Many workers are refusing to go back to work amid the pandemic citing safety reasons. Employment lawyer Daniel Lublin has more on this.
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Ha ha…. I wonder why they don’t want to go back to work? You have got to be kidding.
Yes it’s perfectly safe to go back to work. Just ask all the Cargill plant employees and the recycling plant employees here in Alberta who are now all infected from their work place.
I think that is a different situation.. they were not put in lockdown properly and live with others
Lake side
And how many of them have been hospitalized as a result? Here in Ontario, as of June 26th, out of a total of 34,476 total confirmed cases so far, just 12.6% of them ever spent any time in the hospital. Which means 87.4% of cases were perfectly capable of weathering the infection on their own at home. Furthermore, the recovery/survival rate for those under 50 years of age is 99.79% (15,230 recoveries against 32 deaths in that age group). Those under 50 are 62% of Ontario’s population. Put another way, those under 50 are 47.6% of all confirmed cases so far but are only 1.21% of virus deaths.
The simpler version: the data clearly shows this virus is of little threat to the large majority of the population.
My son worked right through this pandemic and they have thousands of employees. Not a single one of them got covid. However he worked for a company that had far more dangerous things than a virus like covid to be concerned about. Deadly chemicals are not more dangerous depending on what age you are, so they were more than prepared. They do not have free roam of the place and they have cluster walls and other such security measures in place.. Temps were taken and most of them are in full bunny suits
Not just covid-19, but any virus
I have a immune system problem and bronchitis .
Im not going to work!
The word health organization and the federal government is to blame.
I make 5 times what the government is paying me at my job and i don’t care but i need some money to survive.
I would love to go to work and make money!
Money = freedom!
@BZ one I also have underlying health issues, so understand a bit of the tough decision you face. I didn’t apply for the CERB, though if I had, it would be like winning the lottery, as it’s 75% more than I get in a month on ODSP. Very different…I wasn’t making $10,000/month pre-pandemic, so that’s where I can’t relate. I can’t imagine living on 1/5th of what you normally do! Wishing you and your loved ones safety, peace, and as much lighthearted laughter as you can get in these increasingly stressful times.
Your chances of catching the virus are very low. And even if you did, even with those conditions, it is still far from certainty you would be gravely ill.
See what you have done with the fear mongering? You are complicit in this.
Indeed they are. But they won’t ever be held accountable for it.
There will always be a small group who take advantage.
All because of trudumps poor leadership
XRobbyX151 you know trump is not the priminster right
No excuse..get back to work !
Cut off the unemployment. Get the virus get over it.
If they refuse work, cut unemployment ASAP. I am a truck driver and been working the whole time
@GarudaLegends thank you for your many hours spent driving, waiting to unload/reload, and sitting in traffic, so others can receive products we need, from all over. I appreciate you! Wishing you and your loved ones safety, peace, and as much lighthearted laughter as you can get in these incredibly unpredictable times.
@Tracey No Matter What I concur
Since I’ve been alive, not a single person has been forced to work any job in Canada. Anybody is allowed to quit. The problem is wanting to keep your job while not working. Insanity continues in Canada 2020.
Refusal to come back to work is a force quit in america. I get why ppl are redusing to go back to work. I dont get why ppl would not work, but get the govermemt to take a vacation. Atleast go to the job sight to work or sanitize the biulding you had the job at. Stayimg home and not helping the effort to make the work place safe to work is unproductive
@GarudaLegends _”I get why ppl are redusing to go back to work.”_
I don’t. The data is absolutely clear on this: those under 50 years of age are at almost zero risk from the virus. I feel very much like Ripley during her meeting with the company board in _Aliens,_ asking them, “Did IQs just drop sharply while I was away?”
When you can live off the system why work? Were there infractions of any kind before the virus and were they reported. Is the virus the Trojan horse for a free ride.
Exactly, wage subsidies, rent subsidies, and forgivable loans for businesses, not to mention money to clean up oil mess, and they are still crying for bail out.
‘safety reasons’ has a 4 letter abbreviation: CERB
I know eh, Trudeau just allowed 14B to be spent on mostly privately own long term care corporation, and this is on top of the free labor from the military, wage subsidies, forgivable loans, and rent subsidies. We need to end corporate and business welfare.
Why should Canada go back to work when sockboy refuses to go to work. Thank you Canada tax payers for the lovely cottage!
Not afraid to protest or refusing to wear masks….
A flat rate for CERB instead of going with a percentage of income is a plot to divide public opinion. Some refuse going back to work may have a financial rather than safety concern.
Leave it to an employment lawyer to not mention CERB once as a possible reason. Honestly, if you’re PT at minimum wage what’s your incentive to go back? The Company of Trudeau pays much better.
BS BS BS They want to collect pay & not have to work. Why didn’t this get more thumbs down?
CERB is Trudeau’s path to re-election!