Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding says that removing mask mandates is 'putting our head in the sand' and will encourage the spread of COVID-19.
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Yeah no one has empathy anymore.
Feel free to wear as many as you want, but don’t push your “religion” on others
@Cowboys Fan on the contrary, masking has been used in many pandemic and epidemic situations throughout history, it has nothing to do with culture…
Another one
When would be? Lmao
Anyone seriously worried about the virus would promote testing.
lololol as if
It’s an airborne respiratory disease not a political idea, religious belief nor lifestyle choice …
You’re partially right.
Another religious mask cultists
We all should be free to choose, want to wear a mask? Do it. If you don’t
“Daughter” variant now lol. I’ll take this seriously when the daughter and son variant have a baby variant
Wear your face diapers all you want still. Literally no one is stopping you.
“especially children who are very vulnerable” – That sentence makes me lose any trust in this doctor as clearly 1000’s of research papers, experiments and real time observations prove that children are the LEAST vulnerable age group. Are the 90 year old + the most safe and immune? seriously?
I’m wearing my mask it’s really no big deal to do so
You try wearing a mask 8 hrs a days in a hot polluted factory when you work by yourself 99% of the time.
You do you, just allow me the same.
Yes yes protect the children. Yawn.
Freedumbers have no empathy at all. Cut them off from your lives.
It has nothing to do with empathy. It’s more about seeing the truth. If you can’t see it by now you’re either part of the problem or just plain ignorant.
@Steve Marshall
Virgin for life
that thumbnail XD