CNN's Erin Burnett says Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's (R-KY) claim that "nothing is broken" with the US election system is just not true because many Americans still believe former President Donald Trump won the 2020 election and the GOP-controlled legislatures are working to pass laws restricting voting.
#ErinBurnett #CNN #ErinBurnettOutFront
Erin Burnett: McConnell knows what he said is not true

A reporter needs to ask Mitch point blank “Are you working to or indebted to Vladimir Putin?” Of course he will say no then follow it with “ well you both seem to have the same agenda” Undermining democracy
@Dan Wright A republican judge that Trump appointed asked Rudy do you have any fraud to show us and Rudy’s reply was no your honor I just want to talk about it because if he actually said yes he does that means he was lying and he would be disbarred because they have no proof of election fraud just get over it already Dan in eight days will be eight months since the election President Biden won the election fair and square you guys need to get a life for goodness sakes
@Lunar Wuffy Well stated
@Tammy Brothers Tammy. There’s nothing to worry about then.
@Gamersoldier100 Yes every single ballot that was found to be fraud was from the Republican trumpsters many of them voted twice because Trump told them to and many of them decided to vote with their dead parents mail-in ballot but they did not find any Democrats that voted illegally and that is why Trump and Rudy just had all their cases thrown out of court because they had no proof of election fraud and even the Supreme Court throughout every one of Trump’s fake fraud elections scams out the damn window
@Dan Wright I have a question you think it’s okay for a fake cyberninja / QARON’S to handle your personal and private mail-in ballot that is supposed to be secret only to you and not these fake cyber ninjas that are doing a fake audit when in fact is not even an audit and then they don’t ask you citizens of Arizona if they can take your private mail-in ballot to a farm in Montana and sit around and rubbish through all your personal and private information and write everything down about who you are your name your address your social security they’re not doing a audit buddy so I guess you don’t really give a crap if that was you if you lived in Arizona man some trumpsters they’re so freaking naive it’s unreal but you seem to be very worried it’s not me that’s worried because they’re not going to find anything they just want your personal information so just get over it already
McConnell wakes up every morning knowing that what he said the day before is not true.
and looking forward to lying that day
Sanctioned Russian Oligarch’s Company to Invest Millions in New Aluminum Plant in Mitch McConnell’s State
“Moscow Mitch” McConnell stiffed Kentucky coal miners to fund Russia-linked aluminum plant”
The Russian company backing an aluminum project in Kentucky said it’s suspending investments as it waits for U.S. partners to raise funds, dealing a new setback to the billion-dollar-plus mill that was supposed to be completed last year.
United Co. Rusal International PJSC announced the move on Unity Aluminum, formerly known as Braidy Industries, in a call on Wednesday. Rusal has so far poured $65 million into the venture, which local officials have been counting on to bring hundreds of high-paying jobs to the region.
How a McConnell-backed effort to lift Russian sanctions boosted a Kentucky project
A Kremlin-Linked Firm Invested Millions in Kentucky. Were They After More Than Money?
A Russian company that has invested in Braidy Industries’ planned aluminum rolling mill in Eastern Kentucky was identified as a proxy of the Kremlin in a new report the Senate Intelligence Committee released this week.
The Russian firm, United Co. Rusal, agreed last year to invest $200 million in the mill, which is expected to create hundreds of long-term jobs in a struggling region of the state if Braidy is able to raise enough financing to build the facility, which will cost well over $1.5 billion.
CEO Ousted At Kentucky Aluminum Company Amid Questions About Controversial Funding .
The devil is the father of all lies. Evangelicals should be ashamed if they support the GQP.
Instead of Chuck Schumer…..we need Katie Porter, with her white board, to put Mitch McConnell in his place.
Schumer is weak
The progressive strong women always seem to shut these men down. Love Katie Porter!
@Chris Prescott yeah and ginger is an anagram you doofus
@VP Hosebag so you’re trying to hide your racism in anagrams now? .
Nothing is broken. Mitch, you`re a liar.
Mitch is a broken man.
If their lips are moving, the GQP is lying. .
Lying is a professional requisite to become a GOP congressman . The best liars stay on top …..
@Mister Fecal your a siberian ranch fluffer for the dog shows
They’re actually not that good at lying. They’re just the most shameless.
Not only lying but doing so openly, shamelessly and repeatedly. The days when politicians did everything they could to keep their lies and corruption under tight wraps is over.
If nothing is broken Mitch, then why all the new laws to suppress voting?
@Marianne Mcilwain Overturning the results of a fair election, ignoring the will of the people isn’t just supression, it’s OPRESSION!
Voter suppression, gerrymandering, lies, abuses of power…. All tactics straight out of the autocratic handbook.
Sanctioned Russian Oligarch’s Company to Invest Millions in New Aluminum Plant in Mitch McConnell’s State
“Moscow Mitch” McConnell stiffed Kentucky coal miners to fund Russia-linked aluminum plant”
The Russian company backing an aluminum project in Kentucky said it’s suspending investments as it waits for U.S. partners to raise funds, dealing a new setback to the billion-dollar-plus mill that was supposed to be completed last year.
