Epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch on the Risks Americans Face with Reopening | All In | MSNBC

As coronavirus cases continue to grow across the country, Harvard epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch discusses the risks of reopening and trajectory of the spread. Aired on 7/3/2020.
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Epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch on the Risks Americans Face with Reopening | All In | MSNBC


    1. trump is the mushroom, the exposed genital.
      The people who put him in power are the mycelium, the energy which allows the mushroom to grow
      and yes the fruiting body spreads spores of hate

    2. Jonathan Francis only the brainwashed think that way. In no instance can you find any video to support that. Your dumb as a box of rocks. Do some research and educate yourself.

    1. @Cyrene the Cat No, it’s not. It’s centrist. Go get a book on political social science. I doubt you even know what the term actually means. This is a huge problem in US political discourse. Because of the incredibly unsophisticated, binary approach to politics and generally low level of education in the US, people have fallen into the trap of believing “If not mine, then theirs”. Thus, “If not conservative, then leftist” and equally, “If not progressive, then fascist”. I’m yet to meet an American contributor on this page who can provide a simple, but accurate definition for each of the terms; Communism, Socialism, Social Democracy, Liberalism, Conservatism, Nationalism, Fascism or any combination of these terms.

    2. @Nomvula Dlamini Never been to Australia then? Australia’s population density varies across the country. The Eastern Seaboard (Melbourne to Brisbane) is a geographical region of about 200,000 square km and around 18 million people: directly comparable to Texas, Florida and Illinois in terms of size and population density and to California in terms of population density, but at half its size.

      Aboriginal/Maori people are not ‘confined to reserves’ in either country. There are some communities living in reserved areas and those areas have had strict entry protocols throughout the duration of crisis, meaning we have exactly zero COVID cases in New Zealand, Arnhem land, the Northern Territory and Western Australia and 1 case total in Queensland. But go ahead; make your excuses.

  1. trump saying it was a hoax,bam right there 40% of the population beleive that it’s a hoax. Secondly trump started goading his supporters into disobeying the shutdown and thus “liberating” states,thirdly Republicans turned a simple safeguard like wearing masks into a political issue. fourth complete lack of unified response or leadership from the Whitehouse and most Republican states.

    1. @Harold Moops Herd immunity requires about 60 % of the population to contract the virus. Right now we haven’t confirmed 1% and have 130,000 deaths. Multiply that by 60 and tell me that you are happy with that figure.

    2. @Harold Moops not strictly true. Many young people that get infected end up in ICU on ventilators and die. Also, no one knows yet what the long term effects in their health will be.

    3. @Harold Moops So the fact that the scientific experts do NOT yet know whether or not COVID-19 can or will mutate (as Flu viruses do) rather destroys your hope that ‘herd immunity’ will work. ‘Herd immunity’ doesn’t apply to the Flu or the common cold viruses, for example, as they constantly mutate.
      If COVID-19 mutates then any ‘herd immunity’ or future vaccine will be as useless as your American government’s response to this world pandemic

    4. @Nice CupOfTea So, I guess we’re all just doomed. If herd immunity fails as surely the practice of “suppression” will then what’s left?? Vaccines are just a type of herd immunity and if the virus is mutating they’re also worthless.

    1. Lol. Nothing to due with the rioters and looters or over 50% of deaths from nursing homes in Dem states???

    2. not to mention inciting civil war, riots and disinformation. Sugar Vladdy is smiling on his lapdog.

    3. @Buddy Ratcliff
      America: China fudges its numbers on Covid19?
      Trump we should stop testing for covid19 because when you test you increase the number of cases?
      But China who is doing millions of tests are manipulating the numbers/////////
      Come on !!!!!!!!!!
      What’s really unbelievable is for the first time ever, the US is really “NUMBER ONE” at something, and some Americans are doing their best to deny it!

    1. @Traveling with Rick Yes, I know what happened at the election. The electoral college also consists of people and the fact remains that with barely half of registered voters turning out to vote despite having access to the same information the rest of the world had, it was Americans who voted him in. By all means, change the electoral college. But let’s not use it as an excuse for the apathy and neglect of tens of millions of people whose responsibility it is to elect the leader. Until you address THAT problem, there seems little incentive to tinker with the edges. Time to take responsibility for your actions.

    2. @Ruth Harris Absolutely. And he’s the reason why there will soon be 200,000 dead. But until you fix the underlying problems, there will always be the potential for history to repeat itself.

    3. @theron gentille yeah the fatality rate will rise soon i guess. usa got 4 times more people than germany but your country is also 28 times bigger with the most concentrated populations being in the metropolitan regions like your coastal states. just take montana for example. this state is as big as germany but we have 83 million people while montana hardly scratches the 1 million mark. this means there are huge areas with only few people around and even fewer cases of covid. i would guess they dont believe in covid because of that. its too far away for them so they think its just a hysterical hoax. the fact that many muricans stay at their place and dont travel just makes it harder to convince them to be reasonable.

