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Elizabeth Banks PSA | Plan Your Vote | Universal Films
Donald Trump is killing this country
Biden and Harris 2020
trump isn’t just running for president, he’s also running from prison
mmmmmmm like to wake up next to that lol :)) that wood be my morning cupcake lol
Every republican president has given a recession but this takes the cake
When will Americans learn …
America is
23 in education.
25 in democracy index.
34 in raising a family index.
37 in healthcare.
No high speed train.
Highest number of homeless people.
Highest number of incarcerated people.
78% of people live paycheck to paycheck.
Stock market is not economy of Americans, where 90% of money belongs to top 10% of population, it’s wallet of the rich!
Let’s talk like adults, instead of name calling!
I have left ample of proof on my playlist, if you would like to check.
Let’s make our country better together!!
I could use a cupcake. Two, I could use two cupcakes.
Notice how there are no conservatives or republican celebrities making PSAs to get more people to vote.

Almost as if they don’t actually want us to vote.
Do you really want THE MOST LIBERAL/Socialist Senator to be your President??? That IS what will happen if you elect Harris-Biden!!! She got 1% in the Primaries for a reason; even Blacks can’t stand her! I find it both interesting and telling that Kamala Harris; the candidate that VIRTUALLY NO Democrat even liked during the primaries, the one who literally ‘slept her way to the top’ did everything she could to be the VP pick for the guy that she correctly outed as a quazi-racist during the Democratic National debates??????? And here is the liberal reference for you: Oh, and what about his “racial jungle” statement? And let us not forget his reverence for “close friend” racist and former KKK member Robert “Exalted Cyclops” Byrd: And finally, Joe as the author of the Crime Bill that so disproportionately punished Blacks, sentencing them to many YEARS for even small drug offenses and Harris being the one in California who took great pleasure in locking up many of her Black brethren!! YET liberals are excited about these people as their choices????????? Telling for the new-found followers lack of principles. If I were sharing these same FACTS and they were about Trump, people would be screaming angry, wanting him dead!!
Now we find out her ancestors were slave owners!! What?? I bet you liberals’ heads would literally explode if they found out Trump’s family had owned slaves!!! I KNOW MSNBC would go ‘off the rails’!! And, as always, here is the link to the FACTS:
Oh yeah, I almost forgot, the women that were sexually assaulted by Joe, the ones Kamala said the believed a couple months ago, SHE NO LONGER BELIEVES THEM!!!! So much for the ‘me too’ movement!
She’s Soo Pretty
Imagine when you wake up and find out TRUMP is PRESIDENT… LMAO
BLM = Biden’s Laptop Matters
Elizabeth, your absolutely 100% correct, Americans, SLEEP WALKING TOWARDS DISASTER, isn’t an option, President Trump been standing on your behalf for 4 years, while under attack 24/7/365. It is now your turn, Stand Up For Him. “GET OUT AND VOTE”.
According to Harris-Biden, the voters don’t deserve to know:
An ACTUAL Conspiracy: The coverup of the Biden Laptop. FACT: NOT ONE person from the Biden camp or family has denied the laptop belongs to Hunter Biden! FACT: NOT ONE person has refuted ANY of the pictures, emails, texts or videos that have been released! FACT: There has been NO intelligence briefing that has stated the laptop is part of any “Russian disinformation campaign”! FACT: NO ONE has denied that it is Hunter Biden’s signature on the receipt for the laptop!! YET MSNBC and all other propaganda outlets are doing everything they can to 1) keep this NEWS from you and 2) attempting to discredit it WITHOUT ANY of their own investigation!
Update: Joe Biden makes a statement on this YET still has NOT denied the authenticity of the laptop, the emails, texts or videos or pictures!
In light of the new ChinaBiden corruption evidence early voters can still change their vote!
msnbc almost makes cnn look watchable.