The Senate voted not to call witnesses in President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial Friday afternoon, ushering in the final phase of the impeachment proceedings. Democrats had pressed to hear testimony from witnesses like ex-national security adviser John Bolton and acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney.
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Endgame: Vote to call Senate impeachment witnesses fails | The Day That Was | MSNBC
@realdonaldtrump said the process is rigged. What he did not say is he was going to take advantage of the rigged system. Voter suppression, gerimandering, trials without witnesses, etc. Welcome to the USSRA.
The GOP have made their choice.
They have chose ”party before constitution.”
Make sure your voter registration is up to date and valid for 2020.
@Karen Schumer You are as silly as the media you feed on
@WP Support Services Incorrect, he was not allowed in the IC committee, and the Judicial committee lasted 1 day before they voted. Facts matter and you don’t know them
@Michael Paysour Weird the Dems did not try to impeach him for that? Wake up from the sheeply propaganda.
And when the majority of the Americans vote for Trump again then what? ACCEPT THAT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE HAVE CHOSEN THEIR LEADER AND MOVE ON U MORONS!!!
@stephen glover No one knows who the whistle blower is so your Republican fox news talking points are fake .
I think what we have , is the republicans just culled themselves from humanity . It didn’t just happen, what just happened is they don’t care if they hide their deception or not anymore . The right wing, or Neocons are about ready to clamp down on free thinking all together . who ever reads these words better understand how evil right wing money & religion can get .
big jabaz you sound angry. I bet it’s because something didn’t go the way you wanted it to.
Patch r everyone knows who the paid whistle blower is. That’s old news!
Sad day in America…no more truth
@Maga 4Eva3. . . No witnesses, no documents, no trial. Fake acquittal. Fake victory. Criminals run the country. Can’t wait until they run over you.
the sky is falling down on your liberal dreams.THATS SO SAD.
@Maga 4Eva3 Yep, complete victory of a bunch of corrupters and liars.
How sad. Makes the ‘lawmakers’ complicit and ignorant. I hope they get all they deserve for worshipping their ‘dark lord’ . URP
@soylentdean. . . Your cowardly and feckless comment does nothing to convince people of your obvious lying. The Republicans MADE it a partisan thing, not the Democrats.
They are white washing the truth.
@Adi-LMNOP excuse me, just trying to get the vomit taste out of my mouth.
@Rebecca SonDag/Slaton I’m sure there’s more than vomit in there, honey-bunny….get it girl !!
Yeah but didn’t the house do the same as the senate. I like how Democrats are hypocrites. The house is controlled by the Democrats and ended in a partisan pass of the articles, but now that the senate is doing the same things. The Democrats are trying to pitch a different story that the republicans were not being fair. Like WTF those are the people who need to be cleaned out.
A last ditch effort to save their “Great White Hope” race defender. The party of trump will continue their march towards fascism.
Less than twenty percent of the population voted for him. He is a mistake.
@Power corrupts You’re insane. Get help.
If Trump is a racist, he’s the worst racist ever. Trump has done more for black and minority communities than the last 3 presidents, combined.
@David Simms Then I guess Trump is too old, too. He’s only a few years younger than Bernie and in much worse physical shape.
As a foreighner and frequent traveler to the USA, I think we’re witnessing how it slowly moves towards 3rd world politics… that will only turn it into a 3rd world country… I really hope I’m wrong…
@Densum 81 yes! KAS!
@BEST BOOK NETWORK we’ve always used Photo ID to Vote!
The USA is now a Banana Republikkkan third world country without witnesses, documents, or fair trials.
@Dave Waldon Before you judge people’s arguments, you might consider learning grammar. It’s you’re wrong, not ‘your wrong’ SMH
An absolute DISGRACE!!!!
DEMORATS are junk right. They couldn’t do right in the house. Shoulda went to the Courts
@bill b
There should have been no need to drag subpoenas thru the court’s. An honest man has nothing to hide. A patriotic American president does not call democrats or the media the enemies of the USA while befriending NK and Russia nor do they discredit our intelligence agencies on a global platform believing the true enemies over our own agencies.
