uOttawa epidemiologist Raywat Deonandan says that B.C. and Quebec are looking 'problematic' as COVID-19 cases continue to rise in both provinces.
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It’s not the whole of bc morons
Shut government down business should all startup. Small business need to start class action lawsuits against all levels of Gov.
For what? Saving your life? Your kids Lives? yeah bad government..bad, bad
@Sean Mahoney They didnt save anyone.
But their policies killed over a hundred thousand seniors.
There is going to be hell to pay for what has been done.
Don’t worry they’ll only grab your kids for a few weeks
Nope. Lies.
Thank you.
“B.C. looking ‘problematic'” … lol, google: bc covid cases … our entire province has less cases than smaller cities… maybe we should stop hiding cases and then everyone would take it more seriously hmm?
What a creepy looking thumbnail
Trustworthy looking fellow huh?
i know lol
LOOKS LIKe something from a horror movie
@Stephanie Whitehouse weird culture genetics I guess
I was very disappointed that you turned comments off for for the segment:” COVID-19: Canada’s top doctor suggests wearing a mask during sex. ” I was looking forward to reading them over morning coffee.
They were open initially and it was great XD
@&Abel I KNEW they would be!
That’s a face I can trust LOL
You can see that hes a liar and a bad one.. his face forged itself like a true lying face
Pause on the advertisement and straight to the comment section.
Are you my twin brother ?
@ymot berub we all do that so they get no ad revenue.
And because what ever they say is irrelevant.. have you notice how those who are clearly evil have deformity in their facial structure..its like nature forge your body depending on how you are truthful about your ideas and mentality..this guys clearly have a hustlers narcissistic face.
I’d tell you a Convid 19 joke, but there’s a 99.7 percent chance you won’t get it.
Dont you believe – it may be false – but not a joke – I am scared of the goverment and what they are goiing to do next .
More fear mongering.
Free the Eagle or Cage it

Hard to believe it all began in China’s ‘wet markets’.
Do Not download the app. It’s a farce that it is safe and you privacy is not being infringed
YES I really agree
Flagged for terrorism
Another social psychological burb. DId you check the real death rates in comparison to last year ? When i checked last this pandemic hadnt changed a thing from last year . Stramge pandemic which doesnt change anything apart from the goverments trying to control you using your fear – I think it seems more like a control issue to me . Contact tracing using 5g to control and social distancing to make sure they can spy on your every move —-as well as having patents out on the covid before the year 2020 . whow – the sure could look into the future right – such great science – just like now .
Are they going release another virus ? just to make sure there is a second spike ?
YUK so the contact tracing app – helps – – WHO ????