North Korea claims that Kim Jong Un made a public appearance at a ribbon-cutting ceremony. CNN's Will Ripley reports.
#CNN #News
Erin Burnett asks: Why would North Korea release this photo now?

North Korea claims that Kim Jong Un made a public appearance at a ribbon-cutting ceremony. CNN's Will Ripley reports.
#CNN #News
It’s an old picture lol, it’s not even live that’s why it’s fake
They have released more pictures of the ceremony with a banner behind them stating the date as 1st May 2020. Today a video has been released as well. He seems to be very much alive, talking, clapping, smiling and waving. Unless the whole ceremony took place some time ago and the factory was slated to be open on 1st May as the banner says.
Nobody knows. Anyway, if he is well and alive there would be more pictures of him in the coming days.
@War Chief V dont give up your day job.
Fake news media
That “fertilizer factory” will be providing dirt for his grave.
When is your turn ?
Kim’s sister is fucking hot, I fucking love her but they say she has a crazy family that’s what’s holding me back
That fertilizer factory will provide u food….
You are completely wrong. First, he was hiding from the Coronavirus outbreak. He has been doing sex with a bunch of American porn stars. Second, he recently opened fertilizer factories to produce more disinfectants for Trump to let American people to use for Coronavirus treatment.
For a moment, I thought this picture might be using a substitute, but I overturned my conclusion quickly because they cannot find a man in North Korea as fat as Kim…
L Önska there is always make up and fat suites.
He’s dead and this is the calm before the storm, as the Army decides whether or not his sister has the political power behind her!
Chill if they keep hearing about that then we wont get a decent hot chic for north korea as the new leader
Yeah I believe the fertilizer angle is a nod to the fact he’s 6′ underground.
Glen Chidley And someone told me that she’s 10X worse than he is.
Had “open heart surgery”, opens factory 3 weeks later. Suuuurrreeeeeee…
you have proof, other than cnn, he had surgery?
The volume in this bus
cnn are such pathetic liars pretending all they got is a photo when there is a video of the event
Maybe he just didn’t have surgery
Kim recently opened fertilizer factories to produce thousands of disinfectants for Trump to let American people to use for Coronavirus treatment.
Almost every one of our comments here would give us hard prison time in north korea, or execution.
We do need that reminder. No matter how much people argue I can’t complain about free speech.
Probably be put in front of a firing squad
David Holcomb it could happen in America if Trump gets two more terms………many of his supporters would be on-board with this .
I pray for him and Trump every day, hope one of my prayers get answered. Trump is still alive so not yet
@Lost In Margaritaville Wow—what have you been drinking?
So… you’re telling me that a man that was like sick, like sick sick almost died ! Is now in public cutting a ribbon for a new factory? 🤔
Who told you he is sick? CNN?
Princess Kim Yo-jong would make Margareth Tatcher look like one of those cookie selling girlscouts.
He’s hiding in a bunker because we don’t like the present he sent US for Christmas.
yeah he looks so worried here laughing it up and having a smoke
Yes he said it was going to be a tiny, little surprise for America. Can’t imagine what it would be.
It was a beautiful letter to his USA lover…
That guy looks 20 years older.
If he wer alive they would of had made Video with Kim saying I’m still here …See!!??… my opinion he’s eating dhirt
nando perez ur so stupid
They have released the video. You can check it out by googling it or go the website of South China Morning Post.
Hey idiot focus on what is going on in your own stupid country.
He’s obviously paralyzed. He didn’t move at all in this video.
@Alpha 01
Nope, it is a fact.
@jeck jeck Well, I have friends and family that either support or just voted for Trump and they don’t get mad everytime there’s disagreement. Maybe your experience is different, or lack of which is alright but don’t stereotype people. Makes you look bad, good sir.
Fake news media
@Alpha 01
My condolences to those idiots, they are very dumb.
Aparrantly a good friend told him to inject disinfectant…
Lol! Love it!!
@ARCSTREAMS Maybe CNN didn’t have permission from the North Korean government to show the video.
and if only you and your trailer park family would do the same….
A lover…
“I mean, just look at him. He’s got an obesity issue”
Haha …like 70percent of the American population you mean?
Mashmakhan why don’t you look yourself in the mirror?
rip yeah, but in america only the poor people are fat. In DPRK, the poor people are starving.
Mashmakhan You talking about Trump or Kim?
Trump “I’d rather not comment” means he doesn’t know.
Mulinaster ok guy👍
If he did comment then the media would go crazy and over exaggerate it
@Mulinaster Like the ones above your comment!🙄
Don’t be stupid. No one knows what’s going in there. Liberals again being stupid
Trump comments on lots of stuff he doesn’t know anything about. Why stop now?
Kim seems like a guy who would let something like this play out and see what everyone would says, and do.
i would if i were him
Exactly! Obviously he has underlying health issues due to his obesity, but he’s also just trying to mess with the world.
Kim is dangerous
imagine waking up from surgery just to find out that everyone wishes you were dead
what so-called progressives and self-proclaimed elites realize each time they wake up every morning
Lmao dude probably thinks he’s Jesus now
CNN: *Why would North Korea release a photo of Kim Jong Un?*
Gabriel would you perhaps feel like smooching later on?
If not it’s cool jus let me know
Hey Gabe you sound hot, wanna add me on MySpace??
T Roy the Tranny he woah we can smooch too!