    4. @Annihilate MAGA Cult The comparison is even worse when you realize that before the virus hit germany unemployment was 5%, now, its 6%. All this austerity america is experiencing was a CHOICE.

    1. @ihave35cents
      If repulikans were real patriots, the country could rid themselves of TRAITOR tRump and his sidekick Pence before the end of next week
      !If there is a will, there is a way, Impeachment and removal should take less that 2 days the evidence is already there!
      But that will never happen because the Republicans would need to get President Putin permission FIRST!

    2. ihave35cents *g* you’re funny.

      Harsh, but funny. So sarcastic against the WH lying pig… I love it. 🙂

      “can’t wait to vote for him again” 😂😂😂 comedy gold.

    3. @Heather LarsonThat what most people on our planet are asking HOW THE F88K did he get appointed!
      Remember he lost the peoples vote by 3+ million!!!!!

    1. Ashes to Ashes Roskell -WUT? Any Fact? Prove? Statistics? 🤣Truth? “Oh Wait! You are a brainwashed, 🙈arrogant, 👹godless, 💩prepossessed, 👹demonpossessed, 🤪hatred anti Trump and anti USA and antichrist?” A fake false ‘news’ consumer? Of course we all could see your 🐽xtreme dumbness here now!
      Time for some History Lesson! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Specially for arrogant godless leftists. “Lying lips are extremely disgusting and hateful to the Lord, but they who deal faithfully are His delight”. [Prov. 6:17; 12:22, 11:20; Rev. 22:15.] Back to Virtue and Truth, praise God and TX to Pres. Trump ❤️🇺🇸 The Mayflower Compact, signed Nov11, 1620, was the first “Constitution” written in America. 📣 It began: “In ye name of God, Amen. In ye presence of God, and one of another, covenant & combine our selves togeather into a civill body politick … to enacte … just & equall lawes … as shall be thought most meete & convenient for ye generall good of ye Colonie, unto which we promise all due submission and obedience.”
      ‼️Instead of a top-down government ruled by a king, it was a bottom-up ‼️ form of government by the people✝️

  2. The problem with Americans is that they act based on emotion. It wasn’t safe to reopen, but people “felt” like going out. Wearing masks is proven to be beneficial, but Americans don’t “feel” like wearing them.

    The only way Americans are going to take this virus seriously is if their emotions tell them to. Unfortunately, by then it will be too late. People will only take it seriously once someone they know is already dead from it.

    1. @ATV HogHunter All the highest case spikes are now in red states. But you don’t read the news at all do you.

    2. Amazing how the coronavirus is about 100 nanometers, give or take, in size but yet it’s smarter and more intelligent than your typical trump supporter.

    3. You can’t expect “intelligence” with the mass of people. Democracy is deemed to fail in the long term.

    4. @Leigh Counry Then again, the coronavirus doesn’t lap up the dumbest propaganda (stuff that wouldn’t fool a cat) just because it has the same racial prejudices as Trump.

    5. surely you joke, mein failüre Yep. The states went from an average of 100,000 test to 600,000 test. And 95% are asymptomatic. So since “you” read the news and I don’t, tell me why deaths are going down when there is such a “spike”?
      You people have to choose to be this dumb!

    1. You expect too much from the Muricans and their public education system.
      The Canadians have the right idea.
      They closed borders(built that wall) and for those few who do make it across, who I assume aren’t murderers or rapists, they are quarantined(locked her up).
      The irony is delicious.

    2. we are all going to need to see proof or your diploma as well rob. I know passing the 6th grade was the hardest
      3 years of your life rob, but still, where’s your paperwork?

    3. @Douglas Lowe – *Or a spelling test, not have the same DNA as their entire, and surrounding states, and have more than 3 teeth!*

  3. I see a crowd of people, I turn away. I don’t get the “shut in fatigue.” I want to remain healthy, not miserable in my bed for weeks, out of the hospital and alive! My self-preservation instincts won’t let me go into a crowd. I just do not understand others who seem to go out of their way to find a crowd, inside or out. Btw, we already have 160,000 deaths. Some states, probably most, haven’t reported or counted all of them.

    1. @R. Brooks I think I need to be more careful when typing lol. Actually I’m a brit (but I’ve lived in Hong Kong for 20 years, a whole different story) but yes of course I know of Robert MaxWell because I remember being a teenage when he ‘fell’ off his yacht

    2. @Cyndi Sherry It is sad to see history repeat and such recent history at that, because people just refuse to listen and are so wrapped up in themselves. Stupidity is happening in Victoria in Australia too, but being handled so so differently to the US. And our numbers are minuscule in comparison.

