MSNBC's Brian Williams speaks to Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde about the president's visit to St. John's Church after law enforcement violently pushed out a peaceful protest. Aired on 6/1/2020.
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Episcopal Bishop 'Deeply Offended' By Trump Using Bible As A 'Prop' | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Yeah “put them in jail for ten years”
That’s why people are burning cars!
@AZJaguar why would you love to blame antifa? Why not love to blame it on white supremacists?
@AZJaguar really? I don’t see his face all over the news. And it took them DAYS to make an arrest. It took his wife less time to divorce him
@Prathana Bhoora You can probably be correct in the assumption they need to keep him in solitary. If they placed him in with the normal population in jail he will be dead in a couple of days.
@AZJaguar some might offer that what you predict might not be a bad thing, but justice instead.
@Danny Stricker Which is actually bad for our nation. We set up our judicial courts to be the ones to decide what is fair justice to crime. What we are seeing is nothing more than what we saw in olden times with mob vigilantes. Remember the witch trials? We are basically seeing the beginning of such.
Looks like he consulted his best friends Putin and Kim Yong how they would handle this crisis.
I’m actually stunned that he didn’t have Michael Flynn holding a mirror in front of him as he walked to the church.
Do they have reflections?
Or William Barr throwing rose petals.
@Danita Miner
@Mercedes Mukati I think banana peels more suit the occasion .

I’m very surprised that Cadet Bone Spurs’ hand didn’t catch on fire!
I’m sorry but at this point, everything about trump makes me laugh

@Thomas Sosa “Trump 2020” was a campaign slogan a couple weeks ago, now it seems more like an Apocalyptical profesy.
Grape Juice, you won’t be laughing when he declares martial law, suspends elections, then abolishes elections, and Trump the Dictator, and possibly the Antichrist, will be clear for all to see, and it won’t be in any way funny

@Charlie Crown ha
I thought it was only me
Charlie Crown lemme tell you something, I don’t have my hopes in this world or any one but my Jesus Christ, I know that I’m here for only a while, this just the rode, so whatever happens, I’m ready, I don’t fear suffering! I been suffering all my life that when I don’t suffer or struggle, I feel weird

Declaring war on the population of the USA.
That’s dangerous asf smh
Sorry its not the population he is declaring war on – its the criminals that looted damaged and burned down our communities while hiding behind this cause!!! The majority of the population hates what they are doing and hopes they get what they deserve!!! Behave how you want to be treated!!!
I’m wondering why trump didn’t burst into flames!
That’s why he never entered the building.
Excellent question.
2 Corinthians 11:14
And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
Does it really say that in TWO Corinthians? Fitting.
he’s not an angel to begin with
I’m surprised he didn’t burst into flames
as soon as he touched the Bible. Or get struck down by lightning
while standing in front of the Church. He is not a president he is a dictator wannabe.
Amen Amen Amen
It was a dictionary
That looks like it’s his first time seeing a Bible, “how do you hold it? This way this way?
Ten year sentence. Did uncle Vladimir tell him about the gulags?
How can he touch a bible without burning his hands??

it ‘s not a bible . that’s a back magic book.
Magic is not real.
if only there WERE a god, Trump would have been slain before the “So help me god” at the end of his oath was finished for perjury in the face of the Almighty. But alas, no such thing as a fair and well meaning spiritual protector of mankind exists.
Satan knows the Word too
The president of law n order. A war time president. Every time he opens his mouth it’s about himself, and how
@Ugly German Truths no my Mom had me checked I’m ok I just have issues dealing with idiots and stupidity and idiots like you do get on that one nerve !
@Floyd Spencer still confusing your own state with everybody else? Grow up, you insult worse than a three year old and reality is speaking against your BS
@Ugly German Truths at least reality speaks to me it just shuts up and walks right by you it knows you have mental issues so it leaves you alone !
@Floyd Spencer sooo….what your saying is he was patting himself on his…sooo….trump does that any and everytime whether its in front of cameras or Twitter…self gratification isn’t helping at all…
@Floyd Spencer pretty much everytime he opens his mouth its some type of lie or falsehood….but on the real what does President Obama have to do with the guy in the Whitehouse now? Seriously
“President of law and order.” WHAT

“… and speaking of order, can I get 5 Big Macs, 3 large fries… you guys want anything?”
Yes, have had a craving for a Big Mac
and fries
for over 1/4 of a year.
“I will take presidential actions”, says the one who also said, “just grab em by the
”. Presidential actions by a non-presidential draft dodger. Wow!
Pathetic And Sickening Isnt It.?? Coming From A Lifelong, Grifter, Conman And Money Mongering Anti American Parasite For Sale to the highest Bidder. WE MUST EVICT THIS SATANIC MONSTER OUT.
Vote, Vote
He is Christlike. Didn’t you see the bible? He should hold a girl on a chain, like he did with his buddy Epstein, and an assault weapon, too. Just like Christ…dominate them, kick them while they’re down. Republicans have a new team strategy and their mobster ‘Don’ is their Captain!
I wonder what kind of stuff has come from your mouth. HE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN CAN TOSS THE FIRST STONE.
@Stacy Turner I heard Epstein was best Friends with Bill and Hillary Clinton
The blinders have been removed you can truly see “Trump” for who he is.
Did you notice? HE HELD THE BIBLE UPSIDE DOWN & BACKWARDS Take a look again.
Pam McCumbers seems like he’s unfamiliar with physical books.
Yeah and it wasn’t a mistake he looked at it twice before he raised it, but Bush had the children book upside down as well during 911, mybe some kind of a code for them
@leuvenlife Yes Sir (Ma’am?)… thank you.
@Singer RB With al due respect….. Jesus walks with EVERYBODY.
I can’t belive the bible didn’t burst into flames
when he held it.
@Jon Stone upside down and backwards, you can see the page mark hanging out the bottom, and the bible was backwards,
@Donna Kerr Yes, I thought he was holding it upside-down and backwards, but I wasn’t sure if I was correct. Thank you for responding.
It’s a fake bible
@Donna Kerr

I went to check, have a closer look there myself, you couldn’t make it up, also something Satan would do, along with everything else, but not religious myself, putting that bit down to coincidence and stupidity 

@Sheena D I like that
The way he’s holding that bible
He didn’t even notice that it was upside down. The way he held while walking says a lot about him. A true Christian walks with the Bible close to his body like a Football Receiver. The way Trump held was like a stick.
Thats dumb!! I’m a true christian and I don’t hold it in the manner you describe – thats Hollywood!! There is no set way to hold it!!
Trump: “Hey Putin, its me your biggest fan who loves you, what should i do?”
Putin: “Attack your own people and take a picture at a church, holding a bible”
Trump: “Awesome, Praise Satan!”
@Jamie G yep, he sure does. He aspires to be one, and once he declares martial law, and suspends elections, and then abolishes elections, he will be, just like Hitler done it, almost exactly the same, divide the nation by creating scapegoats, you can guess the rest.
@Charlie Crown Exactly.
Hey hey, don’t drag the dark lord into this. Satan’s got nothing to do with this.