Republicans will be back in their states soon, clearly, by no measure, did they represent their constituents. Town halls are coming…if they have the courage.
If you favor a one party system…what’s that called because it is not the USA.
McConnell has to much power too. He’s a threat to ever having a bipartisan government. One interest and one ruler.
Putin won today.
Nadler had to much power also
Putin has been winning since he put Trump in office.
@N S winning what ,, putin has no care what the USA does as for the radical democratic party ,,, all of a sudden radical lefties talk about the framers of the constitution
Radical lefties hate Washington and Jefferson they wanted the constitution removed in 2018 when they won the house
Low life sleazbags they are
south shore
You’re full of crap. Accusing the Dems is wanting to “remove” the Constitution is complete crap and you know it. Stop lying.
How is America going to be able to stand in front of the world and preach democracy, integrity and honesty after this fiasco? How would Americans explain this to their children? Sad day in American history. Sad day in human decency.
This is not an “acquittal”. You need a trial for that. We need a new word for this
. How about “sham”? 
monnie j absolutely this is not acquitted. Just ignoring. No rule. No law.
My husband said the same thing. This isn’t a offical trial. Im talking in the legal sense. Him and i would be happy to see trump not in office.
I call it a farce. Travesty.
Well, i guess thats the end of democracy

Glad we live in a Republic.
Lawrence made a good point. The Senate, which represents land, had the power/votes, to ignore the wishes of the people. This will happen again, unless there is reform.
Do a search on the Princeton U. study that shows Congress doesn’t do anything the people want.
“Congress literally doesn’t care what you think.” it should open your eyes a bit more.
Elect future Presidents by direct popular vote. Abolish the Electoral College that appoints the election loser President. The TYRANNY of the MINORITY is far worse than the tyranny of the majority.
@N S You do realise that just a few of the most populous states would then elect the President, right? Everybody not in those 5 or 6 top states could just not bother voting I guess, because it would have no effect. That is the reason behind the college.
Register. Vote. And then make room for 51 + 1* longterm Prisoners.
Remember: Democrats have 1 Less Senate
because of, former Sen. McCaskill’s– Republican-lite Centerist campaign..
@Adi-LMNOP Fake President. Fake Trial. Fake Republicans who are Trump Cult members.
*Acquitted ;0) and re-elected lmao
@Kim Coates Fake primaries, fake election, fake impeachment and Fake democrat scum but real Re-Election and real tears
Whether there were witnesses and evidence galore, they would have still acquitted the President. Let’s see how long these senate members last.
Kimberly Pinkney The Trump movement is growing. The independents are disgusted with the liberals. And the Socialism is the final straw
@Dave Waldon You are correct. Corporate socialism is a big part of the problem.
Kimberly Pinkney yes
He’ll just see this is a mandate to suborn and subvert elections and doing Putin’s work.
Elections get rigged we will rise up.
@smirk Mc flerkin ~ *It’s a whole lot better to personally contact everyone you know and everyone they know to register to vote. Then do whatever is needed to bring them to caste a vote. Around 50% of Americans vote and King Dump won with less than 25% of eligible voters. Any increase in voter turnout of just 1-2% dethrones the Russian asset. QED. Bring along two people who don’t normally vote and the democratic Republic lives.*
The only rigging of elections are that on the Democrat side. Look to the primaries
Armed with dildoes maybe. Democrats are poison
Annie Warbux Sure. Top two candidates are two old white privileged guys. Ones senile and the other is a socialist
@Dave Waldon FAR BETTER then a RUSSIAN DOUCHBAG we got now!!
Time to boycott the Bolton book. If he had come forward when the House requested his testimony, probably would have had a very different Senate trial. Of course those deplorable Republicans may still have voted to acquit, but Bolton betrayed the American people for money, and has enabled the damage to continue. SAD
So, true.
Yes, boycott Bolton’s book.
How many republican Senators should have recused from voting because they were in the loop and had their own corruption going on in Ukraine?
Welcome to ‘ GOPGATE’ where the truth is irrelevant…The COVER UP of the century