Elizabeth May explains why the Greens aren’t a one-issue party

Green Party Leader Elizabeth May discuss the party's growth and how they can keep the momentum ahead of the 2019 election.


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Elizabeth May explains why the Greens aren't a one-issue party


  1. They are definitely not! They would probably allow more terrorists in the country since she said herself that Omar Kadr has more class than the whole Canadian cabinet.

  2. Your crazy to vote for this but bag, she will kill Canada in high taxs,ha ha ha ha she won’t get in

  3. i always liked May. but never voted for her party federally, maybe this time tho. im from pei where the greens are the offical opposition AND holds the balance of power, so we know voting green isnt a waste of vote anymore

  4. Such an uninspiring “ leader”. I won’t ever consider Green while she is still around!!!!

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