1. Imagine the worlds richest man and one of the smartest man in the world can get swindled by a clip on the internet. With all the power he has you’d think these things can’t slip him.

    1. @Baba Voss You people must seriously be slow if you think Elon Musk doesnt know what he’s doing. When you just chalk it up to ignorance you really fail to realize how sinister this entire time in America is.

  2. This reminds me of another miscaptioned video. The video was titled that capital police were letting protesters into the capital and it showed a progression of people coming through some doors and giving a rather nice head and shoulder shot to the camera positioned near the doorway. However, watching it to the end I noticed that the camera pans and revealed grass and trees. The video was not of Police letting people into the capital, but Iโ€™ve police letting people out through a doorway in such a way that they would get excellent video of each individual.

    I pointed this out in the comments and shortly afterwards the video evaporated.๐Ÿ˜‚

    1. @Charles Friscia It’s very sad that with all the obvious evidence you are BLIND to anything that shows the truth and can only SEE that which confirms your pre-existing and dead wrong beliefs. I mean WTF HAPPENED to EWE PEOPLE?

    2. Who planted the 2 bombs? 2 years with the most advanced biometric technology which can make you out from space but they have videos from multiple angles and crickets.

  3. “The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.”
    โ€” George Orwell, Notes on Nationalism

    1. @Chris Albert: Non college whites are in the minority by a large margin, compared to white folks who have some college, here in America. That is one reason, though not the main one, that Trump lost the election. And that fact, that America has a population that still is more or less educated, bodes well for us, and not so well for Trump, or for Putin. Or for Xi of China.

    2. @Grendal Not even that. Pretty much just propaganda at this point. And yet people
      use them for information. Inexplicable.

  4. Elon Musk never misses an opportunity to make himself look like a total fool. Didn’t the “Q Shaman’s” lawyer also state that his client was acting on Trump’s orders? I wonder why he thought that?

    1. He looked like a fool by responding accordingly to video evidence? You do realize he is in the know on all of this stuff right? You are not

    1. Who planted the 2 bombs? 2 years with the most advanced biometric technology which can make you out from space but they have videos from multiple angles and crickets.

  5. their lies are SO transparent – these last 6 years is as though a veil has been lifted, and we now see them and their machinations clearly

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