United Co. Rusal International PJSC announced the move on Unity Aluminum, formerly known as Braidy Industries, in a call on Wednesday. Rusal has so far poured $65 million into the venture, which local officials have been counting on to bring hundreds of high-paying jobs to the region.
How a McConnell-backed effort to lift Russian sanctions boosted a Kentucky project
A Kremlin-Linked Firm Invested Millions in Kentucky. Were They After More Than Money?
A Russian company that has invested in Braidy Industries’ planned aluminum rolling mill in Eastern Kentucky was identified as a proxy of the Kremlin in a new report the Senate Intelligence Committee released this week.
The Russian firm, United Co. Rusal, agreed last year to invest $200 million in the mill, which is expected to create hundreds of long-term jobs in a struggling region of the state if Braidy is able to raise enough financing to build the facility, which will cost well over $1.5 billion.
CEO Ousted At Kentucky Aluminum Company Amid Questions About Controversial Funding
@Preston Parks glad you brought that up. An i wonder why dems havent made a huge argument against that. Makes you question whats really going on .
Those guys in congress are thieves trump thought them well
You know somethings broke, when the right to vote is a partisan issue!!
These southern good ole boys are trying to keep people of color from voting because it’s proven they lean Democrat and they can’t have that because it interferes with their constant power grabs and making policies that hurt not help Americans.
@kiddietickler trump I know you’re here to troll Trump & his base, but what?
McConnell is exactly what he presents: A liar beholden to moneyed causes. Until you are willing to openly call him this, you’re just dancing to t broken record. McConnell is not an ideologue, that would give him credit. He is nota patriot; that wold give him cause. He is a man who has sold himself and must maintainn the caricature to maintain his money for his handlers needs.
I’m surprised that Dahhhnnie didn’t say that they (the Arizona audit) will find “MILLIONS, MILLIONS, AND BILLIONS”. He is completely unhinged
that means all the party members on the ballots MUST be wrong also, every one.
Everyone knows McConnell almost always says things that are not true, or at least everyone with a functioning brain and English language literacy should. Same old crap; today’s topic.
Sounds like you’re describing CNN….
@Rod Shut the hell up.
@Rod then why are you watching?
It is apparent that when a republican lips are moving he or she is lying.
@Peter Marshall That’s the Republican platform they absolutely do not work for the American people they only want to work for their donors and for money in their pocket and then stand there on the podium and say I caring for the American people no they’re not
@Bob Dollar 937 I know Bob. So far all I hear is talk. Gas prices are almost 5 $ a gallon. Groceries up too.
Is it true fauci is threatening more lock downs. Something is not right.
@David Daniel Awww you must be a Qanon supporter you poor thing you need to get away from them as fast as you can they will force you to drink the orange Kool-Aid and if you do not they will threatened your life they will ransacked your home they will threatening to murder you run boy run
@Tammy Brothers Thanks for the reply.
@David Daniel Yep that’s your Qaron Shepherd Channel
He is right. There is nothing wrong with our voting system; the broken part is the conspiracy nuts, the republicans and Mitch McConnell.
Typical liberal nonsense
@dan taylor bet you believe tRump will be reinstated in August too lol .
Tell me what you like about Joe.
Then why did they immediately change our voting rights after 2020
Because of mass voter fraud that was covered up
Where is it then? After this sham fraudit in AZ they should’ve been discovered something by now. Why aren’t they shouting the fraud from the rooftops? They’ve had those ballots long enough to find anything. You people would be jokes if you weren’t so pathetic.
You can’t argue with a fool, who is stuck on lies. They gone lie again. .
Think of the examples these guys are setting for our children and grandchildren. Guess its ok to lie, rationalize and be a hypocrite.
That’s the Party of Liars Cheats and Thieves way! They know nothing else.
The LCT’s only have one idea, cut to zero the taxes businesses, and the top 1% yearly!
That guarantees them the money to run for office, but me thinks that the independents and center republicans that voted to oust trump will in November 2022 vote to get rid of those members of congress that keep up the lies!!
That is of course if the Party of Stupid can get out of their own way! There is nothing I’ve seen from the POS since 1968 that suggests they can or will!
Mitch was raised by his family to lie as often as possible..
What grotesque, ghastly excuses for humans McConnell and 45 are.
Anybody know what the status of Elaine Chao’s DOJ investigation.
A major clean up of the hazardous and toxic waste is needed in aisle 45!
McConnell: “There is nothing broken around the country.”
States passing voter suppression: “Am I a joke to you?”
How is anyone’s vote being suppressed with any of these bills?
The GQP wants to choose their voters, because they know the majority of voters won’t choose them. .
The man with the money makes the rules. Wish our politicians would vote as the citizens think.
He’s a living, breathing, walking, talking contradiction.