In an interview with CNN, Eric Garner's mother, Gwen Carr, says she has reached out to the family of George Floyd, a black man who died after a Minneapolis police officer placed his knee on Floyd's neck.
#CNN #News
Eric Garner’s mother reacts to George Floyd’s death

I’m not anti cops but his sister is right , these 4 cops need to go to jail
Dorian Shades of gray they need death sentence! They took someone’s life they need theirs taken
They need a death penalty PERIOD
No one has ever been anti cop so that didnt need to be said. People are anti police brutality. Thats what its always been about. Welcome to reality….
@mymovetube mymovetube: Said the low IQ turd who believes men can have periods.
Derek Chauvin (The Murderer Seen In The Video) 7517 17th St N, Saint Paul, MN, 55128.
Let’s hope these police officers face actual charges for this
@J Show proof he was a drug addict
No they will not.
People pretend this is a racial issue; not a police-brutality with impunity issue. I know it doesn’t fit the narrative…. but Americans are beaten by police quite excessively and regularly; and people of all walks of life, as a result, have died.
@Semper Fortis You’re absolutely right.
Let’s hope that they receive the same heartache and pain that they have caused( you reap what you sow)
Its a murder. All 4, I repeat-ALL FOUR- officers should be prosecuted. PERIOD
Those four police officers are registered Democrats and everyone knows that Democrats created the KKK
@Crank Cranker your mom created a brothel then?
@gooner nope your mother
Yes they should. And it would be messed up if all 4 officers are not charged
What’s their defense?? He wasn’t threatening anyone he didn’t have a weapon he didn’t even resist and they not only murder this man but also tortured before killing him. His family deserves JUSTICE!! R.I.P George
@ibobpeb plaub may they receive the same
Because he’s black and the cops being racist which is so sad
@AnonyPersona This video here shows that he did not resist arrest.
@ibobpeb plaub once he was in handcuffs he wasn’t resisting he was on his stomach with a knee on his neck it didn’t matter if he did or didn’t he shouldn’t be killed for it.
@ibobpeb plaub it doesn’t matter if he was resisting, the cop was on his neck chilling there for MINUTES if it was a white person they wouldn’t do that they’d only shock them
Why police is not taking any actions against these officers, are they protecting them?
@Crank Cranker Republican and democrats are a system against COLORED PEOPLE.
@Noah Ericsson the SYSTEM IS CORRUPT!!!!
They were all fired with charges pending that has nothing to do with the cops it’s all on the DA now
Those police officers are murderers. End of story
The are murders and I hope everyone can see that
@Uncle Ed
I say this as a Trump supporter. You’re the reason why people should really put a emphasis on EDUCATION lol. You’re simply too stupid..
I swear, it is always the lowest and financially poor like yourself that drum up your ridiculous bureaucratic rhetoric that does not fit at ALL.
I bet you’re religious too and think you’re going to Heaven
News flash, if it does exist(doubtful). I’ll see you in hell and give you a warm welcome Mr. Welfare checks
@Georgia Peach easy honey…this is police brutality. Period.
Uncle Ed You’re disgusting me from China
@steph r
We shoot yall for sport.
Floyd pleaded for his momma……he was 46 yrs old. If that doesn’t break you idk what will
People say silly stuff when they’re on narcotics.
@Michele Bottom line, if he would have cooperated, this wouldn’t have happened.
@Cheryl Williams I do too. I just said that today
@Cheryl Williams that’s right Cheryl, my son is a grown man but he will always be my baby
@Uncle Ed So what do you call the cops who murdered him? Bigger criminals is my guess
We are, and have been watching, is modern day state sponsored genocide.
and the way trump wants people out catching the virus.
his own death wish on american people.
Im sure all the Biden Hate speech caused this.
yeah planned parenthood is doing it’s job.
It continues in America as it always will!! Racist hateful people in this country!
Those officers should be charged and prosecuted asap. Missouri allows the death penalty
Yep, racist liberals in Minnesota. Wasnt that other Senator with the Rapey hands from Minnesota? Franken…
Ever hear of the “ due process “ amendment in the constitution ?
Saynoto Socialists what is it
Saynoto Socialists yes and the way it works is there needs to be evidence to convict them and there is he said he couldn’t breathe and they stayed on top of him if you took that uniform off no one would question that this in fact was murder
George didn’t get due process….
This makes me so so so sick, sad and mad
He didnt die in a hospital, he was murdered on the street under the knee of a coward.
@Bobby Gaines yes sir or nothing will change
That cop deserves to get shot in the knee cap
@Huh? damn did that get you all excited and hard on…creep
Gary Johnson it’s crazy that when we see national headlines of white people committing murder, they can be calmly handcuffed, detained and put in jail and often times they have a fair trial but when it’s a black person unarmed and not being threatening they end up dead and never get to tell their side of the story.
there is no investigation it was murder caught on tape!
And they say there’s gonna be an investigation, what more evidence do they want
Even Eric Garner’s death. Yesterday they beat up a black woman and her husband in Michigan
@Mario Ndoci a black woman and his wife? They didn’t

come to think of it,it don’t make no sense
He didn’t die in hospital! He died on the street!
Doug H he said he can’t breathe if u can’t breathe u die understand that ?
@Doug H we know what we’ve witnessed..we saw a straight up snuff-movie dude c’mon..
Doug H God please help this man that he does not know what he says. God bless you sir
Give him a summons for loitering too.
As Tupac said “Police are the biggest gang in America”
Einhorn Furtz dont give him the attention he’s demanding… irony,intellect,whatever it is he’s trying to portray needs to be ignored! How does he even have time for the attention Seeking… SMH! Justice for Floyd!!!!!!!
That’s probALY the Crips
Where is Tupac now?
The entire government is

How can #GeorgeFloyd Rest When He did NOT die in PEACE?

Not much rest in Hell.
Gunsquawk 44 how did George Floyd go to hell? The only people who are going to hell are the ppl who murdered him. Are u Jesus you don’t know who goes to hell and who goes to heaven. But that cop made a mortal sin so he’s more likely to go to hell dumbass
Harper Lee’s “To kill a mockingbird” was written in 1960. It’s 2020 now, racism in America is still so rampant!
It’s not rampant. Relax. This was terrible and those cops will get locked away for a very long time maybe life. As you can clearly see about 90% of the country is agreeing that this was disgusting and should’ve never happened.
It’s rampant, alive, and visceral! Don’t fool yourselves fellow Americans. We are all racist against each other. This was a case where it was acted out by bigots. We can comment on races and have a point of view. These officers will have their day of sentencing!

Last words “I cant Breathe Sir,”
It’s just sad they should be charged with murder
Quit saying where he later died, he was murdered in the street in front of a crowd of people

Media him twist it…but I remember the first news reports said aaliyah was killed…They quickly pulled that report from national news and said she died and so on…same thing about pimp c..they admitted he was killed then quickly pulled the report. I forget who reported it when I heard he was killed.
@SANCAM they killed pimp c he knew to much