Elizabeth Warren On Private Conversation With Mike Bloomberg During Debate | The Last Word | MSNBC

Sen. Elizabeth Warren tells Lawrence O’Donnell about the surprising conversation she had with Mike Bloomberg during a commercial break: "As many differences as were represented on that stage, ultimately, I believe that people get into the presidential candidacy because they love their country" and says bringing everyone together is how to beat Trump in 2020. Aired on 02/20/20.
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Elizabeth Warren On Private Conversation With Mike Bloomberg During Debate | The Last Word | MSNBC

Elizabeth Warren On Private Conversation With Mike Bloomberg During Debate | The Last Word | MSNBC


    1. Cant_Touch_This everyone on that stage is a sellout. They’re chosen actors/puppets like every other president and politician in the big debates. That’s the only way you make it there. We don’t have a choice

    2. @grow forit Here’s your proof. Her DNA shows that she is 1/64th to 1/1024th Native American . No tribal affiliation. That’s why Trump calls her “Pocahontas”.

    3. Spartacus Forlife and she’ll take it. Interesting as just this morning she did a complete turnaround and announced her campaign is in business for superpacs. Amazing timing! Of course she’s justifying her lying and deceit yet again by playing the gender card.

      I used to like and respect her. This campaign has revealed what a power-hungry phony she really is…

    4. Warren may be presenting herself to the DNC  and their ” centrist” candidates ,  as a more palatable version of Bernie,  who will promise to be progressive but who will ” play ball” with them most of the time .

  1. haha the establishment is freaking out about Bernie so now they want to give warren a hand in exchange for moderation

    1. ball licker HAHAHAHAH sh3 r3ally thinks the lollipop guild will pick h3r and sh3 is s0 vacant she is clueless I ALMOST feel sorry for h3r at least she served a purpose. She was a tool th3y us3d t0 b3at h3ll out of gollum HAHAHA I can’t figure out who is more pathetic

    2. Jared Shelton Here’s how I see how it will go. Once Amy, Biden and all of the other struggling democratic candidates like Steyer and Gabbard have dropped out, Pete will get their moderate votes. Unfortunately Bernie will continue to get warrens votes, making him stronger, but then she will drop out. That leaves Bloomberg, who obviously has too much baggage and had a terrible showing at the most recent debate. He will drop out. So then it comes down to Pete and Bernie. I could see Bloomburg then backing Pete. Pete said he is not opposed to Bloomburg backing him. Bloomburg would throw a ton of money towards Pete’s campaign that would focus on why Bernies socialistic plan would not get passed in Congress, even among Democratic Senators and House members. Moderates don’t want Bernie in office. Pete would cream Trump in the debate. Pete would get more electoral votes and make him President. Besides Trump is pushing and pushing the boundaries in sooooo many ways, with pardoning crooks, putting a unqualified person in intelligence and the list goes on. The judicial system and intelligence appointees are pushing back hard against trump. Trump self will self combust.

    1. Michele C-F who in their right mind would watch BBC, a left wing, British government owned, propaganda machine?? Oh, that’s right, I forgot you’re a democRAT leftist sheep who thinks that a corrupt government that can’t even run a DMV or a post office without losing tens of millions of dollars a year should be running the healthcare system and making decisions whether you or your family lives or dies. We already a have government run healthcare system, it’s called Medicare. Why don’t you ask some people who are on it and see how crappy it is?

    1. @BigLBA1 Exactly! She is a liar and a poser. The first minority to attend Harvard law? Since it suited her she never bothered to correct them! I am a descendant of French Canadians (Canuck) and my family has some Native blood. Just about every Canuck does. A lot more than 1/1024th, but we don’t identify ourselves as such. She lies when it suits her and it suits her often. Just like AOC using the name “Sandy” when attending BU and bartending. She claims to be from “the street” but she actually grew up in a very affluent area of the Bronx! These liars make me sick! These inventions of the PC culture are disgusting! Vote TRUMP in 2020!

  2. We have been in real trouble since 1871 organic act. Thank you corporate DC/USA. Politicians are puppets to the master

  3. I love Biden walking around aimlessly while everybody around him is doing something, like “Can I go now? Is it over? Where am I again? I need to pee.”

    1. @Chris Reid If you think that statement was racially motivated, you’re wrong. He was bringing two presumptions together to prove them both wrong.

    2. @Political Foolishness Tulsi Gabbard is a red sheep in blue clothing, she’d not even discreet about it. She should be removed from the Democrat ticket she doesn’t aspire to any Democrat ideals.

  4. 2:50 “immediately you both become human beings to each other…” You mean as opposed to what they normally are?

  5. Host: You and Bloomberg seem to be acting cordially like actual human beings. Let’s talk about that.
    Warren: Money bad. Hard work good. Plans good.

  6. How did it go from “we were talking about where I was born” to he is an “arrogant billionaire.”?? Having a humanly conversation as just 2 people definitely shows how arrogant he is… for sure.

    1. Mike lol, she’s just called the guy the biggest sexist (which he actually is unlike bernie) and a racist but it would make sense to ignore that cause she wants power? be Bloombergs token woman? you realize how embarrassing it would be for her when she calls Trump a sexist and he then releases ads showing Warren decimating Bloomberg on the debate stage over his sexist record?

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