Emergency Room physician Dr. Lisa Salamon says with the growth of new variants, there is a race to get vaccines before more new variants arrive in Canada.
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It’s why we don’t make one-time vaccines for colds and flus, they mutate every year and the hospitals get inundated every year, but Canada’s yearly death rate trend did not go up in 2020 compared to years before – because this is a power grab and was not a pandemic until WHO changed the definition of pandemic to not include high casualties.
must be covoidiot neocon
@garry w maskidiot
@KC N covidiot
@garry w OK karen
@tobias1959 ok brad!
How much is she getting paid to say this
how much are making type this?
She’s is co-chair of Ontario Medical Association’s “Governance Transformation Task Force.”
Sounds sus.
@Tzara so she shouldnt br on there but will you go tv then reverse what she saying since your expert right
@garry w Baaaaa Baaaaa
Every week a new dr comes on tv.
Extra $$$$$
@garry w every week a new dr is trying to make a name for his/herself. They must make extra cash for going on tv giving their opinion. That’s my point.
@John Oliveira well arent you tv since you think above every1 else come tthe ttalk big shot!right how much are yiou making talk like you expert right?ytou must gett few 100s right
@John Oliveira why should i show my card since you thihnk youe aboce this doctor right?
@garry w learn to spell, or are you high
Don’t worry they won’t run out anytime soon cause some of them never develop a conscience.
No real doctor believes you .
so we just believe you?why arent you tv giving out daily update since you think higher up thern her right?youi create psuedo arguement
Oh lookie, it’s the co-chair of the Ontario Medical Association’s “Governance Transformation Task Force.”
@garry w “Getting under your desk”. That’s the point.
@Crazyman musings you seem think your aboveher right
@garry wNo I don’t want to be above her, she don’t turn my fancy. I do think your elevator needs service.
@Crazyman musings well whih one is it
@garry w which what is one
Ok everybody, you know what to do…be afraid and accept full control by the government.
‘The sky is falling..the sky is falling..run,run,run away’..
Medical professionals including public health officials are the Chicken Little club ambassadors.
@Marlon Levin are youi saying hey we wiopnt berlieve but we rathwr believe you?just sayn
Hugely concerned oh i’m so scared frightening chills are causing goose bumps. I’m shaking uncontrolably, sick to my stomach. I can’t find alfredo sauce anywhere.
I stocked on on Alfredo sauce but forgot I don’t like Alfredo at all. Must have been FOMO again.
Klingon variant here yet?
I’m fatigued with all this…I’m pro mask, stay at home etc… but this has gone too far… scare scare – lets cut out the crap, and it’ll be what it’s going to be.
Masks trap bacteria not virus, isolation reduces immune system. 99% survival. GM0 vakzine… it’s really a coup
@Tzara somebody should tell all the drs and health care professionals who operate with masks on, dentists…they must be dropping like flies
@Heywoodj1969 Why don’t you try some critical thinking? Don’t be so reductionist, it doesn’t help your argument one bit.
Co-vidiot pro maskers show how far we’ve fallen from a functional society…
@Derek Woodford pro-maskers? Are nurses pro mask when they use ppe to protect themselves? Are our dentists or doctors pro mask when they use masks to perform patient care?
Wearing a mask is the least thing you can do to keep yourself, your family and your community members safe. Not everything is about you. We live in a society, not in individual islands onto ourselves.
A variant is a small change, NOT a new strain.
A small change? A virus that is 25-45% more contagious, that has already changed its spike protein is on the verge of becoming a new strain and the more biomass it’s given, the higher the chance of change…
@K V guess Fauci should have listened to the medical community and ceased experiments with the viral gain of function…
How UK variant end up in seniors homes and we know that seniors are most sensitive group???
It immigrated on the Cadbury milk chocolate digestives.
This is terrible. No one ever dies in long term care.
Everyone with an MD behind their name can now be an Epidemiologists.
where did you get your degree from?
@garry w mcmaster, where did you get your md?
@garry w I also did my master’s in bioethics at MUN. Didn’t get a designation in epi although I did take some courses. I focused on genetics.
@K V why arent are you tv there littlr bufy yolu think higher up right?
@K V none yout business gotcha question
DR. Nick’s sister
Can we go back to where the environment was the Worlds biggest concern, or better yet, can we move forward to where over-population is the Worlds biggest problem.
The trump variant?? Thats what millions are calling the latest variations..donald 19 ?
Well just stop them, Who misplaced the magic wand. We need to find it so we can get on with life.
I wonder how much they paid her