Elizabeth Warren talks to Chris Hayes about Trump and Barr interfering with the operation of justice: “We are watching a descent into authoritarianism.” Aired on 02/12/20.
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Elizabeth Warren On Her Call To End Trump Corruption | All In | MSNBC
Alright, well answer me this: we know trump is no stable genius. What he does not know about government, governance, history, the separations of power and rule of law, the individual offices and more… he can not be the architect of this destruction of U S government – he has advisors and enablers… he is only a figure head… he gets the credit BUT WE ALL know he is not smart enough to think it all through on his own, nor do it all on his own. SO WHO ARE the dark shadow people who are destroying U S A in trump’s name?
Shine light on them too… call them out. Hold them accountable too. Must be attorneys and counselors and government people who do know everything impotus 3 doesn’t. SOMEONE is advising him what he can do and get away with. Someone is as dangerous if not more so than he is! That someone may be a number of insiders. Shine the light, turn over the rock… let’s find out who is helping him ruin the country… could be foreign, could be senators, but it is someone.
How about all of the above?
SUPERB Comment… I have long believed that there was a plan for this Presidency long in the making..and that outside forces literally had to “Find” a person to fit the bill for the Job.. Trump fits their dark requirements ..it needed to be someone who basically had very little interest in International Policy, a person who’s actual Political Ambitions were limited to how the end results would personally benefit him and his very close inner circle… They needed someone who thrives on feeling in control but who wants to do very little actual work..Trump talks about the “Deep State” and a “New World Order” all this Conspiracy stuff..and actually he may not be all that far off but NOT in the way he projects it.. Let’s face it..there is NOTHING “Normal” about how Bill Barr has conducted himself..the man took the “Special Council’s Report” and altered it..created that Four Page supposed Summary that did not reflect what the Report’s Findings were.. Plus..the Mueller team went to court in what late February or so of last year and asked for a six month extension ..they needed a half a year’s more time ..then Barr is ensconced and BINGO..the Investigation concludes..and Mr Mueller starts looking Ill practically.. I am no sleuth but just instinct says that “Something” is just not right there.. and Geeze..the Sham Trial in the GOP led Senate..this is insanity.. My guess is that a huge part of whatever is going on has a lot to do with White Nationalism and that this plan is not limited to us..it is Globally..but.. who am I to know.. We do know that this is dead serious and Our Democracy is in deep trouble..
putin ! ! ! Do you live under a rock ? Russia is behind Traitor trump, HELLO ! ! ! Corporation $ N Oil $ Are In There also.
@Orchid 2
Warren should tap Yang for running-mate.
She’s smart enough to pick his brain. Most diverse ticket possible.
I love Yang. He’s so smart articulate. I’d be so disappointed if he’s not tapped for a position as VP or in an administration. If not he needs to run for a House seat
I’m not even a Democrat, but I like Yang and “The Judge”
Yang is better off without her. She’ll do or say anything to get an advantage. People are seeing her for what she is and her campaign is falling apart. Yang can always run again.
Two teired justice
lovely <3
Thank you for not giving up!!!! Woman are very Strong People!!! Yet always misjudged by males. We run the home we make sure e everything in the house is ran the right way!!! Talk about it. It’s time for all of them to go!!!
She doesn’t scare me. Does she scare you? Do you think she scares Trump?
I can surely support a Bernie/Warren ticket, it would be great!
I thought he called her a liar on National TV?
Who do we call? Tell me what to do
Michelle Ladd..try contacting your Congressional rep…..AG Barr has over stepped his authority..impeach a.s.a.p.
Democratic frontrunner – 1:22 second video where he defends an attack
Lady freefalling in 4th place – 6:48 seconds of her platforming.
You guys are something else.
(Dante) Donald T descending into the inferno, like Horizon has never seen(BatonRouge)!
t’rump learning a lot of lessons this week, right, Susan?

Steve Bannon’s contacts with Stone during the 2016 campaign was one of the featured parts of Stone’s trial.
“I think we did, yes,” said Bannon, when asked during Stone’s trial whether the Trump campaign viewed Stone as its “access point” to WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.
Stone’s denials of having any contact with WikiLeaks was undercut by testimony from people like Bannon and a trail of emails and phone records. One message from Aug. 16, 2016, shows Stone telling Bannon on the day he took over as campaign CEO about the prospect that WikiLeaks would drop more damaging documents for the Clinton campaign.
