Engaging with Ottawa on a Canadian-made vaccine ‘not working’: Providence Therapeutics CEO

CEO of Providence Therapeutics Brad Sorenson says he's received limited assistance from the federal government, despite his requests.


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Engaging with Ottawa on a Canadian-made vaccine 'not working': Providence Therapeutics CEO


  1. It would be nice to see a story on the American choice to list water as a commodity priced by markets. How will this effect Canadian relations with its own water supply?

  2. The lawyers and judges of Edmonton locks me up without any reason for 5 months why isn’t that on the news

  3. I reported my illegal confinement for 5 months to the city Hall of Edmonton never got a response why isn’t that on the news

  4. The current government doesn’t believe in made in Canada. Innovation, ambition, forward thinking, national pride, leadership are dirty words for them.

  5. WOW! What a concept. Made in Canada.
    One wonders why this was not pursued early last year. Money perhaps?
    Kenney spent 1.5 billion in a pipe dream. Goes to show the politicians priorities.

    1. Made in Canada is the last thing we need right now. How is that made in Ontario lockdown strategy working or the made in Canada COVID response? Learn from other countries like Australia and New Sealant, close your borders down now. Travel is what is spreading the virus and the dangerous strains. Your lockdown will do little to contain that

  6. This government has done the ‘minimum’ to protect Canadians from Covid-19. This program for vaccines should have been a top priority in March of 2020 instead of just shoveling money out the door to everyone, even those who didn’t need it.

  7. Yet another “oversite” from the federal liberals. Justin and Patti probably saw the word “Alberta” on their desk and wrote it off. Typical.

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