Rep. Matt Gaetz is in crisis mode, attempting to drum up campaign donations while embroiled in a DOJ sex crime probe. Gaetz denies all allegations. Gaetz has also hired Trump insider Roger Stone, who was busted in a DOJ probe, for "strategic consulting" for the probe he faces. MSNBC's Ari Melber reports on the arrangement and new details in the investigation. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ). Aired on 04/23/2021.
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#MattGaetz #SexProbe #MSNBC
Embroiled In DOJ Sex Probe, Gaetz Taps Pardoned Trump Ally Roger Stone For Backup
Such quality characters align themselves with the GOP.
@No_Hoax Trump_Colluded Remember Van Jones said CNN coverage of trump was a nothing burger?
@Cee Dee So you prefer the TRAITORS who just tried to overthrow the American Government???? Wow…how UNPATRIOTIC
@Mary Ann M And Van Jones was wrong.
@Cee Dee
Project veritas is one of the top publishers of bullsh*t rhetoric out there.
Next you’ll be directing people to Qanon sites.
Post the name of the original source.
Meanwhile Dem congressmen resign at just the suggestion of impropriety. Just ask Al Franken
Yes that’s it, clump together. Should make this all quite a bit easier.
Crook magnetism?
You realize a top CNN Director was exposed at great length on video tape saying everything about Matt Gaetz was made up because the Democrats fear his power. Yet, you still believe the media. omf you are so thick in the head.
@Cee Dee 4 month old spam bot, sounds about right.

@Ian Carolan I wonder how much Roger Stone pays these losers to spread this garbage.
@Cee Dee Whatever you say, Boris.
Makes sense. When you’re a criminal, the only ones you can trust are other criminals!
@Cee Dee Project Veritas is an American far-right activist group founded by James O’Keefe in 2010. The group produces deceptively edited videos of its undercover operations, which use secret recordings in an effort to discredit mainstream media organizations and progressive groups.
@Cee Dee Project Veritas is an American far-right activist group founded by James O’Keefe in 2010. The group produces deceptively edited videos of its undercover operations, which use secret recordings in an effort to discredit mainstream media organizations and progressive groups.
@Cee Dee
Project veritas is one of the top publishers of bullsh*t rhetoric out there.
Next you’ll be directing people to Qanon sites.
Post the name of the original source.
Just like the biden crime family
TRUMP 2024!!!!
In other words “I committed a crime, now please send me YOUR money so that I can hire a bunch of lawyers to try to get away with it.”
@R G -Yes! I’m glad most people recognized that. The trolls are out in full force!
@R G No way!! I’m shocked! Shocked I say.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t O’Keefe himself trying to desperately drum up clicks for his website. His “Acorn scoop” was a long time ago.
@GeminII* No worries.
@Cee Dee lair
@Cee Dee because your comments are lies . I should know
Matt Gaetz, Roger Stone and Trump = THE BEST ORANGE SUITS.
Suit will match trumps hair.
@Cee Dee
And here you are.
Give that lady a Kewpie Doll!
@Richardcheese I am not blindly accepting “truth” from anyone. Trump tried to destroy American democracy and install himself as a fascist leader. His followers were just fine with that. Look to history for a plethora of examples of this type of thing since man evolved to walk up right. None turned out well.
Cee Dee is a Trump follower. She and her ilk will do everything they can, including lying, distraction, distortion and disinformation to destroy American democracy and install the fascist leader of their choice. That choice is an orange monster.
Even if true, and shown in context, the words of one CNN editor will never change the truth of MAGA fascism and their intent.
Project Veritas is no better than Qanon. They are both right wing, disinformation organizations. With the specific intent of destroying American democracy, taking power and stealing all the wealth they can.
@periwinkle mcfee That’s all I need to know. Thank you.
Stone must be some kind of Sx Krime mentor, he is friends with all of the deviants.
He’s probably played “Lucky Pierre” a few times.
@Bam Boo Doesn’t change the fact Matt is under DOJ investigation. They are actually trying to say CNN made it up.
@Cee Dee duh get help
Some people remain in a stupidity coma.
@Cee Dee
I call bullsh*t.
Post the name of the “CNN director”, and we’ll look him/her up.
Project veritas is one of the top publishers of bullsh*t rhetoric out there.
