Ontario's Health Minister Christine Elliott defended the province's COVID-19 response today by saying this: "You want to speak about who is in crisis? Have you taken a look at Alberta?"
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is there an original source of that clip where she said that? it could be more helpful if there’s more context
I think that would be worth a watch for full context.
If Manitoba has less than 1 covid case for 69 hospitals, I’m thinking the curves flatten out and the nurses can go back to posting dance videos, ” normal “
Still more important than your job .
Of course she does. She still has a salary and pension, has no idea what is going on – cases don’t mean anything and are overstated. Defund the government!!
What a pile of hog wash.
Neither Alberta, nor Ontario are in any real crisis. This is a “phantom crisis”
Tin foil hat ON!
@Brooke Skylar Richardson You’re not intelligent and you don’t know any of the stats.
@Brooke Skylar Richardson Exactly! So many deniers.
@Mike Smith More intelligent than you likely.
Its just a ride.
All the numbers are skewed ffs
What more could Ontario do, exactly?
We need to get their needle and sign up to their tracking app and utilize the isolation centres they are setting up. Once we all agree to that, covid will be under control. They win, we lose.
@Kamakrazee What?
Alberta and Ontario needs a time out.
I’m curious how the virus can tell the difference between COSTCO and a family owned BBQ joint.
Same way it spreads through churches and Mennonite communities but not BLM riots.
Same way it targets minorities and creates “she-cessions”
He didn’t have a licence , and refused to adhere to regulations .
Lots of places across the country are open and do pick up as well .
Maybe provincially you took the wrong approach .
@Steve Anderson Are you on crack? What license are you talking about?
@Mike Sharkey I believe they call it a Costco card. It gives you the authority to buy anything that isn’t a hot dog.
Have you taken a look at increases in alcoholism, drug use, domestic abuse, suicides.
Thats of no concern…just got a flyer stating liquor stores are now open longer hours for the holidays!!
a brilliant attempt to foster national unity in the midst of a crisis..
bien fait Mme Elliott…
Could … and just bear with me on this… Could some of these “positive” COVID tests be just the seasonal flu? After all the symptoms are quite similar. I find it a little… uhmmm… suspicious that the “flu” has magically disappeared…..
Not if they are test using COVID-19 protocols. What you are saying does not make any sense.
@plauditecives cdc states c19 has never been isolated. They are testing for corona fragments at too high of an amplitude. Over 35 amplitide creates 50-80% false positives and its finding any type of corona virus and almost everyone has them. Last years flu shot had sars in it
Her job qualifications are she was married to a former finance minister how does that make her qualified for anything
Just like the rest of them
so it’s bad and worse? why does that matter? set limits in stores and enforce masks and then talk
Christine —sign off on ontario’s freedom NOW ,,,,,,,,,and your phantom crisis
Thank goodness we found a cure for the flu spreading around.
Christine, your lockdowns are not working, i.e., one size fits all approach.
What do you suggest be done? Appraisal of Ontario’s performance is based on metrics, most notably but not limited to, positivity rate, hospitalizations and deaths.
This does NOT require Defense! It REQUIRES Common Sense.
Day 262 of it’s only 15 days to flatten the curve.