In a New York Times op-ed, Elizabeth Drew writes that Trump cannot understand the civil servants testifying against him out of duty to the country. She also tells Lawrence O’Donnell that Democrats should include more than just Ukraine in articles of impeachment: "There should be a broader picture of the abuse of power that characterizes this presidency." Aired on 11/18/19.
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Elizabeth Drew On The ‘Honest People Trump Cannot Fathom’ | The Last Word | MSNBC
“The Walls Are Closing In”: Volume 87
These supposed walls have been closing in for 3 years, it’s getting old and these democrats/rhino deepstaters are dead in the water. This news channel is a fantasy joke. This lady just rattled of a bunch of vague baseless charges, that if anyone questions her rhetoric they get called a Racist. Maybe they need to stop acting like butthurt morons and pretend there is still a country to take care of… shame
In his second term the Dems’ mantra will be ”The ceiling’s caving in on him”.
@Justin Case lmfao
Ben Szemkus You strung just about every tedious fox news talking point and buzz word into your post. Nice job.
Elizabeth Drew could low key be Edith Bunker’s clone lolz.
That is funny
QueenJoose LaMonica LoL!
Queen Joose, yeh I had to do a double take – it’s uncanny
Networks are not mentioning the abduction of 5,500 children as high crimes. The result is preordained impunity for mass child abduction.
GeckoCkCkCk You are topped off with crap.
@Pat Cattin Ad hominem fallacy. The same could be said about the President and the impeachment.
Too bad Epstein is dead; otherwise he could testify also, I’m sure he got his feelings hurt when Trump threw him out of Mar-a-Lago. Trump is such a meanie.
Barr: ”Same; indeed.” -WINK-
This week will be interesting. I predict by the end of this week Trump will be panicking way more than he is now.
Why would he panic, its all a Hoax. Plus no Repub will vote for it. Its all a waste of taxpayer money. Just like mueller and the convicted felon cohen! All that money could have helped our homeless Vets, clean needles n crap off the city streets and etc. Fn sad all these 3 yrs of BS, bc of hilldog lost n sore loser cant move on. All this current bs will over and nothing will come of it as usual. He will remain the President until 2025. REMEMBER THIS TEXT FOR PROOF!
I did feel a little insulted when they said “something the public would understand.” It all seems easy to understand.
Suzie Michaels Suzie, many voters are not even paying attention (sadly) so the word, “bribery” would catch one’s eye more effectively than a Latin term. Please do not feel slighted. Counting on all to encourage voters to get out to vote Blue2020 to save America! Cheers!

Wendy Pastore You too, WENDY!
MAGA morons need more time
A gang of barbarians are looting and pillaging the country and the world. What’s hard to understand about that?
Suzie Michaels I felt the same way until I remembered his base. I think it was funny that trump went on a rant about what Sondland said. People who watched the hearing know what was said. His base does not care about the hearings and watch only trump’s righteous indignation. They are the ones who need to understand but that is not going to happen.
Politician swear an oath to defend the United States constitution they break that oath by attacking those who are doing thier jobs, and who are defending our constitution.
“I heard the news today, oh Boy.”
@Danny Bolman And though the holes were very small, they had to count them all …………..
@Ralf Häggström Is it: Blackburn Lancashire?
@Danny Bolman Oh yes, I just could not get it in my head, Thank you ………………..
@Ralf Häggström I couldn’t remember when I posted! Nobody was really sure if he was from the House of Lords!
@Danny Bolman A while since that was heard for the first time.
I’ve been railing on this for quite awhile, the dems focus on the “big” abuses, but there are many damning abuses that are just as serious that barely get mentioned. 45* has committed at least 10 impeachable acts.
@slamandjam2 The Trump Administration has been mired in scandal since literally Day 1. The Mueller Report has been out for like 6 months. The public generally knows about a lot of Trump’s misconduct (though there is always more, of course). What has moved public opinion 10-20 points in favor of impeachment (or at least condemnation)? The phone call. This scandal is easily understandable, intuitively wrong, and easily provable, with piles of evidence and lots of patriotic Americans willing to testify about what they saw (as opposed to the Mueller Report incidents, where Congress has been tied up in court fights to get any of the witnesses except Lewandowski). There is no shame in focusing on by far their strongest charge, especially since they are low on time and their goal isn’t really a conviction in the Senate but to convince the American people that the Senate acquittal is not proof of Trump’s innocence but, rather, proof of Republican corruption. Pelosi is right to take the strategy that is most likely to stop Trump once and for all, even if that leaves some crimes left on the table.