Next you’ll be directing people to Qanon sites.
If you donate to Gaetz then you also get exclusive photos of Gaetz’s Girls direct from his cell phone
@Cee Dee you’re the one thick in the head
@Cee Dee so if YouTube kicked you out and you hate Democrats and anything to do with the left then why are you uses YouTube
@Gregg Zillges Roger Stone pays Cee Dee a dime for each million YouTube comments. Cee Dee is well on his way to earning his first dollar.
@Cee Dee
I call bullsh*t.
Post the name of the “CNN director”, and we’ll look him/her up.
Project veritas is one of the top publishers of bullsh*t rhetoric out there.
Next you’ll be directing people to Qanon sites.
@Cee Dee BOT!!
The corruption and stupidity happening in America is just mind numbing!!!!!
Yes, in trump’s America.
The Land of The Free-Dumb.
@Cee Dee keep Injecting The Bleach.
@Cee Dee Liar. Get a Life.
@Rick Karsan
Wow you need Help.
Matt Gaetz keeps trying to drag others onto his sinking ship and I absolutely love
@Cee Dee Project Veritas is an American far-right activist group founded by James O’Keefe in 2010. The group produces deceptively edited videos of its undercover operations, which use secret recordings in an effort to discredit mainstream media organizations and progressive groups.
@Cee Dee Project Veritas is an American far-right activist group founded by James O’Keefe in 2010. The group produces deceptively edited videos of its undercover operations, which use secret recordings in an effort to discredit mainstream media organizations and progressive groups. Hope your little comment gave you some excitement tho. THUMBS UP
Gaetz you pull that B S with REV All Sharpton if you are a real man try standing up to Mr Louis Farrakahan He would show you what a Small you are Gate Mouth
@Cee Dee
Watch more Hannity.
He graduated high school.
Nothing else, though.
Hmmmmm……how can we get others to board that si king ship.
How low of a human being does someone have to be, to ‘tap’ Roger Stone for backup…
0:21 Gaetz mixed up the words in the ad. He meant to say: “Because they tell the truth about me, I lie about everything.”
You realize a top CNN Director was exposed at great length on video tape saying everything about Matt Gaetz was made up because the Democrats fear his power. Yet, you still believe the media. omf you are so thick in the head.
@Cee Dee So this is what Matt Gaetz’ money for defence goes to, paying a silly and incompetent troll like you to spread lies to distract from the truth. Man, Gaetz is REALLY getting desperate!
@Cee Dee The guy from CNN was on a date, mouthing off to impress his date! He doesn’t RUN the studio, and is NOT the Executive Producer, and will probably be fired for his ridiculous comments.
This goes to show how much of a slug Gaetz really is by the friends he keeps.
OMG. Those birds of a feather truly do stick together. What a pair! Roger and Matt. Sounds like a cartoon. Oh wait – it is.
You realize a top CNN Director was exposed at great length on video tape saying everything about Matt Gaetz was made up because the Democrats fear his power. Yet, you still believe the media. omf you are so thick in the head.
@Cee Dee You might be a bot, or you might be bought. Whatever. I just know crooks when I see them. I lived through the Nixon administration.
@Cee Dee <——-Foreign bot?
@Clint …or a troll on Roger Stones payroll. This kind of desperate trolling is right up Stones alley.
Florida man , who do you turn to? Another Florida man…lol
Stone: “Get a Pardon from the President!”
Gates: “Yeah that won’t work what’s Plan B ?”
Stone: “Plan B?”
Daddy must have abandoned Matt. Why else would he go to Roger?? Classic.
And Trump won’t return his calls. He’s desperate.
What’s wrong, Matt? Was Rudy not available?

Rudy is hiding in his cage as Pinguin right now.
Hiring Rodger stone tells me one thing if he wants that snake to help him! He probably did most of the things they are saying and possibly worse.
It’s always worse, speaking from a crisis counselor POV.
Stone: _”Yes it is easy to get a free card for your crimes, you just have to have kompromat on your POTUS and threaten him if he doesn’t pardon you. Easypeasy!”_
Somehow it was inevitable that Stone would be in this mess. I have no objections.
That is so ridiculous! The more attention he draws to his self by wagging his tongue the more I’m believing he’s guilty. It’s like a cheating partner accusing you of cheating.