Erin Burnett clashes with Trump trade advisor over tariffs

CNN's Erin Burnett and President Donald Trump's top trade adviser Peter Navarro have an exchange after Trump warns he may increase tariffs on China. #CNN #News

Erin Burnett clashes with Trump trade advisor over tariffs


    1. SURVEY: If democrats are forcing marxist propaganda indoctrinated into kids, what should be the punishment for child abuse?
      ____ Torture Muhammad style, then beheading
      ____ Waterboarding and execution

  1. The real question is why *modern washing machines are not as good as the ones being made 30 years ago.*

    1. Titty Froster Mc.Drama …. hahahahaha People???….what people? Which people? A lot of people? No people? Are you even 30 years old or 03… don’t kid yourself furnaces don’t compare to washing machines…just people huh?… people????.. nobody uses a washer from 30 years ago…if you are, then it’s about time for an upgrade.

    2. I work in appliances and they do still make great appliances. Not all but some. For instance Speed Queen made right here in Wisconsin. If you’re looking for a washer or dryer with outstanding warranty and quality check this brand out!

    3. I have a 30 year old Maytag W/D. Works fine. I once had to change a part in the dryer. No problem, $10, still made, could do it myself.

    1. @TRUMP 2020!!! ????????, What this have to do with the topic with China and tariff, if you can defend the topic, don’t deflect you’ll all Trump followers do this all the time, lucky you did not mention Hilary or Obama.

    2. @bellmeisterful Ure a fool the American people paid the $80B didnt cost the Chinese a cent I just love U trumptards are so stupid

    3. @Muhammad was a pedophile caravan robber Probably # 1, due to the fact this is serious, but for Trump and his followers is # 2, defenetliy # 2

    4. @Enrique Lopez Bill Clinton sold out the America workers when his Nafta fiasco sent all our jobs to China and Mexico. These big companies are owned by mostly liberals.

  2. Just because he “doesn’t believe it” does not mean it is not true. Stats are facts regardless of opinions or beliefs. The companies are literally saying they raised the prices. It is not an opinion. It is not subject to whether anybody “believes it.”

    1. @TRUMP 2020!!! Obviously you have no knowledge where California ranks in education. I live in New Jersey which happens to be known for quality edification (I am sure you would argue that without factual evidence), with that said, your nonsensical information in regard to where the state of California ranks is fictitious.

      Now, as for the quality of life I do agree with your comment. The same applies to the “Garden State” which happens to rank no better than the “Golden State.” But, an individual’s quality of life is affected by natural as well as social environments.

    2. KB Peters I am still waiting with anticipation to hear how you think R Reagan pulled off this conjuring trick??

      I really do want to know!

    3. @Luis Gonzalez A quick internet search reveals California ranks last in everything good and number one in every horrible thing that could happen to a supposed “civilized” state. Liberals are monsters. People are literally living in garbage cans there!

    4. TRUMP 2020!!! I never knew that. I am forthwith going to take up astrology, black magic, voodooism, reading tealeaves, bone reading and tarrot cards because if it enables me to change the value of the dollar, by next year I will make Jeff Bozos look like a pauper.


  3. So according to this man.. tariffs don’t hurt consumers . Unless you happen to need the products that are under tariff. lol.. When are Ivanka’s tacky clothing line going to be slapped with a tariff?

    1. @Saurabh Kumar I dont think so. I watched Trump talk about China and the Corp tax rate being too high for 20 years on various tv shows and interviews.
      Trumps been invited on several financial tv shows to talk about interest rates and the economy for decades.

    1. @Eden Capitalism. Easy answer. Our companies aren’t american companies. They’re global companies. They killed the small mom and pop’s long ago to the glee of shareholders and useful idiots alike. So we give them tax cuts to reward them for their effort that they pocket in offshore accounts and don’t reinvest. Since Reganomics has been prove false for decades.

  4. Dude reminds of Kelly Anne Conway; won’t shut up and listen to the interviewer, loves the sound of his own voice while hoping his boss gives him an ‘atta boy for his performance.

    1. if the host talks all the time or even half the time, it is not an interview anymore, it’s a conversation among 2 equal partners that have different opinions. you libs just want journalists to attack trump and his supporters and vomit your own political beliefs and views on them. the result it’s a loss of credibility in the neutrality of the media. therefore it become much easier to dismiss them whatever they say true or false

    2. It’s a technique he learned to drown out the competent economists who’ve been laughing him out of every room for decades.

    3. @TheOne Night you talk about “the libs” but either way it goes, you’re going to pay more for products because of these tariffs.

  5. Do you think China believe him ? I spilled my coffee chuckling !
    Oh yes they believed him , they take his words as gospel truth , only Americans a bit skeptical ! Lol

  6. Peter Navarro talks to run out the clock. Notice how he changes subject to Fentanyl, veterans, steel mills etc.

  7. Sorry Erin but you missed the two elephants in the room. The purpose of the tariffs was to reduce the amount of goods from China into the USA. Mr Navarro confirmed that the tariffs are NOT working. He said that China is getting around the tariffs by 1. reducing their currency value and 2. reducing their prices. This means that the USA is still importing the same amount of goods and the trade deficit continues – despite the tariffs. But there is another point. The compensation paid to the farmers is from Tax paid to the USA government by the US tax payers. That tax money could be used for other purposes or less tax needs to be collected. Either way, the US citizens are paying for the tariffs because their tax dollars are compensating the farmers for their loss of business resulting from the tariffs. But of course, post the new Trump tax legislation, the rich are paying less towards the farmers compensation (because the rich pay less tax now) and the poorer are paying more. Et in Arcadia Ego. Paul.

  8. Just like they said Mexico will pay wall now saying China will pay consumers overall that a lie too

    1. Clearly economics is not your forte, 10% devaluation of the Renmimbi does exactly that for the Chinese people.


  9. “Stop telling me facts from corporations that want you to believe them and start believing what we say, our reelection depends on it.”

    1. at the end there he went on rant against the nebulous ‘other.’
      wide ranging tariffs can only put a drag on the market over time.
      Goldwater, of all people, warned against xenophobes getting at the levers of the market. tariffs are just a tax by another description, they are levied by governments and the burden is borne by citizens. no amount of dissembling changes this. ask yourself if they will be lifted in your lifetime.

    2. @Anthony Gomes that’s got to be the most simpleminded thing i have read in a while. whoda thunk it was transparent anchors?

    3. @Stephen Morton So why does china has such high tariffs against USA products since by your definition, it is tax paid by Chinese consumers and hurts china?
      The answer is simple, Tariffs can also be used to protect domestic industries. China has alot of advantages over competing USA companies using cheap labor. If tariff are not placed, these domestic companies will shut down.
      In the long terms, tariffs will not be the solution, but in the short term it is be used a weapon on negotiation.

    4. @Stephen Morton You point is too confusing. What does xenophobic have to do with trade relationships. And what proof do u have of xenophobic behavior that is inconsistent with economics logic?

  10. Peter Navarro is right up there with Kellyanne CONway. When facts hit them in the face they spin their lies and take over your segment by not letting you get another word in.

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