail-in ballots haven’t returned them. Please copy and share if possible.
Vote safe everyone

It’s interesting how the US supports UN monitors in foreign countries to ensure safe, free, legitimate elections, yet, here in the US, Republicans, with judicial support, go out of their way to suppress and destroy those same basic rights of democracy. We used to be the bright shining star of the world with a strong democracy, now we are just a soot covered lantern about to burn out.
Trump Virus is more Dangerous than Covid 19
Trump calls Florida his home because New York didn’t vote for him!
Only 7% of Manhattan voted for him…….
Yeah they did a good job with the mayor !! Idiots
You do know that was really stupid
Taxes genius.
If you haven’t mailed your mail-in ballot, remember that some states such as Wisconsin won’t count votes received after November 3. Due to post office delays, voters should consider returning their mail-in ballots to an official ballot drop-off location. 44 states across the country are offering in-person early voting, which might be the safest and most reliable method of voting. Find ballot drop box locations, voting information, poll hours, and everything else you need to cast a ballot at
. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, around 30 million Americans who requested mail-in ballots haven’t returned them. Please copy and share if possible.
If he was so sure that people loved him and would vote for him he wouldn’t have to CHEAT
One person at a time. That’s what I’ve been doing with these comments; trying to reach out to people one at a time to make a difference. Am I succeeding? I’ll never know. But if just one more person starts wearing a mask (and covering their nose or it is worthless), washing their hands a full 20 seconds and social distancing – I’ll take it. Spread the word – kindness & compassion are the best antidotes to anger, pain and fear. Encourage people to do their own research beyond social media. Like every vote counts – so does every mask. Please be respectful too. Stay safe out there everyone. We can do this.
We need to get UN observers on the ground NOW!!!…we’re hitting 3rd world level electoral corruption here, folks
He knows he’s the most hated man in the world
Keep voting in numbers too big to rig!!!


Blue Tsunami 

i just made a very easy drop off at my local elections office. DO IT NOW!
This suppression must end.
I cannot believe this is being allowed in America.