CNN's Erin Burnett fact checks the White House claim that President Trump is kept up at night by every coronavirus death.
#CNN #News
Erin Burnett: Here is what keeps President Trump up at night

CNN's Erin Burnett fact checks the White House claim that President Trump is kept up at night by every coronavirus death.
#CNN #News
You’re in charge mate!! YOU let it get out of control. Pretending it would miraculously disappear, 15 soon to be zero. 4% of world population 25% deaths.
Trump pivoted from the “Democrat hoax!” narrative to a “We’ve done a great job because we’ve only lost 200,000 people” narrative and the MAGA hat wearers don’t even bat an eyelash. I’m sorry but it’s a CULT at this point.
@F Con once again you are 100percent wrong. I can not ask you to believe or mistrust me. Just Google stuff and base things on facts, not hate.
@jason fuchs I again am asking you to convince me to believe. Provide one link to change my mind. I am totally willing to listen to reason.
Good catch. The cult wouldn’t notice that little change in detail and the narrative.
@F Con Keep being open minded! But you need to research facts on your own time. I can not possibly be asked to prove red is red, 1 plus 1 is two..etc. Good luck kid! Hope you find your answers.
@F Con he’s never going to. he’s just going to say “i speak facts” with no proof and any evidence to the contrary is “fake news”. its an infantile mindset
He’s still killing people by chastising those wearing masks.
Unfortunately, Covid will be here long after trump is gone.
@D ES Puerto rico virgin islands Guam . lots of tropical places in the USA .
@aj lacoste you Trump supporters are like roaches you guy’s won’t go away!!!
@aj lacoste DEMOCRATS fix the mess republicans leave , CARTER after Nixon /ford . Clinton after Reagan /Bush . Obama after Bush . Biden after Trump , everytime .
@Sam Huff Your wrong look at what they’ve been doing to the black community since the 1930s , dangled a carrot in their faces but just out of reach ,just to get their votes and they fell for it and very little are still falling for it , you’ll find out when Trumps reelected President , how many are of color, they are the scilent majority.
This must pain people who lost someone to covid. To hear him say things like that must maddening.
My Neighbor lost Someone to Covid and they blame China.
Downplayed it in December
He’s a child doing a man’s job. right.
He is a full on wacko.
He’s overwhelmed!!! Hahaha…

Bring him back to Trump’s Tower, Trump’s resorts…
That’s a right place for him
200,000 DEAD
All this man cares about is Donald Trump….
Which one? Senior or junior?
Yeah, I know.
Not a man , a child in a mans body
We know it ain’t that foreign mail order three times a charm slit eyed “wife”
Says the guy who has an onlyfans wife he’ll never touch lmao
Didn’t he say back in March that the #’s would go from 15 to 1 then None?
I thought so.
Remember when Biden said the China travel ban was “hysteria” in March? I’m sure you don’t…….
And when Biden called him a xenophobe when he shut down travel to/from China, ya know, the source of the virus. They gave him Hell about that…
Anti-trumpers are so ignorant..
Just remember he has a team working with him don’t ever forget who they are by the time this is over I would like to see them all in prison, working at the car wash, or 6 feet under, shut every single one down

‘It’s a shame’ …. Yes you are.
Donald lied and people lied, repeat after me, then vote him OUT.
People lied? Which people?
Trump 2020
Does he ever hurt himself, patting himself on the back?
Never. His arms stretch like elastic.
I figured that out, it’s why he can’t lift a glass of water because he tore his rotator cuff patting himself on the back so much…
“Nope..he just gives himself an A+”
little drumpf has patted himself on the head so often, he has given himself brain damage.
February: “I played it down, I still like to play it down”. Donald J. Trump
@R. T. Andrews It is not the governments job to protect you.
cosmos5532 good thing you’re not a real person, bring down our overall iq
cosmos5532 You’re right… it’s not the government’s job, just it’s duty.
The Constitution says, the President SHALL nominate Supreme Court Justices. It DOES NOT say, wait, postpone till next year etc…
Trump 2020

@Michael Kelly doesnt trump tweet literally 70 times in a night whenever someone makes a comment about him on tv? trump is the most emotionally dramatic president ever
I imagine trump’s golf score keeps him up at night. That’s about it except maybe how he can screw us over some more.
Porn stars? They say Melania lives upstairs. He’s most likely in the bunker.
Here’s what is driving all the left wingers and their propaganda machines insane day and night ( TRUMP)
So no Trump supporters have passed away from Covid?
Valicity Hudson most likely not. They are filled with so much hate and venomous poison the virus wouldn’t dare to live there!
Donnie, stop blaming China while you have done nothing to protect US citizens. GET OVER IT AND DO YOUR JOB!!! corn pop

Its Chinas fault Dude.Use your Head.
Stop being so Brainwashed for once. Even Chinas Own People are blaming China
He didn’t do anything right. He’s so delusional.
He’s blaming China but he’s the president…smh
He is FIRED!
Obviously..It started in China didn’t it?
So you blame the Country that Started this whole thing.
Hell yea China has done nothing thanks