“I have an idea … to save Trump’s @55,” Stone wrote.
Bannon testified that he heard repeatedly from Stone — before he even took over as Trump campaign chief — about his access to WikiLeaks. And Stone kept on talking about the potential of more detrimental materials through the late summer and early fall, at a time when Clinton had the lead in the polls.
Bannon’s contacts with Stone included an Oct. 4, 2016, exchange after a much-hyped Assange news conference, which fueled the hashtag “October?surprise” but it turned out to be a bust.
“It was a big dud, yes,” Bannon said.
But a few days later, WikiLeaks dumped emails stolen from the Clinton campaign just minutes after The Washington Post published the “Access Hollywood” tape. Bannon described that chain of events as the “Billy Bush weekend” — a reference to Trump bragging about grabbing women by the p..
Trump is terrified that Roger Stone won’t be able to do a long stretch in prison, and will decide to cut a deal instead, and reveal all of Trump’s crimes. Stone could corroborate Rick Gates’ testimony that Trump did in fact collude with WikiLeaks..
Ex-Trump campaign official Rick Gates testified under oath in Roger Stone’s trial that he was in the presidential limousine with Trump, and he’d heard Stone tell Trump about the WikiLeaks release of hacked DNC emails before the dump happened — a direct contradiction of what Trump told Mueller in his written testimony.
In his under oath testimony, Gates described how he’d seen Trump get a phone call from Stone in summer 2016, and after Trump hung up, told Gates “more information would be coming” regarding WikiLeaks..
Going back as far as April 2016, Gates said, Stone told him that information would be released by WikiLeaks that could be helpful to Trump’s campaign. He reiterated this the following month. All this was before WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange stated publicly on June 12, 2016, that he had pending releases related to Hillary Clinton.
On July 22, 2016, WikiLeaks posted thousands of emails from the DNC — emails that had been hacked by Russian intelligence officers.
After that, Gates testified, the top levels of the Trump campaign were very interested in what Stone knew about WikiLeaks. Gates said Manafort asked him to follow up with Stone to try to learn more about WikiLeaks’s plans. And Gates said that Manafort indicated he would update others on the campaign, “including the candidate” — Donald Trump.
Gates also testified that he witnessed a phone call between Trump and Stone in late July, shortly after the DNC email releases began, while Gates was in a car with Trump driving to LaGuardia Airport. Gates said that after the call ended, Trump told him that “more information would be coming.”
October 10, 2016 in Wilkes-Barre, PA: “This just came out,” Trump said. “WikiLeaks, I love WikiLeaks.”
October 12, 2016 in Ocala, FL: “This WikiLeaks stuff is unbelievable,” Trump said. “It tells you the inner heart, you gotta read it.”
October 13, 2016 in Cincinnati, OH: “It’s been amazing what’s coming out on WikiLeaks.”
October 31, 2016 in Warren, MI: “Another one came in today,” Trump said. “This WikiLeaks is like a treasure trove.”
November 4, 2016 in Wilmington, OH: “Getting off the plane, they were just announcing new WikiLeaks, and I wanted to stay there, but I didn’t want to keep you waiting,” said Trump. “Boy, I love reading those WikiLeaks.”
Trump on April 11, 2019, after Julian Assange is arrested:
“I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It’s not my thing, and I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange. I know nothing really about him. That’s not my deal in life.”
Has the world ever seen a bigger liar than Trump?
Warren calls it like it is. I am so proud of Senator Warren. A good , decent, thinking, feeling, smart woman. I will vote for any ticket that contains Warren, whether she is at the top of ticket or not.
Why havent we heard from Sanders on this yet? I like him… but i wish he would come out about everyday happenings.
Dude had a heart attack. I’m sure he needs rest.
bots goin crazyyy this week
Do you think the Democrat party is more or less unified today than it was in 2016?
Love it

I’m a part of constitution defender now. Its beneficial me thus to my fellow. So, how the laws is broke?
Just go away last place fake injun!
We need a fully independent enforcement agency which can investigate all matters of government corruption without interference from the president.
Oh no ! Pocahontas on warpath! Trump in big heap trouble. Squaw raise tomahawk!