@Michael Ramon “low on time” ?
That should NOT be a consideration. The only concern should be the full exposure of the impeachable acts of Donald J. Trump.
The Mueller investigation only went on for 2 1/2 years. The Starr investigation went for 5 ! Are we trying to wrap it up before Christmas ? I say, the longer the better. Keep the facts coming. America deserves to know it all.
THEN we can pursue Barr, Pence,.
Sorry but the reality was this was your best shot, “i heard that someone else hear a phone call”, this is the level of derangement which proves the left are simply unfit to rule.
@Kashatnic K except for those who have said “I heard the president talking on the phone saying . . .” That’s quite a bit different.
Note: These bravo Civil Servants incur their own personal expenditures (travel, lodging, lawyers, etc.) to appear at these hearings to tell the truth and defend America. I applaud each and every one of these brave, dedicated patriots!

Republicans always assume that because they lie continuously therefore every one must do so also! They don’t believe anyone can be honest.
I know people like this.They think you’re stupid if you don’t do whatever if there’s no chance of getting caught. Total Amorality.
Also, one big article for 13,000+ lies?
Drew is correct: Cast the net as far and wide as possible. The more articles, the better.
And the more people exposed as wrapped up in the conspiracy, the better. Conspiracy to obstruct Congress and justice!
Perhaps the first mass impeachment in American history:
President Trump: Bribery, abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
VP Pence, AG Barr, Mick Mulvaney, Treasury Sec Minucen, and others: Conspiracy to obstruct justice and Congress
@JIMMY SPERLING You’ll ignore ACTUAL verified crimes of the Democrats all day long, but you get lied to by the MSM news outlets and you believe every word of it…… The words GULLIBLE MORON come to mind….
The problem with this theory is that expanding the articles dramatically increases the piles of evidence and testimony needed to handle the case. Are we going to spend the next six months breaking out witnesses to tell us about scandals we already know about, or prosecute the already solid and efficient case we have?
Remember, Al Capone went to jail for tax evasion, but he went down in history for all of the other crimes everyone knows he did. No one is going to look back on this era and say “Well, as long as I don’t extort an ally to interfere in an election, I can do everything Trump did no problem.” At least, not anyone who wasn’t already a crook to start with.
If necessary. It’s about justice, not convenience.
Capone wasn’t a president of the United States.
@George B. Wolffsohn …but we need to see him removed asap. He is becoming more dangerous. We need to see the honest GOP step forward.
@lima leaf frog the Kavenaugh hearings should have shown us what happens when you make speed the determinant of justice. His history of lying to the Senate didn’t get any airtime, the 27 witnesses who had evidence against his activities were not even interviewed. That resulted in his appointment rather than dismissal.
Trump cannot fathom honest people. That is exactly correct.
Honest Democrat = Oxymoron
@NinjaRider777R …Trump …father of lies
@lima leaf frog Go to 7:16 in the video. Testimony from the only person who was actually on that call that day. No Quid Pro Quo. No Bribery. Checkmate. Game Over.
I totally agree with Ms Drew. They have enough eividence to file 20 counts against him and each and everyone should be brought before the Senate. I believe the 70% Resistance will probably stand with her. I know I would.
Mr. O’Donnell — the general public would like to know WHEN the Congressional Impeachment Committee are going to move on to the other 49 articles of impeachment that the citizens know Trump is guilty of.
“Looting the government” for his and his family’s enrichment….now that’s one for the history books.
trumps “base” is on Wet Clay Foots ! ………………….
At least some of the more reflective souls who covered the Clinton impeachment with such passion for the purity of the Presidency must ask themselves about the standards to which they held WJC. When we reach the point where the question is not which person the President is screwing, but which democracy …