    3. GoGreen – you are a loser and an enemy of humanity. you are not human at all but a lifeless android… whop prefers to survive in a virtual life rather than actually living life. just what the people in control want from this phony panic!

    4. Yea? You don’t want to steal anything? Get free stuff from a looted store??? Go rob from people that put everything on the line to provide for their family? To steal from people living an American dream? Well your just not Dem enough

  4. Republican senators, all except Romney, failed in the following:

    call a witness
    seek the truth
    remove Trump out of office
    uphold the oath they took to defend the constitution

    Vote blue America! Republicans are bought and paid for by Donald Trump and paid for with American taxpayer dollars.

  5. Like SOME children who are told not to do something dangerous that they are not supposed to do……
    they sometimes do it!
    trump was and still is one of those children….Unfortunately his actions are costing LIVES!

    1. @mujkocka Thank you. When Trump gets re-elected, he won’t have to worry about Dem governors killing nursing home pt, he’ll just step in and take out the governor.

    2. @ATV HogHunter 🙂 don’t wear mask or practise social distancing. feel free to go about the way you want to. i am all for it especially for the disbelievers.

    3. @mujkocka I have for 5 months now… Oh did I mention I’m an ICU nurse. Don’t wear one at work (unless they are positive). But, it’s only Democrats that are dying so, It’s ok. Darwin at it’s finest!!!

  6. The map is Red in most places, does Trump think it’s the states he is winning in the polls. I guess no one has told him.

  7. The whole world looks at the USA and realizes many of its citizens are truly ignorant. The US needs to listen to science and not greed centric politicians.

    1. @Colin Mahoney ……. hardly a pandemic. the job of the fake news is to keep stretching these lies
      until we
      vote on Nov 4th. Everyone seen george floyd die of choking. yet georgey got marked
      down as covid-19. The hospitals are marking down covid as the cause even if its a
      heart attack, car accident, or murder. ur watching 2much fake news! its a fake pandemic.
      100,000 dead in a year is hardly a pandemic. half of which were caused by covid-19 patients
      purposely planted in nursing homes by crooked governors like witchmer and cuomo.

    1. @teek75ifty – *And you are also a ‘Stable Genius’, Alfalfa?*
      *Meabwhile, the Morbidly Obese Orange Monkey is double dipping on his Putin bounty kickbacks!*
      *”I believe Putin!” – Donnie Helsinki Trump -*

    2. @Lumis Sappier oh look, a squirrel! While I know it’s hard for your ilk to stay on point, but at least try instead of blurting out random nonsense. 

      This video is about the virus. This comment thread is about how the OP blames Trump for the virus (in some odd way a correlation is attempted to be made). What you’re talking about has nothing to do with either of those two or my comment addressing either of those two.

    3. UK and US are the most liberal in the world. Is it conincidential that they have the same Covid fate?

  8. The only way to save the United States, is by disbanding the GOP fascist party completely.

    They have proven time and time again that they are unfit to govern anything.

    That is a *fact*

    1. @Mario Dominguez I live in one of those liberal cities, Mario, and we are doing a great deal better than we were doing when our COVID numbers were burgeoning. Sadly, the same cannot be said about Houston, Phoenix, Miami, or a great number of other great cties.

    2. @Red Street How exactly is a movement dedicated to fair policing policies a communist organization?

    3. Natural selection, the people who don’t wear mask will hurt themselves. Yeah, you and trumpski wont die, but will your family forgive you for killing grandma?

  9. Over here in Germany the chancellor said what we needed to do and for the next 4 months we did! It was not complicated and was OK because we have a robust social system and healthcare system so no one became homeless from this and we tested and continue to test now.
    I say the problem in the USA is the abundance of stupid people and a con man as your president with a Republican party that has no idea how to govern or react to a crisis

    1. @CatsInHats S.Crouching Tiger Today 4th July the lockdown has been eased in England with many changes to many to list on these pages. The most noticeable are being able to go out to pubs and restaurants and get a haircut. Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have different rules again.

    2. Snappy Mike ’46 – are people bring cautious and have they been shaken by the deaths? It’s like we’re not hearing anymore about the UK and it went a bit silent. Being that now is summer holiday are people staying home? I think I saw someone post a video on YT and the streets were a ghost town.

    3. Amen, and as an American it’s a shame that everyone else around the globe can see the truth yet we can’t seem to… I apologize on behalf of the United States…

    1. @ihave35cents right 330 million americans. 125,000 dead and because you don’t personally know a victim yet it can’t be real

      very smart of you. i bet you believe in god

    2. @26 different qurans is ‘perfect quran preservation’ but you idiots believe a doctor can perform abortions at 8 months. 😂😂

    1. defunding school programs and mental health programs gave us bunker boy….its time to fix things

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