Elizabeth Neumann: The ‘President Is About His Ego, Will Have No Constraints’ If He Wins | Deadline

Former Trump staffer Elizabeth Neuman joins Nicolle Wallace to discuss former DHS chief of staff Miles Taylor revealing himself as Anonymous, the Trump official who spoke out in an NYT op-ed in 2018, and her fears of what institutional norms Trump will destroy if he wins reelection. Aired on 10/28/2020.
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About Deadline White House: Before getting into cable news, Nicolle Wallace worked in politics, including as President George W. Bush’s communications director during his administration and for his 2004 re-election campaign. Those experiences helped contribute to the knowledge and unique point of view she brings to this program. Wallace leads dynamic discussions on the political stories driving the news cycle with Washington insiders and well-sourced journalists. She also provides in-depth reporting while delivering up-to-the-minute breaking news to viewers.

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Elizabeth Neumann: The ‘President Is About His Ego, Will Have No Constraints’ If He Wins | Deadline


  1. There are nearly 800,000 Democrat mail-in ballots outstanding in Florida. Come on, Democrats- get them delivered to your local drop-off point and get them counted! Bye-Don 2020!

    1. *Biden’s record-setting tax increases will take your money — and your job*
      June 28, 2020 https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/504536-bidens-record-setting-tax-increases-will-take-your-money-and-your-job

      *In 2016, Hillary Clinton ran for president proposing $1 trillion in tax increases. Would President Trump’s blue-collar boom ever have gotten off the ground with such a back-breaking tax burden?*

      But now, four years later, former vice president Joe Biden thinks he has a better idea. In his third run for the White House, Biden is proposing tax increases of nearly $4 trillion over the next 10 years. If he wins in November and these increases were to pass, they’d be the highest in American history — indeed, in world history.

      President Trump’s 2017 tax reform cut taxes for corporations, small businesses, blue-collar workers and the middle class. Since the 2016 election, employers have added 7 million new jobs and, until the COVID-19 pandemic this spring, Trump’s tax reform package created an economy that produced the lowest unemployment in American history for Blacks, Hispanics and Asians, along with increases in wages and middle-class incomes.

    2. @jl jl 2016 : 3 million more Libs
      2018 : 8 million more Libs
      2020 : 13 million more Libs
      You Stupid Goops have to stop them from breeding ! LOL Dumb Goop .

    1. *Biden’s Individual Mandate Tax Shatters His $400,000 Pledge and Hits Swing State Households Hard*
      Oct 22, 2020 https://www.atr.org/bidens-individual-mandate-tax-shatters-his-400000-pledge-and-hits-swing-state-households-hard

      *Joe Biden said he will re-impose the Obamacare individual mandate tax if he is elected. Most households liable for this tax made less than $50,000 per year.*

      According to IRS data, Biden’s individual mandate tax would hit roughly 353,000 households in Florida and 153,000 households in Pennsylvania. (See the full list of state figures at bottom).

      The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act signed by President Trump zeroed out the $695-$2,085 Biden-Obama individual mandate tax.

      But Biden has already vowed to re-impose the individual mandate tax. Here’s his exchange with CNN on July 5, 2019:

      CNN’s Chris Cuomo: “Would you bring back the individual mandate?”

      Joe Biden: “Yes. Yes, I’d bring back the individual mandate.”

      See for yourself by watching the clip below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQxQouu5wz4&feature=emb_title

      According to official IRS data for the 2017 tax year, 74% of households liable for the individual mandate tax had an adjusted gross income of less than $50,000.

      The individual mandate tax penalty was paid by 4,606,271 households.

      3,430,003 of these households had an adjusted gross income of less than $50,000.

      Biden has some explaining to do, as he made a promise to every American making less than $400,000 per year that they would not see a single penny of ANY tax hike. This Biden tax will hit middle class households in every state and every congressional district.

      IRS data below shows the number of households per state hit with this tax in just one year, 2017. This data serves as an approximation of how many households will be hit under Biden’s individual mandate tax.

  2. The narcissistic sociopath will burn everybody to get what he wants…except Ivanka. Not his little Ivanka. 😁

  3. A lot of people are getting caught slipping. Trump is molly whopping his base. But then of course they like it

  4. If he loses and concedes I will be absolutely shocked. I’ve seen nothing from this man to suggest he would do that. Literally nothing.

    1. Trump’s already won, but on the bright side…RBG will get her wish…just hope she’s able to look up and enjoy the moment.

  5. Trump has given up on fighting Covid. For the first time EVER, an American president has surrendered to an adversary.

  6. One person at a time. That’s what I’ve been doing with these comments; trying to reach out to people one at a time to make a difference. Am I succeeding? I’ll never know. But if just one more person starts wearing a mask (and covering their nose or it is worthless), washing their hands a full 20 seconds and social distancing – I’ll take it. Spread the word – kindness & compassion are the best antidotes to anger, pain and fear. Encourage people to do their own research beyond social media. Like every vote counts – so does every mask. Please be respectful too. Stay safe out there everyone. We can do this.

  7. IF you study the 7 deadly sins trumpy is guilty of all of them. PROVE ME WRONG IN YOUR REPLYS?? VOTE BLUE ALL THE WAY CHRISTIANS IF YOU ARE ONES!!

  8. If trump win he will be like Hitler, Stalin, Pal Pot, Mao, Kim, Putin, Caligula, and all other dictators in history rolled into one.

  9. “To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”
    ―President Theodore Roosevelt

    1. @Oh Yes, Please! I’ll Have Another Bowl Of TDS! I love this quote!!!

      “Nothing can stop what is coming”
      Q and then Trump tweeted it.

      “Never interfere with an enemy that’s in the process of destroying itself” sun Tzu

    2. Thanks, David J, it’s good to be reminded of saner times when truth and real respect for the people was something “front of mind” in the nation’s leaders.

  10. Make no mistake about, if Trump got a 2nd term, he would put an end to our 244 year old democratic republic, and America as he know it.

  11. Instead that the virus is ending coming around the curve, it’s world WAR 3. coming around the curve ! If you don’t vote him out !

  12. CLASSIC, Trump leaving all the bused in people in his rally stranded in the cold…TALK ABOUT A METAPHOR ! LOL

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